The following September Tom Peters and I went East together.In the early morning Boston broke on us like a Mecca as we rolled out of the old Albany station,joint lords of a "herdic."How sharply the smell of the salt-laden east wind and its penetrating coolness come back to me!Iseek in vain for words to express the exhilarating effect of that briny coolness on my imagination,and of the visions it summoned up of the newer,larger life into which I had marvellously been transported.We alighted at the Parker House,full-fledged men of the world,and tried to act as though the breakfast of which we partook were merely an incident,not an Event;as though we were Seniors,and not freshmen,assuming an indifference to the beings by whom we were surrounded and who were breakfasting,too,--although the nice-looking ones with fresh faces and trim clothes were all undoubtedly Olympians.The better to proclaim our nonchalance,we seated ourselves on a lounge of the marble-paved lobby and smoked cigarettes.This was liberty indeed!At length we departed for Cambridge,in another herdic.
Boston!Could it be possible?Everything was so different here as to give the place the aspect of a dream:the Bulfinch State House,the decorous shops,the still more decorous dwellings with the purple-paned windows facing the Common;Back Bay,still boarded up,ivy-spread,suggestive of a mysterious and delectable existence.We crossed the Charles River,blue-grey and still that morning;traversed a nonde district,and at last found ourselves gazing out of the windows at the mellowed,plum-coloured bricks of the University buildings....All at once our exhilaration evaporated as the herdic rumbled into a side street and backed up before the door of a not-too-inviting,three-storied house with a queer extension on top.Its steps and vestibule were,however,immaculate.The bell was answered by a plainly overworked servant girl,of whom we inquired for Mrs.Bolton,our landlady.There followed a period of waiting in a parlour from which the light had been almost wholly banished,with slippery horsehair furniture and a marble-topped table;and Mrs.Bolton,when she appeared,dressed in rusty black,harmonized perfectly with the funereal gloom.She was a tall,rawboned,severe lady with a peculiar red-mottled complexion that somehow reminded one of the outcropping rocks of her native New England soil.
"You want to see your rooms,I suppose,"she remarked impassively when we had introduced ourselves,and as we mounted the stairs behind her Tom,in a whisper,nicknamed her "Granite Face."Presently she left us.
"Hospitable soul!"said Tom,who,with his hands in his pockets,was gazing at the bare walls of our sitting-room."We'll have to go into the house-furnishing business,Hughie.I vote we don't linger here to-day--we'll get melancholia."Outside,however,the sun was shining brightly,and we departed immediately to explore Cambridge and announce our important presences to the proper authorities....We went into Boston to dine....It was not until nine o'clock in the evening that we returned and the bottom suddenly dropped out of things.He who has tasted that first,acute homesickness of college will know what I mean.It usually comes at the opening of one's trunk.The sight of the top tray gave me a pang I shall never forget.I would not have believed that I loved my mother so much!
These articles had been packed by her hands;and in one corner,among the underclothes on which she had neatly sewed my initials,lay the new Bible she had bought."Hugh Moreton Paret,from his Mother.September,1881."I took it up (Tom was not looking)and tried to read a passage,but my eyes were blurred.What was it within me that pressed and pressed until I thought I could bear the pain of it no longer?I pictured the sitting-room at home,and my father and mother there,thinking of me.Yes,Imust acknowledge it;in the bitterness of that moment I longed to be back once more in the railed-off space on the floor of Breck and Company,writing invoices....
Presently,as we went on silently with our unpacking,we became aware of someone in the doorway.
"Hello,you fellows!"he cried."We're classmates,I guess."We turned to behold an ungainly young man in an ill-fitting blue suit.
His face was pimply,his eyes a Teutonic blue,his yellow hair rumpled,his naturally large mouth was made larger by a friendly grin.
"I'm Hermann Krebs,"he announced simply."Who are you?"We replied,I regret to say,with a distinct coolness that did not seem to bother him in the least.He advanced into the room,holding out a large,red,and serviceable hand,evidently it had never dawned on him that there was such a thing in the world as snobbery.But Tom and I had been "coached"by Ralph Hambleton and Perry Blackwood,warned to be careful of our friendships.There was a Reason!In any case Mr.Krebs would not have appealed to us.In answer to a second question he was informed what city we hailed from,and he proclaimed himself likewise a native of our state.
"Why,I'm from Elkington!"he exclaimed,as though the fact sealed our future relationships.He seated himself on Tom's trunk and added:
"Welcome to old Harvard!"
We felt that he was scarcely qualified to speak for "old Harvard,"but we did not say so.
"You look as if you'd been pall-bearers for somebody,"was his next observation.
To this there seemed no possible reply.