


"To-day I will make my confession and purge myself of every sin,"

I thought to myself."Nor will I ever commit another one." At this point I recalled all the peccadilloes which most troubled my conscience."I will go to church regularly every Sunday, as well as read the Gospel at the close of every hour throughout the day.

What is more, I will set aside, out of the cheque which I shall receive each month after I have gone to the University, two-and-

a-half roubles" (a tenth of my monthly allowance) "for people who are poor but not exactly beggars, yet without letting any one know anything about it.Yes, I will begin to look out for people like that--orphans or old women--at once, yet never tell a soul what I am doing for them.

"Also, I will have a room here of my very own (St.Jerome's, probably), and look after it myself, and keep it perfectly clean.

I will never let any one do anything for me, for every one is just a human being like myself.Likewise I will walk every day, not drive, to the University.Even if some one gives me a drozhki [Russian phaeton.] I will sell it, and devote the money to the poor.Everything I will do exactly and always" (what that "always" meant I could not possibly have said, but at least I had a vivid consciousness of its connoting some kind of prudent, moral, and irreproachable life)."I will get up all my lectures thoroughly, and go over all the subjects beforehand, so that at the end of my first course I may come out top and write a thesis.

During my second course also I will get up everything beforehand, so that I may soon be transferred to the third course, and at eighteen come out top in the examinations, and receive two gold medals, and go on to be Master of Arts, and Doctor, and the first scholar in Europe.Yes, in all Europe I mean to be the first scholar.--Well, what next?" I asked myself at this point.

Suddenly it struck me that dreams of this sort were a form of pride--a sin which I should have to confess to the priest that very evening, so I returned to the original thread of my meditations."When getting up my lectures I will go to the Vorobievi Gori, [Sparrow Hills--a public park near Moscow.] and choose some spot under a tree, and read my lectures over there.

Sometimes I will take with me something to eat--cheese or a pie from Pedotti's, or something of the kind.After that I will sleep a little, and then read some good book or other, or else draw pictures or play on some instrument (certainly I must learn to play the flute).Perhaps SHE too will be walking on the Vorobievi Gori, and will approach me one day and say, 'Who are you?' and I shall look at her, oh, so sadly, and say that I am the son of a priest, and that I am happy only when I am there alone, quite alone.Then she will give me her hand, and say something to me, and sit down beside me.So every day we shall go to the same spot, and be friends together, and I shall kiss her.But no! That would not be right! On the contrary, from this day forward I never mean to look at a woman again.Never, never again do I mean to walk with a girl, nor even to go near one if I can help it.

Yet, of course, in three years' time, when I have come of age, I shall marry.Also, I mean to take as much exercise as ever I can, and to do gymnastics every day, so that, when I have turned twenty-five, I shall be stronger even than Rappo.On my first day's training I mean to hold out half a pood [The Pood = 40

  • 书录


  • The Education of the Child

    The Education of the Child

  • 赠徐安宜


  • 重修凤山县志


  • 薛文清公从政录


  • 天行


  • 最后一个洪荒


  • 龙煞天


  • 步步为营:谋策天下


  • 顾先生,你的小野猫又炸毛了


  • 网游之拿杖敲头


  • 回到洪荒当红军


  • 夫人又在装白莲花


    新书【听闻季先生肖想我多年】已开,欢迎大家移步。 她以为的久别重逢,却是他一场又一场的精心算计。 朝雨暮曾经以为嫁给心心念念多年的人,是她这辈子最高的成就,可惜一夕梦醒,他终究是她触不可及的高寒之境。迟夜勋:“朝雨暮,抛夫弃子,这种事你也做得出来。”朝雨暮:“我只是弃子,并没有抛夫。”迟夜勋咬牙切齿:“那、我、是、什、么?”朝雨暮:“哦,你只是前夫。”经年之后,迟夜勋才发现,他竟从未了解过他这个小妻子。迟夜勋:“回到我身边,你还是帝都最富有的女人,你所求的,我都会满足你。”朝雨暮:“迟总怕是误会了,我所求的,我自会靠自己得到。”迟夜勋看着眼前烈焰红唇,风情万种的女人,这个曾经在自己面前软软糯糯的小女人,现在浑身带刺,见他一次伤他一次,摆明了是在报复。迟夜勋:“暮暮,你到底还有多少我不知道的事?”朝雨暮莞尔一笑:“你猜……”入坑提醒:没有初恋,没有白月光,女主隐藏小马甲,男主前期断情绝爱,腹黑高冷,后期卑微追妻。本文高甜小虐,欢迎入坑。作者卑微求收藏,求红豆。
  • 暴力神探:夏洛克


  • 一剑万妖朝

