
第17章 外交(4)

fraternal [fr[5t[:nl]兄弟的fraternity [fr[5t[:nItI]手足之情、友爱“Syria is keen on the fraternal ties with Lebanon on a level that both peoples`want and accords with the existing historical and social ties,”Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was quoted as saying in a cable ofcongratulation to Lebanese President Emile Lahoud on Lebanon`s NationalDay(.Angola Press)

Four fraternity members pleaded guilty in the death of a college student who was forced to drink large amounts of water during an initiation rite.(CNN)

halt [hC:lt]停止

Doctors‘groups file a petition in an Israeli court seeking to halt Israelijets from breaking the sound barrier over Gaza(.BBC)

harmony [5hB:m[nI]协调、一致harmonious [hB:5m[Uni[s]协调的、和谐的“Let me stress that any reform plan we arrive at should serve to facilitate harmony among nations,rather than presage another variant of great powerpolitics,”he said(.FOX NEWS)

National Association of Letter Carriers president Vincent Sombrotto said in a statement he was pleased that this contract was achieved in aharmonious atmosphere,devoid of any acrimony that sometimes occursduring such negotiations(.CBS)

High Commission 高级专员公署High Commissioner 高级专员:最高特派专员或高级特派专员The authorities have started investigation into the illegal travel of Mr Gotum to Lahore,said an official here,adding that the possible link of Indian High Commission’s staffer with RAW,the Indian intelligenceagency,was being looked into(.The Nation)

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights called Saturday for an international investigation into detention conditions in Iraq.The discovery of more than 160prisoners at an Iraq ministry compound revealed signs of torture.

honour [5Cn[]尊敬in one‘s honour 对某人表示尊敬Americans across the country paused on Veterans Day to honor those who fought for them in past conflicts as well as those still fighting across theglobe(.FOX NEWS)

Salma Hayek will host this year’s Nobel Peace Prize Concert in honourof laureate Mohamed ElBaradei(.AP)

incursion [In5k[:F[n]侵入、袭击An Israeli army spokeswoman said two Palestinians,who threw molotov cocktails at a jeep during the incursion,had been hit by soldiers who hadopened fire(.ABC)

interfere with(in)[9Int[5fi[]干涉、干预interference [9Int[5fi[r[ns]干涉、干预American officials sought to downplay the mortar attack on a U.S.

ceremony transferring one of Saddam Hussein‘s palaces in Tikrit to Iraqicontrol.The officials said the lone shell failed to explode and did notinterfere with the handover(.ABC)

Quebec Premier Jean Charest and B.C.Premier Gordon Campbell responded by saying Ottawa should not interfere in how provinces deliverhealth care(.Canadian Press)

The next day,the inspector general of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting found that the agency’s former chairman,Kenneth Y.Tomlinson,had repeatedly crossed bounds established by law intended toprotect public television and radio from political interference(.YORK TIMES)THE NEWintelligence [In5telIdV[ns]情报、信息While admitting “we were wrong”about Iraq‘s weapons of mass destruction,President Bush’s national security adviser on Sunday rejected assertions that the president manipulated intelligence and misled theAmerican people(.FOX NEWS)

invoke[In5v[Uk]授引、调用;调用祈求、恳求invocation[9Inv[U5keiF[n]祈求、祈祷Clark‘s attorney says he will invoke legal restrictions on testimony froma spouse to keep the boy from having to testify against her(.FOX NEWS)

Another memory from those final days was a phone call George received from Billy Graham.Because of our close friendship,he was worried about what we would think if he accepted Bill Clinton’s invitation to give theinaugural invocation.George assured him that nothing would please himmore,and he meant it(.NBC)

imply [Im5plai]暗示;意指implication [9ImplI5keiF[n]暗示;意指The investigation,which opened last March,did not imply anywrongdoing on the part of the executives or the airline,he said(.Reuters)

``It‘s unusual for a policy maker to comment like this,and the implication is their currency is a good sell,’‘said Sarah Hewin,an economist at American Express Bank,that tied first place as the most accurate forecaster of the pound against the dollar in the third quarter.``Themarket’s expecting U.S.rates to go higher than the U.K.‘s soon,and that’ll support the dollar.‘’(Bloomberg)

import v.[Im5pC:t]n.[5ImpC:t]进口Patients won‘t find it any easier to import prescription medicine even though President Bush has signed legislation containing a provision thatlawmakers say was meant to clear the way for cheaper drugs(.AP)

China bans poultry imports from affected countries and seeks a licence tomake the Tamiflu drug(.BBC)

impudence [5ImpjUd[ns]无礼、冒失While Australia would prefer that no military action be required,“we have to deal in reality.And the reality is that so far Iraq has,with great impudence,ignored the resolutions of the Security Council,”Howard said.(CNN)

indicate [5IndIkeit]指示、指出;迹象indication [9IndI5keiF[n]指示;迹象The Halifax says house price inflation has risen,indicating the housingmarket may be picking up again.

Defense Secretary Donald H.Rumsfeld said he had seen no indication North Korea was backing away from plans to continue building nuclearweapons.

involve [In5vClv]卷入、拖累involvement [In5vClvm[nt]卷入、牵连The star of such films as“Mean Girls”and“Herbie:Fully Loaded”also was involved in a May 31traffic accident when she tried to evade aphotographer who collided with her.

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