
第13章 罗得岛州(2)

As a family man with four children and thirteen grandchildren,ten of whom live in Rhode Island,Don Carcieri has always taken an active interest in what is going on in his community and the state.During 2001his concern grew over the condition of the state’s financial situation and he considered applying his business skills to the problem.At the time,most people did not know how to pronounce his name.

In April 2002,Don Carcieri took the podium(讲坛)at the historic and flag draped Varnum Armory in his hometown of East Greenwich to formally announce his grass roots candidacy for Governor on the Republican ticket.As 250people in the packed hall cheered,he told them:“My name is Don Carcieri and I want to be your next Governor!”He had never run for any elected office except his town’s home rule charter commission.

Focusing his campaign on the need to rein in state spending and balance the budget,demand integrity in government,and create a coordinated plan for statewide economic redevelopment,Don Carcieri came from behind to defeat the endorsed candidate in a highly contested primary.Hammering home his call for a Clean Start in state government,he defeated the Democrat candidate in the November election.The man from East Greenwich had bested a candidate who had over 15years of political experience and had mounted two campaigns for Governor.

Don Carcieri,born December 16,1942,was the first of Nicola and Marguerite Carcieri’s five children.The family lived in East Greenwich where Nicola Carcieri was a beloved teacher and coach at the town high school.

Young Carcieri was a standout in his town,serving as Class President,Student Council President,and three-sport man,basketball,football,and baseball,for all four years of school.After graduating from East Greenwich High School,Don Carcieri attended Brown University on an academic scholarship,working summers on such jobs as construction,or crewing a charter boat,or quahogging on Narragansett Bay to help supplement his scholarship.He graduated in 1965with a degree in International Relations.

Two weeks after graduation,Don Carcieri married his high school sweetheart Suzanne Owren,also of East Greenwich.Over the years their family grew to include a son,Mathew,and three daughters,Alison,Jill and Sarah.

In the early years Don taught math at Newport’s Rogers High School and then at Concord Carlisle Regional High School in Concord,Massachusetts.Next he turned to business,where,over the course of ten years,he built a career at Old Stone Bank,reaching the position of Executive Vice President.

In 1981,Don made an unusual career move,taking his family to Kingston,Jamaica,where he headed the Catholic Relief Service’s West Indies operation.He and his family lived in the community and Sue Carcieri taught science in the local school.

Following that humanitarian commitment,in 1983Carcieri joined Cookson America as the president of a small start-up company in the group,and he and his family returned to Rhode Island.Rising through the ranks to the position of Chief Executive Officer of Cookson America and Joint Managing Director of Cookson Group Worldwide,he was instrumental in the growth of the business into a major manufacturer employing over 12,000people worldwide.The company grew from an organization doing 30million in sales to over 3billion in sales at the time he retired.

Don Carcieri has also been instrumental in preserving the historic face of Providence:at his urging,the former Providence train station became the headquarters of Cookson America.The company offices overlooked Burnside Park on one side and the Rhode Island State House on the other.

State Bird州鸟


The Rhode Island Red Hen became Rhode Island’s official state bird on May 3,1954.

The Rhode Island Red is the most successful dual-purpose bird of all and remains an excellent farm chicken.They are very good layers of brown eggs and are known for their hardiness(耐久力,顽强)and ability to produce eggs even in marginal conditions.Rhode Island Reds can produce 200to 300eggs per bird in a twelve-month laying period and begin laying as early as six months of age.

Rhode Island’s state bird campaign was launched in 1931,by Mrs.J.Howard Pember,chairman of the State Federation division of conservation and natural resources.The State Federation of Women’s Clubs sponsored the event,which was supported by the Audubon Society of Rhode Island.

The six candidates were the bobwhite[鹑的一种(产于美洲)],flicker,tree swallow,song sparrow,catbird[猫鹊(产于北美的一种鸣禽)],and osprey(鱼鹰).The bobwhite won,with the osprey in second place.Two state bird bills were submitted to the legislature,one naming the bobwhite,the other the osprey.Neither was adopted.

In 1954,a new state bird election was sponsored by the Audubon Society of Rhode Island,the Rhode Island Federation of Garden Clubs,and the Providence Journal Company.This time around there were five candidates.The bobwhite and osprey were back with the towhee([鸟](北美产的)红眼雀),ruby-throated hummingbird(蜂雀),and a chicken breed known as the Rhode Island Red.(The robin and chickadee were considered,then rejected because they already represented other states.)

The Rhode Island Red had the State Department of Agriculture and Conservation on its side.The breed had originated in the town of Little Compton,Rhode Island,in 1854.The Rhode Island Red is the most successful dual-purpose bird of all and remains an excellent farm chicken.They are very good layers of brown eggs and are known for their hardiness and ability to produce eggs even in marginal conditions.Rhode Island Reds can produce 200to 300eggs per bird in a twelve-month laying period and begin laying as early as six months of age.Rhode Island Reds were first advertised in poultry journals in 1896,and the breed became very famous.A monument(纪念碑)to the Rhode Island Red was erected in the village of Adamsville,Rhode Island.

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