

No frightfuller Law ever ruled in a Nation of men. All Prisons and Houses of Arrest in French land are getting crowded to the ridge-tile: Forty-four thousand Committees, like as many companies of reapers or gleaners, gleaning France, are gathering their harvest, and storing it in these Houses. Harvest of Aristocrat tares! Nay, lest the Forty-four thousand, each on its own harvest-field, prove insufficient, we are to have an ambulant 'Revolutionary Army:' six thousand strong, under right captains, this shall perambulate the country at large, and strike in wherever it finds such harvest-work slack. So have Municipality and Mother Society petitioned; so has Convention decreed. (Ibid. Seances du 5, 9, 11 Septembre.) Let Aristocrats, Federalists, Monsieurs vanish, and all men tremble: 'The Soil of Liberty shall be purged,'--with a vengeance!

Neither hitherto has the Revolutionary Tribunal been keeping holyday.

Blanchelande, for losing Saint-Domingo; 'Conspirators of Orleans,' for 'assassinating,' for assaulting the sacred Deputy Leonard-Bourdon: these with many Nameless, to whom life was sweet, have died. Daily the great Guillotine has its due. Like a black Spectre, daily at eventide, glides the Death-tumbril through the variegated throng of things. The variegated street shudders at it, for the moment; next moment forgets it: The Aristocrats! They were guilty against the Republic; their death, were it only that their goods are confiscated, will be useful to the Republic; Vive la Republique!

In the last days of August, fell a notabler head: General Custine's.

Custine was accused of harshness, of unskilfulness, perfidiousness; accused of many things: found guilty, we may say, of one thing, unsuccessfulness.

Hearing his unexpected Sentence, 'Custine fell down before the Crucifix,' silent for the space of two hours: he fared, with moist eyes and a book of prayer, towards the Place de la Revolution; glanced upwards at the clear suspended axe; then mounted swiftly aloft, (Deux Amis, xi. 148-188.) swiftly was struck away from the lists of the Living. He had fought in America; he was a proud, brave man; and his fortune led him hither.

On the 2nd of this same month, at three in the morning, a vehicle rolled off, with closed blinds, from the Temple to the Conciergerie. Within it were two Municipals; and Marie-Antoinette, once Queen of France! There in that Conciergerie, in ignominious dreary cell, she, cut off from children, kindred, friend and hope, sits long weeks; expecting when the end will be.

(See Memoires particuliers de la Captivite a la Tour du Temple (by the Duchesse d'Angouleme, Paris, 21 Janvier 1817).)

The Guillotine, we find, gets always a quicker motion, as other things are quickening. The Guillotine, by its speed of going, will give index of the general velocity of the Republic. The clanking of its huge axe, rising and falling there, in horrid systole-diastole, is portion of the whole enormous Life-movement and pulsation of the Sansculottic System!--'Orleans Conspirators' and Assaulters had to die, in spite of much weeping and entreating; so sacred is the person of a Deputy. Yet the sacred can become desecrated: your very Deputy is not greater than the Guillotine. Poor Deputy Journalist Gorsas: we saw him hide at Rennes, when the Calvados War burnt priming. He stole afterwards, in August, to Paris; lurked several weeks about the Palais ci-devant Royal; was seen there, one day; was clutched, identified, and without ceremony, being already 'out of the Law,' was sent to the Place de la Revolution. He died, recommending his wife and children to the pity of the Republic. It is the ninth day of October 1793.

Gorsas is the first Deputy that dies on the scaffold; he will not be the last.

Ex-Mayor Bailly is in prison; Ex-Procureur Manuel. Brissot and our poor Arrested Girondins have become Incarcerated Indicted Girondins; universal Jacobinism clamouring for their punishment. Duperret's Seals are broken!

Those Seventy-three Secret Protesters, suddenly one day, are reported upon, are decreed accused; the Convention-doors being 'previously shut,' that none implicated might escape. They were marched, in a very rough manner, to Prison that evening. Happy those of them who chanced to be absent!

Condorcet has vanished into darkness; perhaps, like Rabaut, sits between two walls, in the house of a friend.

  • 三朝圣谕录


  • 靖夷纪事


  • The Law and the Lady

    The Law and the Lady

  • 上清明堂元真经诀


  • 未轩文集


  • 小朋友马甲又掉了


  • 我和冰山总裁老婆


  • 魔武女帝传


  • 想把你藏进我的左心房


  • 荒野的呼唤:杰克·伦敦中短篇小说选


  • 愿者心甘


  • 命元大时代


  • 天行


  • 公鸡王子


    本书是备受期待的科幻作者双翅目出版的首部中篇科幻集,包含四篇作品《精神采样》《复制时代的艺术作品》《公鸡王子》《空间围棋》。其中《公鸡王子》获第四届豆瓣阅读征文大赛科幻组首奖。如果艺术品可以完美复制,“孤品”还重要吗?如果可以用精神切片来分享体验、情感和顿悟,个体的意义何在?当人的意识被植入了“机器人三定律”,当人工智能可以领悟围棋的真谛——人与机器究竟如何共存,而所谓的“智慧”是否只是一种宇宙的幻象?双翅目的科幻小说提供了各个层面的认知挑战与冒险,将技术思辨带到了一个之前少有人涉及的领域。故事内核谨守黄金时代的特点,每一篇都基于技术发展可能性所带来的“what if”。欧陆哲学的学术背景为故事提供了丰富的精神资源及扎实的逻辑。双翅目操持着一种“深加工”过的翻译腔,流畅、精准、简洁却又不乏诗意,如同她所推崇的博尔赫斯、威廉·吉布森和特德·姜,用好读的故事去推演理性所无法企及之处。
  • 千古真仙

