'Is THIS your love?'said Betty reproachfully.'Oh,if you was sickening for the plague itself,and going to be as ugly as the Ooser in the church-vestry,I wouldn't--'
'No,no,you mistake,upon my soul!'
But Betty with a swollen heart had rewrapped herself and gone out of the door.The horse was still standing there.She mounted by the help of the upping-stock,and when he had followed her she said,'Do not come near me,Charley;but please lead the horse,so that if you've not caught anything already you'll not catch it going back.
After all,what keeps off you may keep off him.Now onward.'
He did not resist her command,and back they went by the way they had come,Betty shedding bitter tears at the retribution she had already brought upon herself;for though she had reproached Phelipson,she was staunch enough not to blame him in her secret heart for showing that his love was only skin-deep.The horse was stopped in the plantation,and they walked silently to the lawn,reaching the bushes wherein the ladder still lay.
'Will you put it up for me?'she asked mournfully.
He re-erected the ladder without a word;but when she approached to ascend he said,'Good-bye,Betty!'
'Good-bye!'said she;and involuntarily turned her face towards his.
He hung back from imprinting the expected kiss:at which Betty started as if she had received a poignant wound.She moved away so suddenly that he hardly had time to follow her up the ladder to prevent her falling.
'Tell your mother to get the doctor at once!'he said anxiously.
She stepped in without looking behind;he descended,withdrew the ladder,and went away.
Alone in her chamber,Betty flung herself upon her face on the bed,and burst into shaking sobs.Yet she would not admit to herself that her lover's conduct was unreasonable;only that her rash act of the previous week had been wrong.No one had heard her enter,and she was too worn out,in body and mind,to think or care about medical aid.In an hour or so she felt yet more unwell,positively ill;and nobody coming to her at the usual bedtime,she looked towards the door.Marks of the lock having been forced were visible,and this made her chary of summoning a servant.She opened the door cautiously and sallied forth downstairs.
In the dining-parlour,as it was called,the now sick and sorry Betty was startled to see at that late hour not her mother,but a man sitting,calmly finishing his supper.There was no servant in the room.He turned,and she recognized her husband.
'Where's my mamma?'she demanded without preface.
'Gone to your father's.Is that--'He stopped,aghast.
'Yes,sir.This spotted object is your wife!I've done it because I don't want you to come near me!'
He was sixteen years her senior;old enough to be compassionate.
'My poor child,you must get to bed directly!Don't be afraid of me--I'll carry you upstairs,and send for a doctor instantly.'
'Ah,you don't know what I am!'she cried.'I had a lover once;but now he's gone!'Twasn't I who deserted him.He has deserted me;because I am ill he wouldn't kiss me,though I wanted him to!'
'Wouldn't he?Then he was a very poor slack-twisted sort of fellow.
Betty,I'VE never kissed you since you stood beside me as my little wife,twelve years and a half old!May I kiss you now?'
Though Betty by no means desired his kisses,she had enough of the spirit of Cunigonde in Schiller's ballad to test his daring.'If you have courage to venture,yes sir!'said she.'But you may die for it,mind!'
He came up to her and imprinted a deliberate kiss full upon her mouth,saying,'May many others follow!'
She shook her head,and hastily withdrew,though secretly pleased at his hardihood.The excitement had supported her for the few minutes she had passed in his presence,and she could hardly drag herself back to her room.Her husband summoned the servants,and,sending them to her assistance,went off himself for a doctor.
The next morning Reynard waited at the Court till he had learnt from the medical man that Betty's attack promised to be a very light one--or,as it was expressed,'very fine';and in taking his leave sent up a note to her:
'Now I must be Gone.I promised your Mother I would not see You yet,and she may be anger'd if she finds me here.Promise to see me as Soon as you are well?'
He was of all men then living one of the best able to cope with such an untimely situation as this.A contriving,sagacious,gentle-mannered man,a philosopher who saw that the only constant attribute of life is change,he held that,as long as she lives,there is nothing finite in the most impassioned attitude a woman may take up.
In twelve months his girl-wife's recent infatuation might be as distasteful to her mind as it was now to his own.In a few years her very flesh would change--so said the scientific;--her spirit,so much more ephemeral,was capable of changing in one.Betty was his,and it became a mere question of means how to effect that change.
During the day Mrs.Dornell,having closed her husband's eyes,returned to the Court.She was truly relieved to find Betty there,even though on a bed of sickness.The disease ran its course,and in due time Betty became convalescent,without having suffered deeply for her rashness,one little speck beneath her ear,and one beneath her chin,being all the marks she retained.
The Squire's body was not brought back to King's-Hintock.Where he was born,and where he had lived before wedding his Sue,there he had wished to be buried.No sooner had she lost him than Mrs.
Dornell,like certain other wives,though she had never shown any great affection for him while he lived,awoke suddenly to his many virtues,and zealously embraced his opinion about delaying Betty's union with her husband,which she had formerly combated strenuously.
'Poor man!how right he was,and how wrong was I!'Eighteen was certainly the lowest age at which Mr.Reynard should claim her child--nay,it was too low!Far too low!