
第11章 社会问题(4)

With a new round of talks currently under way about North Korea’s nuclear program,Bush will try to maintain unity among the governments party to the negotiations -the United States,Japan,South Korea,Russiaand China -while not trying to launch any new initiatives(.REUTERS)

overthrow [9[Uv[5Wr[U]推翻Police arrested a major opposition leader Monday,saying for the first time they suspect him of links to the notorious rebel Lord‘s Resistance Army....a close Museveni ally,and 22others ’are accused of plotting tooverthrow the government of Uganda by force of arms(.CNN)

pamphlet [5pAmflIt]小册子

A pamphlet detailed his promises for civil rights,economic opportunity,education,health care and commitment to Africa(.AP)

paparazzi [9pB:pB:5rB:tsI]无固定职业的摄影师,狗仔队Diana,her companion Dodi al Fayed and their chauffeur Henri Paul were killed on Aug.31,1997,when their Mercedes crashed after it sped away from the Ritz hotel in the French capital with paparazzi photographers in hotpursuit on motorbikes(.Reuters)

pension [5penF[n]养老金、抚恤金

US carmaker General Motors is having its accounts investigated byregulators over pension liabilities(.BBC)

picket [5pIkIt]用纠察队员包围picket line 罢工纠察线Members of Unison and the National Union of Journalists plan to picket the council‘s offices over the next two days in support of Eileen Short,who lost her job as a press officer following a town hall reorganisation.(Guardian)

Hundreds of workers building a new 4bn terminal at Heathrow Airport are on strike in a dispute over bonus pay.Picket lines were set up from dawnwith GMB union claiming 900had walked out(.BBC)

press [pres]压、按、推pressure [5preF[]压迫、强制Senate Democrats are pressing for creation of an independent commission to investigate detainee abuse,and the European Union isinvestigating news reports of secret CIA prisons in Europe.President Bush on Monday defended U.S.interrogation practices and called the treatmentof terrorism suspects appropriate(.FOX NEWS)

Democrats triggered a closed session of the full Senate on Tuesday in an effort to pressure the chamber’s Republican majority into completing an investigation of the intelligence underpinning the 2003invasion of Iraq.(CNN)

prison [5prIzn]监狱

Jewish Defense League figure Earl Krugel,convicted in a plot to bomba California mosque and the office of a U.S.congressman was killed at afederal prison in Arizona,an FBI spokesman said Saturday(.AP)

protest against 抗议、反对、对……表示不满Azerbaijan‘s opposition stages its third rally in two weeks to protestagainst elections it says were rigged(.BBC)

race [reis]种族In death,Rosa Parks is joining a select few,including presidents and war heroes,accorded a public viewing in the Capitol Rotunda.It’s the place where,six years ago,President Clinton and congressional leaders laudedthe former seamstress for a simple act of defiance that changed the courseof race relations(.AP)

racial [5reiF[l]种族的racial separation [9sep[5reiF[n]种族隔离racial discrimination [dIs9krImI5neiF[n]种族歧视racial segregation [9segrI5geiF[n]种族隔离Thousands of mourners filed past the casket of Coretta Scott King(widow of the Rev.Martin Luther King Jr.)on Monday,paying their respects to the“first lady of the civil rights movement”at the historic churchwhere her husband shared his dream for racial equality in the 1960s(.CNN)

In 1997,Brokaw won another Alfred I.duPont-Columbia University Award for Excellence in Broadcast Journalism for“Why Can‘t We Live Together”,a documentary that explained the hidden realities of racialseparation in America’s suburbs(.NBC)

France‘s worst unrest since the 1968student-worker protests is forcingthe country to confront decades of simmering anger over racialdiscrimination,crowded housing and unemployment(.CNN)

Hundreds of mourners paid final respects on Sunday to U.S.civil rights icon Rosa Parks,the black woman whose refusal to give up her seat on a busto a white man helped break racial segregation in America(.ABC)

ratify [5rAtI9fai]批准、认可ratification [9rAtIfI5keiF[n]批准、签署South Korean MPs ratify a plan to liberalise the domestic rice market,amid strong opposition from farmers(.BBC)

The 23.9percent temporary pay cuts will be applied to pilot annual salaries that range from 35,000to 206,000.There were 5,040Northwest pilots eligible to vote in the latest ratification election;about 20percent didnot cast ballots(.Star Tribune)

rebel v.[rI5bel]n.[5rebl]反叛、反抗;反抗者、叛乱者rebellion [rI5belj[n]叛乱、反抗After two decades of political and economic progress in Latin America,we are watching a serious anti-American movement gain ground.Hugo Chavez in Venezuela-emboldened by his rising oil wealth-was the first in recent years to rebel against American influence,but similar sentiments arebeginning to be heard in other countries,from Ecuador to Bolivia(.NBC)

A Muslim rebel group claimed Wednesday it had seized control of a small Uzbek town on the border of Kyrgyzstan and vowed to build anIslamic state(.NBC)

He was sentenced to three years in prison on charges that include inciting rebellion,spreading false information and weakening national unity.Hewas released in September 2004(.FOX NEWS)

refuse [rI5fju:z]拒绝refusal [rI5fju:z[l]拒绝A 13-year-old cancer patient who was put into foster care after her parents refused to allow radiation treatment will be reunited with herfamily,a judge ruled Monday(.AP)

Bush’s refusal to sign the Kyoto accord on greenhouse gas emissions hasangered many environmentalists(.CNN)

reject [rI5dVekt]拒绝、抵制

Bush has rejected Blair‘s efforts to persuade the world’s wealthiestnations to back his plan to double aid to Africa(.NBC)

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