
第45章 宗教(3)

cash [kAF]现金For each share they own,Guidant stockholders would receive 36in cash and the equivalent of 36in Boston Scientific stock for a total valuation of72a share,the letter said(.The New York Times )

compensate [5kCmp[nseit]补偿

European aircraft maker Airbus agrees to compensate airlines affected bydelay in deliveries of the new A380superjumbo(.BBC)

consumer [k[n5sjU:m[]消费者

Microsoft Corp(.MSFT)on Friday said it would delay the consumerlaunch of its Office software package until next year to coincide with thedebut of its Vista operating system(.FOX NEWS)

cost [kCst]成本General Motors is offering hourly workers as much as 140,000each to leave the company as the troubled automaker extends its push to cut laborcosts and put an end to billions of dollars in losses(.CNN)

currency [5kQr[nsI]货币;流通The yen fell after Japanese officials,on the sides of a meeting of G7finance ministers,signaled their comfort with the currency’s slide,which has gained speed with the expected widening in Japan‘s interest rategap with other major economies(.CNN)

deficit [5defIst]赤字、逆差、亏空After three years of steadily climbing budget shortfalls,President Bush finally had some good fiscal news Wednesday:Surging revenues and a steady economy have led to a steep drop in the expected deficit for this year.(USA TODAY)

demand [dI5mB:n]需求量、需要Sales of new U.S.homes slumped by the most in nine years and demand for business equipment declined last month,prompting some economists tolower their growth forecasts(.The Bloomberg)

depression [dI5preF[n]萧条、不景气

After more than a decade of post-Soviet drabness and depression,Kazakhstan is suddenly on the edge of a relative boom(.BBC )

dollar [5dCl[]美元

The 12-nation euro rose slightly against the dollar Monday,though theU.S.currency hit a 32-month high against the Japanese yen(.AP)

estimate [5estImeit]估计、估价、评估“It is aesthetically the type of meteorite that makes collectors drool,”said Arnold,who has hunted for meteorites around the world and estimates his find is worth“seven figures”.Arnold said he wants to sell it,preferablyto a museum or someone who will keep it intact(.NBC)

exchange [Iks5tFeindV]兑换foreign exchange 外汇rate of exchange 汇率、兑换率Sanitation,pest removal and maintenance services company Ecolab Inc.plans to exchange some of its euro bonds due 2007for new bonds due 2012,the banks managing the exchange said on Monday(.Reuters)

Two leading Zimbabwe cricketers and a well-known official have been arrested on charges of violating foreign exchange rules,it has been reported.(BBC )

Economic officials from the world’s richest countries resumed their pressure on India to adopt a more flexible exchange rate and called Saturday for vigorous action against such threats to growth as high oil prices,protectionism and inflation(.CBS)

expenditure [Iks5pendItF[]支出额、花费Thursday‘s big gains were partly tied to a report showing an inflation index closely watched by the Federal Reserve -the core personal consumption expenditure index -rose just 0.1percent,only half the gainthat Wall Street expected(.Reuters)

export v.[Iks5pC:t]n.[5ekspC:t]出口Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao was quoted by Xinhua on Monday as sayingU.S.curbs on China’s textile exports were not conducive to good traderelations(.CNN)

finance [fai5nAns]给……提供资金;财政、金融The U.S.military said he has helped finance the insurgency but that hisinfluence has waned while he has been in hiding(.CNN)

British finance minister Gordon Brown said on Monday the government will legislate next year to allow listed Real Estate Investment Trusts(REITs),now a booming investment vehicle in other parts of the world.(NBC)

fund [fQnd]基金;专款;为……提供资金The declaration was shelved after Egypt insisted on language that would have given Arab governments greater control over which democracy groupsreceive money from a new fund(.CBS)

The Liberal Democrat MSP said money raised from the tax could fundenvironmental projects(.BBC)

import [Im5pC:t]进口

Japan‘s agriculture ministry says it will resume imports of US andCanadian beef after a two-year ban(.BBC)

Brian Walters QC and Robert Richter QC believe the Bali Nine could becharged with conspiring to import heroin into Australia(.The Australian)

incentive [In5sentIv]刺激;鼓励General Motors Corp.and Delphi Corp.are close to an agreement with the United Auto Workers union on early retirement incentives for tens ofthousands of workers,people familiar with the talks said(.The Bloomberg)

income [5InkQm]收入、所得

US consumer spending falls 0.5%in August as fuel prices soar whileHurricane Katrina impacts on personal incomes(.BBC)

inflation [In5fleiF[n]通货膨胀Consumer prices shot up in July,reflecting sharply higher prices for gasoline and other energy products.But new-car prices fell by the biggest amount in 30years,helping to keep underlying inflation pressures tame.(USA TODAY)

interest [5IntrIst]利息“The interest rate of our total debt is about 6.6percent,which is pretty reasonable,so paying down debt isn’t necessarily the best use of our cash,”

he said(.Reuters)

joint venture 合资、合作、联合joint stock 合股SpaceX also filed a lawsuit against Boeing and Lockheed Martin,accusing them of violating antitrust laws by forging a new joint venture toseek government launch contracts(.NBC)

Anatoly Chubais,chief of the “Unified Energy Systems (UES)of Russia”joint-stock company,pointed out,for his part,that 27,000million roubles out of the above-mentioned amount have already been found andthat another 20,000million roubles are yet to be found(.Itar Tass )

loan [l[Un]贷款He said Iraq had asked the Japanese government to use 20-30percent of a promised 3.5billion loan -agreed in 2003but yet to be disbursed -in the oil and gas industry.Japan agreed last month to write off 80percent of debts owed to it by Iraq,helping to open the way for resuming the newloans(.Reuters)

loss [lCs]损失

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