
第22章 Choru Fulfills His...(2)

“Really, just let us hear it.” Several girls came closer in succession. They lost track of the sight of the Horse Racing, for they were eager for gossip and quite intrigued..

“All right!” Lachoin Logor Chaya drew all the sisters with her charming eyes. She was satisfied when she saw the sisters watching her and echoed,

“I dreamed about rocs flying high, the Grey Dragon dancing, lions and tigers running fast, and elephants walking like heroes transcending the sky and land. I also dreamed the shining sun and dense clouds were competing in the Heavenly lakes, the burning sun rising in the sky, and the golden sun shedding its rays in all directions.”

“What does this mean?” Chomoco, the daughter of Zhaotoin, didn’t understand obviously. Not only did she feel confused, other girls felt the same. Only Cholmo was clear in mind. However, she just smiled without showing off.

“Who can explain my dream?” Lachoin raised her eyebrows.

“Let me try!” Yozin, the daughter of the chief manager, was not only impatient and loose-tongued, but also quite intelligent. She looked around and said:

“The holy soul of Chunchu relying on rocs,

the sacred spirit of Chinchu counting on the seven eastern constellations of the 28 constellations,

the holy soul of Chichu depending on powerful lions,

the holy spirit of Darong leaning upon fierce tigers,

and the holy souls of brothers falling back on strong elephants.

If warriors were complete with the power to ride through the boundless sky, conquering the vast land, they would be symbols as unrivalled heroes.

The sun and dense clouds that were competing on the Heavenly lakes, they represented that Choru was born by the dragon,

while the burning sun would rise in the sky, which would be a good omen indicating Choru ascending the throne;

the blaze shining in the world predicted that Choru was an emblem that would successfully benefit all people.”

When Yozin finished her explanation, Lachoin and Cholmo both joyfully agreed with her. But Chomoco was overcome with indignation. Just like a female lion enraged, she began to wave her hair which looked like a cow’s tail. Because the superiority of the Yocha horse was well known, her father would surely ascend the throne. However, those annoying two girls talked nonsense that the throne would belong to Choru. How outrageous! It was unbelievable that Choru would not win the kingship, let alone talking about it. Therefore, Chomoco said in uncontrollable anger:

“The daughter of the evil father was so cunning. She was unexpected to turn the truth upside down and agued convincingly. As you said Choru indicates a good symbol, you just wait for him; and Choru represents an auspicious omen, you are soon to be married to him.”

When Lachoin and Yozin were just about to retort, Cholmo gently pulled their gowns and hinted them not to pay attention to her. Lachoin pouted her lips, but Yozin understood the meaning of Cholmo, so she didn’t ague with her.

Chomoco noticed that nobody responded to her. She thought they could hardly find any reply, so she continued to say unscrupulously:

“The golden throne would belong to the Yocha horse,

Sengcham Cholmo would belong to King Zhaotoin,

the wealth of Chalho would fall into Darong storehouse,

and Ling Garpo would be bound to my father.

The horse of Choru looks like a mouse, which lags behind as if it were a bird pecking insects or worms, pushing ahead with its nose.

Although there are few silk banners for the last one, Choru would surely win it.”

Although sisters didn’t pay much attention to her vicious slander, Lachoin and Yozin flushed with great anger. Only did Cholmo keep calm, she smiled and carefully viewed the Horse Racing field.

On the Horse Racing field, a fierce competition was going on. Zhaotoin rode the Yocha horse and ran in the forefront, but Choru rode Gyaingar Pebo and fell behind as the last runner. Chatsa turned his head to look at Choru while whipping the horse. However, Choru deliberately paid no attention to him. He just jogged as if he was enjoying the beautiful scenery….

The Horse Racing was an exceptionally grand occasion. After running away half of the distance, Choru discreetly nipped the horse’s belly, and the Heavenly horse soon speeded up. Other heroes all whipped their horses and ran fast. Zhaotoin and his Yocha horse led the race all the time.

Just at that moment, a cluster of dark clouds appeared in the sky. The black clouds became bigger and bigger, the blue sky turned darker. Consequently, a thunderbolt split the clouds. Hail was coming soon.

Was this a result of the unpredictable climate, or did the Buddhist Guardian want to test everyone on purpose? No, in fact, this was caused by three demons — the tiger, leopard and bear on the Ngayoti Mountain who had made trouble. The demon tiger said:

“Today, the Horse Racing held by Ling Garpo has produced much dust on the mountain, coupled with manure of horse. These dirty things are thrown to us, what a terrible mess it is….”

“Even more, they make the snow mountain tremble and destroy the grassland …” the demon bear added.

“Today we must give them a lesson, otherwise anyone would dare to make trouble on the mountain. The officials, herdsmen and the poor would not worship us. Where would it end!” the sharp-tongued demon leopard rattled.

Whereupon the three demons invoked the dark devil military, they arranged black clouds and scattered thunderbolts. When the three demons were about to release hails, they felt uncomfortable all over the body.

As a matter of fact, Choru had watched what the three demons had done. For such a grand Horse Racing meeting, how could demons be allowed to make trouble? If these three demons weren’t conquered, the people of Ling Garpo would suffer sooner or later. At once, Choru cast a magic cable to the overcast sky, so these demons were caught in front of his horse and immediately lost their inspiration. They tapped their heads and asked to be subject to Choru.

Choru ordered them to pick up the dark clouds and to return to the gate of the monastery for taking orders. In addition, Choru warned them that they must not make trouble and injure people in the future, otherwise they would be seriously punished.

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    比《辛德勒的名单》更真实的拯救故事 | 比谍战小说更惊心动魄的口述历史。拯救10000+生命,缄默30载,“二战”无名英雄30年隐秘生涯首度公开 !他是阿道夫·卡明斯基,也是来无影去无踪的“朱利安·阿道夫·凯勒”,同时还是大名鼎鼎的幕后推手“约瑟夫先生”。他有无数个姓名,亦有数不清的身份。在家人朋友面前,他是一名在部里工作的普普通通的文员;在抵抗组织成员眼中,他却是一位行踪诡秘、技艺非凡的专家。“二战”期间,染匠学徒出身的他利用自己掌握的化学知识,成功帮助一万四千多名犹太人隐匿身份,逃离纳粹的魔爪。为此,他牺牲了自己的身体健康与家庭幸福,隐姓埋名长达30年之久。如今,他将自己的人生故事,连同那些常人难以想象的曲折离奇,一起交付亲生女儿的笔下。从他波澜不惊的自述中,我们得以了解有关这位鲜为人知的“二战”英雄的点点滴滴:他颠簸不安的青少年时代,他低调且充满“忏悔”的晚年时光。本书便是对他这段传奇经历及前因后果的生动记录。
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