
第15章 外交(2)

A diplomat said Tuesday that Britain,which currently holds the rotating presidency of the European Union,has agreed to write to the United States requesting clarification of news reports of secret prisons in Eastern Europe.(ABC)

closed-door 非公开的,秘密的,闭门的“At the moment Sino-Japanese relations face a difficult situation.Sucha difficult situation is not one we want to see,”President Hu Jintao toldreporters after the closed-door meeting(.CNN)

commitment [k[5mItm[nt]承诺、允诺French President Jacques Chirac:“A great statesman who through the strength of his convictions and his commitment to democracy will leave a deep mark in history.”(NBC)comment on [5kCm[nt]评论President Bush says the US will not tire in its“war on terror”,but avoidscommenting on his domestic woes(.BBC)

communique [k[9mjUnI5kei]公报Green said the APEC summit communique will likely have a section on bird flu.“A lot of the answer is in early detection and early transmission ofinformation and sharing of data,”he said(.REUTERS)

concession [k[n5seF[n]让步Bush also made a significant concession,agreeing that rich nations would provide extra money to the multilateral bodies to compensate for those assets being written off and would ensure that future aid packageswould not be affected(.NBC)

conference [5kCnf[r[ns]会议、会谈As Syrian and other Arab government ministers looked on,Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice used a conference on Middle East democracy and development Saturday to criticize political repression in Syria and call forthe release of political prisoners there(.AP)

condemn [k[n5dem]谴责

The U.S.military on Friday condemned a British newspaper’s decisionto print photographs of a captive Saddam Hussein,including one showinghim in his underwear(.FOX NEWS)

confrontation [5kCnfrQn5teiF[n]对抗Middle East leaders want Syria to cooperate with a U.N.inquiry into the killing of a former Lebanese leader but fear a U.N.confrontation with Damascus could lead to“another Iraq,”Secretary-General Kofi Annan saidon Monday(.Reuters)

consensus [k[n5sens[s]意见一致、共同看法Chirac has warned that a“no”would mean“Europe would be broken down,searching for an impossible consensus.”(FOX NEWS)consolidate [k[n5sClI9deit]巩固consolidation[k[n9sClI5deiF[n]巩固The political relationship between Bush and Putin has frayed,in part because of U.S.concerns that Putin is consolidating power in the Kremlinand eroding democratic advances in post-Soviet Russia(.AP)

The sale marks another important step in the consolidation of thefragmented and overbranched German banking market(.Reuters)

consul [5kCns[l]领事consul general 总领事The new Iranian consul to Karbala,another holy city,was kidnapped on his way there by a mysterious group accusing him of sowing sectarian strife.(NBC)

Peruvian Consul General to Japan Hector Matallana answers a reporter‘s question during a news conference at Peruvian Consulate General inTokyo Wednesday,Nov.2,2005(.AP)

consulate [5kCnsjulit]领事馆consulate general 总领事馆About 20,000anti-Japanese protesters -some shouting “kill the Japanese”-rampaged through Shanghai on Saturday,stoning Japan’s consulate and smashing cars and shops in protest over Tokyo‘s bid for a permanent U.N.Security Council seat and perceived whitewashing ofwartime atrocities(.FOX NEWS)

The United States,in a message posted on the Web site of its consulate-general in Singapore,said it has received “credible information that a terrorist threat may exist against official U.S.government facilities inSingapore”,referring to one of the largest cities in Singapore(.NBC)

contribute to [k[n5trIbjU:t]贡献contribution [9kCntrI5bju:F [n]贡献It is illegal under Texas law for corporations to contribute to political campaigns,but DeGuerin argued that the money sent to the RNC was notthe same money as was returned to Texas,so no violation occurred(.CNN)

La Repubblica,a strong Berlusconi opponent,alleged that after the Sept.11attacks Pollari was being pressured by Berlusconi to make a strong contribution to the hunt for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.The Italianleader is a staunch U.S.ally(.NBC)

crisis [5kraisIs]危机crises A bitter debate about how to teach evolution in U.S.high schools isprompting a crisis of confidence among scientists,and some senioracademics warn that science itself is under assault(.Reuters)

The French leader vows to create new opportunities for young people,saying France faces“a crisis of identity”(.BBC)

deadline [5dedlain]最后期限

A deadline set by the Democratic Republic of Congo for all foreignmilitias to leave the country passes(.BBC)

deal [dI:l]协议

China and Spain sign a series of deals aimed at improving ties betweenthe two countries(.BBC)

declare [dI5klZ[]宣告、声明declaration [9dekl[5reiF[n]宣告、声明“President Ronald Reagan proved that an American,raised in difficult family circumstance,in a small town,with no personal money could not only succeed but could rise to lead the cause of freedom and declare victoryover the tyranny of the former Soviet Union,”Gingrich said(.NBC)

China issued a brief,upbeat chairman’s statement saying negotiators affirmed their September declaration to achieve the “verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.”(FOX NEWS)delay [dI5lei]延误、推迟The Bolivian president sets elections for 18December in a bid to end adispute threatening to delay the vote(.BBC)

In a statement,SpaceX‘s founder and chief executive officer,Elon Musk,blamed the delay on the liquid-oxygen leak as well as a computerglitch(.NBC)

denounce [dI5naUns]谴责、斥责

Hundreds of Iraqi civilians and policemen rallied Wednesday in the southern city of Basra to denounce Britain’s actions in the freeing of twosoldiers(.USA TODAY)

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