
第28章 ACT IV(4)

KEEGAN [blandly].That is not quite what occurred.[He collects himself for a serious utterance:they attend involuntarily].Iheard that a black man was dying,and that the people were afraid to go near him.When I went to the place I found an elderly Hindoo,who told me one of those tales of unmerited misfortune,of cruel ill luck,of relentless persecution by destiny,which sometimes wither the commonplaces of consolation on the lips of a priest.But this man did not complain of his misfortunes.They were brought upon him,he said,by sins committed in a former existence.Then,without a word of comfort from me,he died with a clear-eyed resignation that my most earnest exhortations have rarely produced in a Christian,and left me sitting there by his bedside with the mystery of this world suddenly revealed to me.

BROADBENT.That is a remarkable tribute to the liberty of conscience enjoyed by the subjects of our Indian Empire.

LARRY.No doubt;but may we venture to ask what is the mystery of this world?

KEEGAN.This world,sir,is very clearly a place of torment and penance,a place where the fool flourishes and the good and wise are hated and persecuted,a place where men and women torture one another in the name of love;where children are scourged and enslaved in the name of parental duty and education;where the weak in body are poisoned and mutilated in the name of healing,and the weak in character are put to the horrible torture of imprisonment,not for hours but for years,in the name of justice.It is a place where the hardest toil is a welcome refuge from the horror and tedium of pleasure,and where charity and good works are done only for hire to ransom the souls of the spoiler and the sybarite.Now,sir,there is only one place of horror and torment known to my religion;and that place is hell.

Therefore it is plain to me that this earth of ours must be hell,and that we are all here,as the Indian revealed to me--perhaps he was sent to reveal it to me to expiate crimes committed by us in a former existence.

AUNT JUDY [awestruck].Heaven save us,what a thing to say!

CORNELIUS [sighing].It's a queer world:that's certain.

BROADBENT.Your idea is a very clever one,Mr Keegan:really most brilliant:I should never have thought of it.But it seems to me--if I may say so--that you are overlooking the fact that,of the evils you describe,some are absolutely necessary for the preservation of society,and others are encouraged only when the Tories are in office.

LARRY.I expect you were a Tory in a former existence;and that is why you are here.

BROADBENT [with conviction].Never,Larry,never.But leaving politics out of the question,I find the world quite good enough for me:rather a jolly place,in fact.

KEEGAN [looking at him with quiet wonder].You are satisfied?

BROADBENT.As a reasonable man,yes.I see no evils in the world--except,of course,natural evils--that cannot be remedied by *******,self-government,and English institutions.I think so,not because I am an Englishman,but as a matter of common sense.

KEEGAN.You feel at home in the world,then?

BROADBENT.Of course.Don't you?

KEEGAN [from the very depths of his nature].No.

BROADBENT [breezily].Try phosphorus pills.I always take them when my brain is overworked.I'll give you the address in Oxford Street.

KEEGAN [enigmatically:rising].Miss Doyle:my wandering fit has come on me:will you excuse me?

AUNT JUDY.To be sure:you know you can come in n nout as you like.

KEEGAN.We can finish the game some other time,Miss Reilly.[He goes for his hat and stick.

NORA.No:I'm out with you [she disarranges the pieces and rises].I was too wicked in a former existence to play backgammon with a good man like you.

AUNT JUDY [whispering to her].Whisht,whisht,child!Don't set him back on that again.

KEEGAN [to Nora].When I look at you,I think that perhaps Ireland is only purgatory,after all.[He passes on to the garden door].

NORA.Galong with you!

BROADBENT [whispering to Cornelius].Has he a vote?

CORNELIUS [nodding].Yes.An there's lots'll vote the way he tells them.

KEEGAN [at the garden door,with gentle gravity].Good evening,Mr Broadbent.You have set me thinking.Thank you.

BROADBENT [delighted,hurrying across to him to shake hands].No,really?You find that contact with English ideas is stimulating,eh?

KEEGAN.I am never tired of hearing you talk,Mr Broadbent.

BROADBENT [modestly remonstrating].Oh come!come!

KEEGAN.Yes,I assure you.You are an extremely interesting man.

[He goes out].

BROADBENT [enthusiastically].What a nice chap!What an intelligent,interesting fellow!By the way,I'd better have a wash.[He takes up his coat and cap,and leaves the room through the inner door].

Nora returns to her chair and shuts up the backgammon board.

AUNT JUDY.Keegan's very queer to-day.He has his mad fit on him.

CORNELIUS [worried and bitter].I wouldn't say but he's right after all.It's a contrairy world.[To Larry].Why would you be such a fool as to let him take the seat in parliament from you?

LARRY [glancing at Nora].He will take more than that from me before he's done here.

CORNELIUS.I wish he'd never set foot in my house,bad luck to his fat face!D'ye think he'd lend me 300pounds on the farm,Larry?When I'm so hard up,it seems a waste o money not to mortgage it now it's me own.

LARRY.I can lend you 300pounds on it.

CORNELIUS.No,no:I wasn't putn in for that.When I die and leave you the farm I should like to be able to feel that it was all me own,and not half yours to start with.Now I'll take me oath Barney Doarn's goin to ask Broadbent to lend him 500pounds on the mill to put in a new hweel;for the old one'll harly hol together.An Haffigan can't sleep with covetn that corner o land at the foot of his medda that belongs to Doolan.He'll have to mortgage to buy it.I may as well be first as last.D'ye think Broadbent'd len me a little?

LARRY.I'm quite sure he will.

CORNELIUS.Is he as ready as that?Would he len me five hunderd,d'ye think?

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