
第223章 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes(37)

“ ‘Ku Klux Klan. A name derived from the fanciful resemblance tothe sound produced by cocking a rifle. This terrible secret societywas formed by some ex-Confederate soldiers in the Southern statesafter the Civil War, and it rapidly formed local branches in differentparts of the country, notably in Tennessee, Louisiana, the Carolinas,Georgia, and Florida. Its power was used for political purposes,principally for the terrorising of the negro voters and the murderingand driving from the country of those who were opposed to itsviews. Its outrages were usually preceded by a warning sent to themarked man in some fantastic but generally recognised shape—asprig of oak-leaves in some parts, melon seeds or orange pips inothers. On receiving this the victim might either openly abjure hisformer ways, or might fly from the country. If he braved the matterout, death would unfailingly come upon him, and usually in somestrange and unforeseen manner. So perfect was the organisationof the society, and so systematic its methods, that there is hardlya case upon record where any man succeeded in braving it withimpunity, or in which any of its outrages were traced home to theperpetrators. For some years the organisation flourished in spiteof the efforts of the United States government and of the betterclasses of the community in the South. Eventually, in the year 1869,the movement rather suddenly collapsed, although there have beensporadic outbreaks of the same sort since that date.’

“You will observe,” said Holmes, laying down the volume, “thatthe sudden breaking up of the society was coincident with thedisappearance of Openshaw from America with their papers.

It may well have been cause and effect. It is no wonder that heand his family have some of the more implacable spirits upontheir track. You can understand that this register and diary mayimplicate some of the first men in the South, and that there maybe many who will not sleep easy at night until it is recovered.”

“Then the page we have seen——”

“Is such as we might expect. It ran, if I remember right, ‘sentthe pips to A, B, and C’ —that is, sent the society’s warning tothem. Then there are successive entries that A and B cleared,or left the country, and finally that C was visited, with, I fear, asinister result for C. Well, I think, Doctor, that we may let somelight into this dark place, and I believe that the only chance youngOpenshaw has in the meantime is to do what I have told him.

There is nothing more to be said or to be done to-night, so hand meover my violin and let us try to forget for half an hour the miserableweather and the still more miserable ways of our fellow men.”

It had cleared in the morning, and the sun was shining with asubdued brightness through the dim veil which hangs over thegreat city. Sherlock Holmes was already at breakfast when I camedown.

“You will excuse me for not waiting for you,” said he; “I have,I foresee, a very busy day before me in looking into this case ofyoung Openshaw’s.”

“What steps will you take?” I asked.

“It will very much depend upon the results of my first inquiries.

I may have to go down to Horsham, after all.”

“You will not go there first?”

“No, I shall commence with the City. Just ring the bell and themaid will bring up your coffee.”

As I waited, I lifted the unopened newspaper from the tableand glanced my eye over it. It rested upon a heading which sent achill to my heart.

“Holmes,” I cried, “you are too late.”

“Ah!” said he, laying down his cup, “I feared as much. How wasit done?” He spoke calmly, but I could see that he was deeplymoved.

“My eye caught the name of Openshaw, and the heading ‘TragedyNear Waterloo Bridge.’ Here is the account:

“ ‘Between nine and ten last night Police-Constable Cook, of theH Division, on duty near Waterloo Bridge, heard a cry for help anda splash in the water. The night, however, was extremely dark andstormy, so that, in spite of the help of several passers-by, it was quiteimpossible to effect a rescue. The alarm, however, was given, and,by the aid of the water-police, the body was eventually recovered.

It proved to be that of a young gentleman whose name, as itappears from an envelope which was found in his pocket, was JohnOpenshaw, and whose residence is near Horsham. It is conjecturedthat he may have been hurrying down to catch the last train fromWaterloo Station, and that in his haste and the extreme darknesshe missed his path and walked over the edge of one of the smalllanding-places for river steamboats. The body exhibited no tracesof violence, and there can be no doubt that the deceased had beenthe victim of an unfortunate accident, which should have the effectof calling the attention of the authorities to the condition of theriverside landing-stages.’ ”

We sat in silence for some minutes, Holmes more depressed andshaken than I had ever seen him.

“That hurts my pride, Watson,” he said at last. “It is a pettyfeeling, no doubt, but it hurts my pride. It becomes a personalmatter with me now, and, if God sends me health, I shall set myhand upon this gang. That he should come to me for help, andthat I should send him away to his death——!” He sprang from hischair and paced about the room in uncontrollable agitation, with aflush upon his sallow cheeks and a nervous clasping and unclaspingof his long thin hands.

“They must be cunning devils,” he exclaimed at last. “How couldthey have decoyed him down there? The Embankment is noton the direct line to the station. The bridge, no doubt, was toocrowded, even on such a night, for their purpose. Well, Watson,we shall see who will win in the long run. I am going out now!”

“To the police?”

“No; I shall be my own police. When I have spun the web theymay take the flies, but not before.”

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