


Maskull found that his new organs had no independent function of their own, but only intensified and altered his other senses. When he used his eyes, ears, or nostrils, the same objects presented themselves to him, but his judgment concerning them was different.

Previously all external things had existed for him; now he existed for them. According to whether they served his purpose or were in harmony with his nature, or otherwise, they had been pleasant or painful. Now these words "pleasure" and "pain" simply had no meaning.

The other two watched him, while he was ****** himself acquainted with his new mental outlook. He smiled at them.

"You were quite right, Tydomin," he said, in a bold, cheerful voice.

"We have been fools. So near the light all the time, and we never guessed it. Always buried in the past or future - systematically ignoring the present - and now it turns out that apart from the present we have no life at all.""Thank Spadevil for it,,, she answered, more loudly than usual.

Maskull looked at the man's dark, concrete form. "Spadevil, now Imean to follow you to the end. I can do nothing less."The severe face showed no sign of gratification - not a muscle relaxed.

"Watch that you don't lose your gift," he said gruffly.

Tydomin spoke. "You promised that I should enter Sant with you.""Attach yourself to the truth, not to me. For I may die before you, but the truth will accompany you to your death. However, now let us journey together, all three of us."The words had not left his mouth before he put his face against the fine, driving snow, and pressed onward toward his destination. He walked with a long stride; Tydomin was obliged to half run. in order to keep up with him. The three travelled abreast; Spadevil in the middle. The fog was so dense that it was impossible to see a hundred yards ahead. The ground was covered by the green snow. The wind blew in gusts from the Sant highlands. and was piercingly cold.

"Spadevil, are you a man. or more than a man?" asked Maskull.

"He that is not more than a man is nothing.""Where have you now come from?"

"From brooding, Maskull. Out of no other mother can truth be born. Ihave brooded, and rejected; and I have brooded again. Now, after many months' absence from Sant, the truth at last shines forth for me in its ****** splendour, like an upturned diamond.""I see its shining," said Maskull. "But how much does it owe to ancient Hator?""Knowledge has its seasons. The blossom was to Hator, the fruit is to me. Hator also was a brooder - but now his followers do not brood. In Sant all is icy selfishness, a living death. They hate pleasure, and this hatred is the greatest pleasure to them.""But in what way have they fallen off from Hator's doctrines?""For him, in his sullen purity of nature, all the world was a snare, a limed twig. Knowing that pleasure was everywhere, a fierce, mocking enemy, crouching and waiting at every corner of the road of life, in order to kill with its sweet sting the naked grandeur of the soul, he shielded himself behind pain. This also his followers do, but they do not do it for the sake of the soul, but for the sake of vanity and pride.""What is the Trifork?"

"The stem, Maskull, is hatred of pleasure. The first fork is disentanglement from the sweetness of the world. The second fork is power over those who still writhe in the nets of illusion. The third fork is the healthy glow of one who steps into ice-cold water.""From what land did Hator come?"

"It is not said. He lived in Ifdawn for a while. There are many legends told of him while there.""We have a long way to go," said Tydomin. "Relate some of these legends, Spadevil."The snow had ceased, the day brightened, Branchspell reappeared like a phantom sun, but bitter blasts of wind still swept over the plain.

"In those days," said Spadevil, "there existed in Ifdawn a mountain island separated by wide spaces from the land around it. A handsome girl, who knew sorcery, caused a bridge to be constructed across which men and women might pass to it. Having by a false tale drawn Hator on to this rock, she pushed at the bridge with her foot until it tumbled into the depths below. 'You and I, Hator, are now together, and there is no means of separating. I wish to see how long the famous frost man can withstand the breath, smiles and perfume of a girl.' Hator said no word, either then or all that day. He stood till sunset like a tree trunk, and thought of other things. Then the girl grew passionate, and shook her curls. She rose from where she was sitting she looked at him, and touched his arm; but he did not see her. She looked at him, so that all the soul was in her eyes;and then she fell down dead. Hator awoke from his thoughts, and saw her lying, still warm, at his feet, a corpse. He passed to the mainland; but how, it is not related."Tydomin shuddered. "You too have met your wicked woman, Spadevil;but your method is a nobler one."

"Don't pity other women," said Spadevil, "but love the right. Hator also once conversed with Shaping.""With the Maker of the World?" said Maskull thoughtfully.

"With the Maker of Pleasure. It is told how Shaping defended his world, and tried to force Hator to acknowledge loveliness and joy.

But Hator, answering all his marvellous speeches in a few concise, iron words, showed how this joy and beauty was but another name for the bestiality of souls wallowing in luxury and sloth. Shaping smiled, and said, 'How comes it that your wisdom is greater than that of the Master of wisdom?' Hator said, 'My wisdom does not come from you, nor from your world, but from that other world, which you, Shaping, have vainly tried to imitate.' Shaping replied, 'What, then, do you do in my world?' Hator said, 'I am here falsely, and therefore I am subject to your false pleasures. But I wrap myself in pain -not because it is good, but because I wish to keep myself as far from you as possible. For pain is not yours, neither does it belong to the other world, but it is the shadow cast by your false pleasures.'

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  • 请你好好喜欢我


    刚刚步入高中的姜染,第一件事情就是找傅迟,姜染明白自己来七中的原因,不是这个学校怎么样,而是傅迟再这里。姜染制定了一个小目标——追到傅迟。此后姜染各种打听傅迟在这个学校的事情。有些暧昧。 第一件事情就是傅迟和校花在一起。 姜染怒了,把让拉到学校后悔花园,给强吻了。 “傅迟,这次我且信你,这个校花女朋友的事情赶紧澄清,我走了,另外我是高一九班的。” 傅迟淡笑:“染染,这么多年还不放弃吗?” 姜染撩拨了一下头发说:“傅迟,你等着吧,你迟早是我的。” 傅迟小声回应:“我也等着这一天。” 【1v1,互宠,互撩,双洁,不虐,日更,不收费文。】
  • 公子我错了0a


    一个人一旦混账久了,自然会有老天爷来收拾她。但我苏小江自认:我……也没那么混账啊。我向来行得正,得直,坦坦荡荡,走路带风。只不过年少不懂事的时候和家里的老头子闹了点矛盾,和他堵了一辈子的气,最后让他发人送黑发人……而已。对,混账至极的我……死了。 苍天饶过谁。但老天爷依旧没有放过我,让我附上了佩珠那个倒霉孩子的身子里,在梅园活了过来。“你叫什么名字?”“苏小江。”“在皇宫里,只有贵人才配有自己的名字。”那个谪仙般的人面色清冷,目光淡淡,递给了我一件厚实的衣衫。他叫孤月谨,是这处梅园的主人。我凭借着佩珠这倒霉孩子的身子,成功惹上了他这么一个麻烦。“公子,我错了——”孤月谨知晓苏小江说的都是些鬼话,但错就错在,他偏偏将那些鬼话当了真。 何其荒谬。
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