18. The bones of children are thinner and softer, for this reason, that they contain more blood [than those of *****s]; and they are porous and spongy, and neither dense nor hard. And when wounded to a similar or inferior degree by weapons of the same or even of an inferior power, the bone of a young person more readily and quickly suppurates, and that in less time than the bone of an older person;and in accidents, which are to prove fatal, the younger person will die sooner than the elder. But if the bone is laid bare of flesh, one must attend and try to find out, what even is not obvious to the sight, and discover whether the bone be broken and contused, or only contused; and if, when there is an indentation in the bone, whether contusion, or fracture, or both be joined to it; and if the bone has sustained any of these injuries, we must give issue to the blood by perforating the bone with a small trepan, observing the greatest precautions, for the bone of young persons is thinner and more superficial than that of elder persons.
ALL true histories contain instruction; though, in some, the treasure may be hard to find, and when found, so trivial in quantity, that the dry, shrivelled kernel scarcely compensates for the trouble of cracking the nut.
左安是被自己家族赶出来的落魄户,年纪轻轻只能和自己的毒舌哥哥相依为命。夜黑风高,受雇主之命协助警方拦截一批违规物品,顺道救了个世家小少爷,准备索要些报酬维持生计,没想到却被他赖上了,说是对她一见钟情了!左安:一见钟情值多少钱?纪澜:一颗为你炽热的心。左安:太便宜了。纪澜:…… 另一角度—— 黑夜游弋的顽强求生者,碰上白夜路上艰难前行的野心家。 他说,我对你看是真心。 她说,你对我是真心,对你的权势是野心。你是高台上的上位者,我不过是黑夜里的一抹黑。 他问,你爱过我吗? 她答,我就在那,看着你。你,是做唯我独尊的王,还是……走近我。ps:各种类型的帅哥都会随着剧情推进一一解锁哦。enmm,美女也有,御姐萝莉。他们都那么优秀,我不想给他们组cp。