

There was a man in Svithjod at that time called Toste, one of the most powerful and clever in the land among those who had no high name or dignity; and he was a great warrior, who had been often in battle, and was therefore called Skoglar-Toste.Harald Grenske came into his company, and cruised with Toste in summer;and wherever Harald came he was well thought of by every one.In the winter Harald, after passing two years in the Uplands, took up his abode with Toste, and lived five years with him.Toste had a daughter, who was both young and handsome, but she was proud and high-minded.She was called Sigrid, and was afterwards married to the Swedish king, Eirik the Victorious, and had a son by him, called Olaf the Swede, who was afterwards king of Svithjod.King Eirik died in a sick-bed at Upsala ten years after the death of Styrbjorn.


Gunhild's sons levied a great army in Viken (A.D.963), and sailed along the land northwards, collecting people and ships on the way out of every district.They then made known their intent, to proceed northwards with their army against Earl Hakon in Throndhjem.When Earl Hakon heard this news, he also collected men, and fitted out ships; and when he heard what an overwhelming force Gunhild's sons had with them, he steered south with his fleet to More, pillaging wherever he came, and killing many people.He then sent the whole of the bonde army back to Throndhjem; but he himself, with his men-at-arms, proceeded by both the districts of More and Raumsdal, and had his spies out to the south of Stad to spy the army of Gunhild's sons; and when he heard they were come into the Fjords, and were waiting for a fair wind to sail northwards round Stad, Earl Hakon set out to sea from the north side of Stad, so far that his sails could not be seen from the land, and then sailed eastward on a line with the coast, and came to Denmark, from whence he sailed into the Baltic, and pillaged there during the summer.Gunhild's sons conducted their army north to Throndhjem, and remained there the whole summer collecting the scat and duties.But when summer was advanced they left Sigurd Slefa and Gudron behind; and the other brothers returned eastward with the levied army they had taken up in summer.


Earl Hakon, towards harvest (A.D.963), sailed into the Bothnian Gulf to Helsingjaland, drew his ships up there on the beach, and took the land-ways through Helsingjaland and Jamtaland, and so eastwards round the dividing ridge (the Kjol, or keel of the country), and down into the Throndhjem district.Many people streamed towards him, and he fitted out ships.When the sons of Gunhild heard of this they got on board their ships, and sailed out of the Fjord; and Earl Hakon came to his seat at Hlader, and remained there all winter.The sons of Gunhild, on the other hand, occupied More; and they and the earl attacked each other in turns, killing each other's people.Earl Hakon kept his dominions of Throndhjem, and was there generally in the winter; but in summer he sometimes went to Helsingjaland, where he went on board of his ships and sailed with them down into the Baltic, and plundered there; and sometimes he remained in Throndhjem, and kept an army on foot, so that Gunhild's sons could get no hold northwards of Stad.


One summer Harald Grayskin with his troops went north to Bjarmaland, where be forayed, and fought a great battle with the inhabitants on the banks of the Vina (Dwina).King Harald gained the victory, killed many people, plundered and wasted and burned far and wide in the land, and made enormous booty.Glum Geirason tells of it thus: --"I saw the hero Harald chase With bloody sword Bjarme's race:

They fly before him through the night, All by their burning city's light.

On Dwina's bank, at Harald's word, Arose the storm of spear and sword.

In such a wild war-cruise as this, Great would he be who could bring peace."King Sigurd Slefa came to the Herse Klyp's house.Klyp was a son of Thord, and a grandson of Hordakare, and was a man of power and great family.He was not at home; but his wife Alof give a good reception to the king, and made a great feast at which there was much drinking.Alof was a daughter of Asbjorn, and sister to Jarnskegge, north in Yrjar.Asbjorn's brother was called Hreidar, who was father to Styrkar, whose son was Eindride, father of Einar Tambaskielfer.In the night the king went to bed to Alof against her will, and then set out on his journey.The harvest thereafter, King Harald and his brother King Sigurd Slefa went to Vors, and summoned the bondes to a Thing.There the bondes fell on them, and would have killed them, but they escaped and took different roads.King Harald went to Hardanger, but King Sigurd to Alrekstader.Now when the Herse Klyp heard of this, he and his relations assembled to attack the king; and Vemund Volubrjot (1) was chief of their troop.Now when they came to the house they attacked the king, and Herse Klyp, it is said, ran him through with his sword and killed him; but instantly Klyp was killed on the spot by Erling Gamle (A.D.965).


(1) Volubrjotr.-- Literally "the one who breaks the vala", that is, breaks the skulls of witches.


King Harald Grafeld and his brother King Gudrod gathered together a great army in the east country, with which they set out northwards to Throndhjem (A.D.968).When Earl Hakon heard of it he collected men, and set out to More, where he plundered.There his father's brother, Grjotgard, had the command and defence of the country on account of Gunhild's sons, and he assembled an army by order of the kings.Earl Hakon advanced to meet him, and gave him battle; and there fell Grjotgard and two other earls, and many a man besides.So says Einar Skalaglam: --"The helm-crown'd Hakon, brave as stout, Again has put his foes to rout.

The bowl runs o'er with Odin's mead, (1)

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