
第37章 军事(2)

barrage [5bArB:V]掩护炮火Also Wednesday,in the fifth straight day of airstrikes,Israeli aircraft unleashed a barrage of missiles and fired artillery shells into the Gaza Strip for the first time.The strikes knocked out power to Gaza City and destroyeda bridge,but no injuries were reported(.AP)

base [beis]基地

air-base 空军基地A military jury in Fort Bliss,Tex.,cleared an Army sergeant of charges that he had abused a detainee at the Bagram Air Base detention center inAfghanistan in 2002(.AP)

beat [bI:t]打击、打败

Ahly of Egypt beat Tunisia’s Etoile Sahel 3-0to win the 2005CafChampions League(.BBC)

bomb [bCm]炸弹;投弹、轰炸time bomb 定时炸弹Rumsfeld and Gen.Peter Pace,chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,said they expect insurgents to expand their attacks as the elections approach,but would not say exactly how they plan to protect U.S.soldiers from thegrowing number of roadside bombs(.AP)

The Australian embassy in Jakarta was bombed in September 2004in aterrorist attack that left 10people dead(.CNN)

bomber [5bCm[]投炸弹的人、轰炸机

In 2002,bombers struck nightclubs in the tourist strip of Bali killingmore than 200people,including 88Australians(.CNN)

border dispute 边界争端

China and India agreed Monday to resolve a decades-old border disputeand let trade flourish between the countries(.CNN)

breakdown [5breikdaun]崩溃、失败;损坏

We can only wonder what unusual word the great provocateur would reach for nowadays,given the current state of research.While data about family formation are still worrisome,other social troubles,whichMoynihan and like-minded observers always assumed derived from familybreakdown,are actually improving(.Bloomberg)

camp [kAmp]露营地、阵营labor camp 劳改营prison camp 战俘集中营refugee camp 难民营concentration camp 集中营Fragments of stone implements believed to be up to 12,000years old have been found at two sites of Cyprus,suggesting roving mariners used the areas as temporary camp sites after forays from what is today Syria andTurkey(.Reuters)

My heart was breaking because my only son and my beloved husband,they have no relationship to my imprisonment,but they had to go to a forced labor camp.And this type of system exists only in North Korea,nowhereelse in the world(.NBC)

Mary Nyamom lies by her half-dead child in the bare hospital in Kurmuk on the Sudan-Ethiopia border,declaring she will return to the refugee campshe lived in before because it had better health services(.ABC)

Images from video smuggled from North Korea show a public execution and what appears to be a concentration camp housing political prisoners,according to a CNN documentary set to air Sunday night(.CNN)

captain [5kAptein](空军,海军)上校、(陆军)上尉;舰长、船长India‘s former captain Saurav Ganguly is not in the Indian team for theremaining two ODIs against Sri Lanka(.BBC)

capture [5kAptF[]俘获、捕获、夺取In a separate statement,Bosnian Serb leaders said the most high-profile accused Serbian war criminals should surrender and warned that if theyrefused local authorities would seek to capture the two men(.ABC)

casualty [5kAVjU[ltI]伤亡、伤亡人员“Approximately 80percent of all attacks are directed against coalition forces,but 80percent of all casualties are suffered by Iraqis,”the Pentagonreport said(.CNN)

cease-fire 停火The prisoners were freed as part of a long-delayed package of measures agreed between Ariel Sharon,the Israeli Prime Minister,and Mr Abbas at their Sharm el-Sheikh summit in February when they declared a mutualceasefire(.TIMES)

civilian [sI5vIlj[n]平民Israel’s Supreme Court on Thursday banned the military‘s practice of using Palestinian civilians as “human shields”in arrest raids,saying itviolates international law(.CNN)

colonel [5k[:nl]陆军上校Col.William Wood,commanding officer of the 1st Battalion,184th Infantry Regiment,died last week,the highest-ranking U.S.officer to bekilled in combat in the Iraq war,the U.S.military said Monday(.CNN)

commander [k[5mB:nd[]司令官、指挥官

“We’ll decide what we‘re going to do about December as we go along,but it would not be a surprise to me that the commanders would want to have some sort of an overlap there”between arriving and departing units,Rumsfeld said(.AP)

confrontation [9kCnfrQn5teiF[n]对抗“We have to continue our confrontation with the United States and Israel.This could help the world get rid of the arrogant powers,”the hard-lineJomhuri Eslami daily said in an editorial(.FOX NEWS)

conquer [5kCNk[]征服

By Andrew Walker BBC News Sixty years ago the US hired Nazi scientists to lead pioneering projects,such as the race to conquer space.These men provided the US with cutting-edge technology which still leadsthe way today,but at a cost(.BBC)

conquest [5kCnkwest]征服;战利品The film’s stars will be unrecognizable to most moviegoers,and they will speak in the Mayan tongue of Yucateco,Gibson said.It will be light on dialogue and heavy on images and action.It‘s set 600years ago,prior to the16th-century Spanish conquest of Mexico and Central America(.CNN)

crisis [5kraisIs]危机

Niger faces a second food crisis in the coming months unless worlddonors give more,a UN agency warns(.BBC)

cruiser [5krU:z[]巡洋舰The cruiser USS Porter,which carries advanced radar capable of detecting incoming missiles,will be stationed off the Israeli coast and willtake part in the exercise(.AP)

curfew [5k[:fju:]宵禁、宵禁令impose(lift)a curfew 实施(撤销)宵禁But the rioting seemed to have tapered off from previous nights,following government moves to bolster police powers and allow localauthorities to impose curfews(.CNN)

French regional officials were preparing to use the state-of-emergency powers to impose curfews.The Interior Ministry said there was nocentralized list of towns and cities that would be affected,because curfewmeasures were being drawn up locally(.AP)

The Army wanted to open the bridge and lift the curfew by the beginningof the Muslim holy month of Ramadan,he said(.CNN)

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