

"For Heaven's sake assent to the wildest and most extravagant hypothesis they can offer, if it will leave us free to arrange our own plans for getting away.I begin to think we were not a very harmonious party on the Excelsior, and most of our troubles here are owing to that.We forget we have fallen among a lot of original saints, as guileless and as unsophisticated as our first parents, who know nothing of our customs and antecedents.They have accepted us on what they believe to be our own showing.From first to last we've underrated them, forgetting they are in the majority.We can't expect to correct the ignorance of fifty years in twenty-four hours, and I, for one, sha'n't attempt it.I'd much rather trust to the character those people would conceive of me from their own consciousness than to one Mrs.Brimmer or Mr.

Winslow would give of me.From this moment I've taken a firm resolve to leave my reputation and the reputation of my friends entirely in their hands.If you are wise you will do the same.

They are inclined to worship you--don't hinder them.My belief is, if we only take things quietly, we might find worse places to be stranded on than Todos Santos.If Mrs.Brimmer and those men of ours, who, I dare say, have acted as silly as the Mexicans themselves, will only be quiet, we can have our own way here yet.""And poor Captain Bunker?" said Miss Keene.

"It seems hard to say it, but, in my opinion, he is better under lock and key, for everybody's good, at present.He'd be a firebrand in the town if he got away.Meantime, let us go to our room.It is about the time when everybody is taking a siesta, and for two hours, thank Heaven! we're certain nothing more can happen.""I'll join you in a moment," said Miss Keene.

Her quick ear had caught the sound of voices approaching.As Mrs.

Markham disappeared in the passage, the Commander and his party reappeared from the guard-room, taking leave of Padre Esteban.The secretary, as he passed Miss Keene, managed to add to his formal salutation the whispered words,--"When the Angelus rings I will await you before the grating of his prison."Padre Esteban was too preoccupied to observe this incident.As soon as he quitted the Presidio, he hastened to the Mission with a disquieting fear that his strange guest might have vanished.But, crossing the silent refectory, and opening the door of the little apartment, he was relieved to find him stretched on the pallet in a profound slumber.The peacefulness of the venerable walls had laid a gentle finger on his weary eyelids.

The Padre glanced round the little cell, and back again at the handsome suffering face that seemed to have found surcease and rest in the narrow walls, with a stirring of regret.But the next moment he awakened the sleeper, and in the briefest, almost frigid, sentences, related the events of the morning.

The young man rose to his feet with a bitter laugh.

"You see," he said, "God is against me! And yet a few hours ago Idared to think that He had guided me to a haven of rest and forgetfulness!

"Have you told the truth to him and to me?" said the priest sternly, "or have you--a mere political refugee--taken advantage of an old man's weakness to forge a foolish lie of sentimental passion?""What do you mean?" said Hurlstone, turning upon him almost fiercely.

The priest rose, and drawing a folded paper from his bosom, opened it before the eyes of his indignant guest.

"Remember what you told me last night in the sacred confidences of yonder holy church, and hear what you really are from the lips of the Council of Todos Santos."Smoothing out the paper, he read slowly as follows:--"Whereas, it being presented to an Emergency Council, held at the Presidio of Todos Santos, that the foreign barque Excelsior had mutinied, discharged her captain and passengers, and escaped from the waters of the bay, it was, on examination, found and decreed that the said barque was a vessel primarily owned by a foreign Power, then and there confessed and admitted to be at war with Mexico and equipped to invade one of her northern provinces.But that the God of Liberty and Justice awakening in the breasts of certain patriots--to wit, the heroic Senor Diego Hurlstone and the invincible Dona Leonor--the courage and discretion to resist the tyranny and injustice of their oppressors, caused them to mutiny and abandon the vessel rather than become accomplices, in the company of certain neutral and non-combatant traders and artisans, severally known as Brace, Banks, Winslow, and Crosby; and certain aristocrats, known as Senoras Brimmer and Chubb.In consideration thereof, it is decreed by the Council of Todos Santos that asylum, refuge, hospitality, protection, amity, and alliance be offered and extended to the patriots, Senor Diego Hurlstone, Dona Leonor, and a certain Duenna Susana Markham, particularly attached to Dona Leonor's person; and that war, reprisal, banishment, and death be declared against Senor Perkins, his unknown aiders and abettors.

And that for the purposes of probation, and in the interests of clemency, provisional parole shall be extended to the alleged neutrals--Brace, Banks, Crosby, and Winslow--within the limits and boundaries of the lazaretto of San Antonio, until their neutrality shall be established, and pending the further pleasure of the Council.And it is further decreed and declared that one Capitano Bunker, formerly of the Excelsior, but now a maniac and lunatic--being irresponsible and visited of God, shall be exempted from the ordinances of this decree until his reason shall be restored; and during that interval subjected to the ordinary remedial and beneficent restraint of civilization and humanity.By order of the Council,--"The signatures and rubrics of--


"PADRE ESTEBAN,of the Order of San Francisco d'Assisis.

"DON RAMON RAMIREZ,Alcalde of the Pueblo of Todos Santos."

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