

Now, for a while, Chaka watched the long black snake of men winding towards him across the plain till the messengers met them and the snake began to climb the slope of the hill.

"How many are these people of thine, Mopo?" asked the king.

"I know not, O Elephant," I answered, "who have not seen them for many years. Perhaps they number three full regiments.""Nay, more," said the king; "what thinkest thou, Mopo, would this people of thine fill the rift behind us?" and he nodded at the gulf of stone.

Now, my father, I trembled in all my flesh, seeing the purpose of Chaka; but I could find no words to say, for my tongue clave to the roof of my mouth.

"The people are many," said Chaka, "yet, Mopo, I bet thee fifty head of cattle that they will not fill the donga.""The king is pleased to jest," I said.

"Yea, Mopo, I jest; yet as a jest take thou the bet.""As the king wills," I murmured--who could not refuse. Now the people of my tribe drew near: at their head was an old man, with white hair and beard, and, looking at him, I knew him for my father, Makedama.

When he came within earshot of the king, he gave him the royal salute of Bayete, and fell upon his hands and knees, crawling towards him, and konzaed to the king, praising him as he came. All the thousands of the people also fell on their hands and knees, and praised the king aloud, and the sound of their praising was like the sound of a great thunder.

At length Makedama, my father, writhing on his breast like a snake, lay before the majesty of the king. Chaka bade him rise, and greeted him kindly; but all the thousands of the people yet lay upon their breasts beating the dust with their heads.

"Rise, Makedama, my child, father of the people of the Langeni," said Chaka, "and tell me why art thou late in coming to my mourning?""The way was far, O King," answered Makedama, my father, who did not know me. "The way was far and the time short. Moreover, the women and the children grew weary and footsore, and they are weary in this hour.""Speak not of it, Makedama, my child," said the king. "Surely thy heart mourned and that of thy people, and soon they shall rest from their weariness. Say, are they here every one?""Every one, O Elephant!--none are wanting. My kraals are desolate, the cattle wander untended on the hills, birds pick at the unguarded crops.""It is well, Makedama, thou faithful servant! Yet thou wouldst mourn with me an hour--is it not so? Now, hearken! Bid thy people pass to the right and to the left of me, and stand in all their numbers upon the slopes of the grass that run down to the lips of the rift."So Makedama, my father, bade the people do the bidding of the king, for neither he nor the indunas saw his purpose, but I, who knew his wicked heart, I saw it. Then the people filed past to the right and to the left by hundreds and by thousands, and presently the grass of the slopes could be seen no more, because of their number. When all had passed, Chaka spoke again to Makedama, my father, bidding him climb down to the bottom of the donga, and thence lift up his voice in mourning. The old man obeyed the king. Slowly, and with much pain, he clambered to the bottom of the rift and stood there. It was so deep and narrow that the light scarcely seemed to reach to where he stood, for I could only see the white of his hair gleaming far down in the shadows.

Then, standing far beneath, he lifted up his voice, and it reached the thousands of those who clustered upon the slopes. It seemed still and small, yet it came to them faintly like the voice of one speaking from a mountain-top in a time of snow:--"Mourn, children of Makedama!"

And all the thousands of the people--men, women, and children--echoed his words in a thunder of sound, crying:--"Mourn, children of Makedama!"

Again he cried:--

"Mourn, people of the Langeni, mourn with the whole world!"And the thousands answered:--

"Mourn, people of the Langeni, mourn with the whole world!"A third time came his voice:--

"Mourn, children of Makedama, mourn, people of the Langeni, mourn with the whole world!

"Howl, ye warriors; weep, ye women; beat your breasts, ye maidens;sob, ye little children!

"Drink of the water of tears, cover yourselves with the dust of affliction.

"Mourn, O tribe of the Langeni, because the Mother of the Heavens is no more.

"Mourn, children of Makedama, because the Spirit of Fruitfulness is no more.

"Mourn, O ye people, because the Lion of the Zulu is left so desolate.

"Let your tears fall as the rain falls, let your cries be as the cries of women who bring forth.

"For sorrow is fallen like the rain, the world has conceived and brought forth death.

"Great darkness is upon us, darkness and the shadow of death.

"The Lion of the Zulu wanders and wanders in desolation, because the Mother of the Heavens is no more.

"Who shall bring him comfort? There is comfort in the crying of his children.

"Mourn, people of the Langeni; let the voice of your mourning beat against the skies and rend them.

"Ou-ai! Ou-ai! Ou-ai!"

Thus sang the old man, my father Makedama, far down in the deeps of the cleft. He sang it in a still, small voice, but, line after line, his song was caught up by the thousands who stood on the slopes above, and thundered to the heavens till the mountains shook with its sound.

  • 殿下为君臣作夫


    “他”是冷月国的九皇子,生来便是天之骄子,自小被预言活不过弱冠,访遍名医也治不好多年顽疾。她是宸国战王的正妃,新婚之日举族覆灭,至亲尸首陈于堂前,被夫君赐下毒酒,从容赴死含恨而去。当“他”与她成为一人,又会书写出怎样传奇?她本想扬名大陆,谁知竟会被一尾鱼盯上了,而且还成了“鱼食”。 “殿下可知微臣的本体是何物?” “不知。” “北冥有鱼,其名为鲲。”
  • 逾期久候


  • 羡煞浮沉


  • 说好的一辈子呢


  • 错爱冷情首席


  • 奚砂


    从到达这片土地那一刻起,左湫便明白自己来这一遭,定不是如意之旅。一个势单力薄的少女,在战火纷争的时代,犹如浩浩汤汤的大漠中的一颗尘埃,一粒砂。自己的命运时时刻刻拿捏在他人的手中,就像是飘荡在风中的砂粒,被风吹起又吹落。为了保命,她不得不学会伪装。遇到强盗,她二话不说直接装死。在蒙哲帝国的四王子面前,她乖巧可爱,善解人意,懵懂天真的仿佛是草原上的一只小鹿。遇见金夏王朝的三殿下,她便装傻充愣,撒泼打滚,满口胡言乱语,宛如一个泼妇。她是人海中没有前进方向的鱼,她是了无人烟的土地上的砂。为了能够保住性命,她做尽了往日不愿做不敢做不能做之事。可是,这样的她,该如何生存下去。 乱世之中,谁又能拉住谁的手,风浪之后,谁又能记得谁的笑容。
  • 世界经典历史故事(上册)


  • 天行


  • 记忆是一条虫


  • 笑到世界尽头

