4. The bone in the head is liable to in the following modes, and there are many varieties in each of these modes of fracture: When a wounded bone breaks, in the bone comprehending the fissure, contusion necessarily takes place where the bone is broken; for an instrument that breaks the bone occasions a contusion thereof more or less, both at the fracture and in the parts of the bone surrounding the fracture. This is the first mode. But there are all possible varieties of fissures; for some of them are fine, and so very fine that they cannot be discovered, either immediately after the injury, or during the period in which it would be of use to the patient if this could be ascertained. And some of these fissures are thicker and wider, certain of them being very wide. And some of them extend to a greater, and some to a smaller, distance. And some are more straight, nay, completely straight; and some are more curved, and that in a remarkable degree. And some are deep, so as to extend downwards and through the whole bone; and some are less so, and do not penetrate through the whole bone.
研二秃头精夜间猝死,竟离奇转生成一只低阶魔物——元素小精灵!以重新做人为目标,研二学生决心重返地球,开始了在异界作威作福的魔王之旅。凶暴好战的战狼氏族?性感妩媚的妖狐一族?绝美诡秘的黑暗精灵?全部收入麾下!来来来,不要怕,老夫又不是什么魔鬼。 众人皆道:“求求你做个人吧。” 伊凡:“……你还别说,我曾经真的是个人。”娇俏情人:亲亲男票是巨星