
第19章 Exeunt ACT IV SCENE I. The frontiers of Mantua.

A forest. Enter certain Outlaws First Outlaw Fellows, stand fast; I see a passenger. Second Outlaw If there be ten, shrink not, but down with 'em.

Enter VALENTINE and SPEED Third Outlaw Stand, sir, and throw us that you have about ye:

If not: we'll make you sit and rifle you. SPEED Sir, we are undone; these are the villains That all the travellers do fear so much. VALENTINE My friends,-- First Outlaw That's not so, sir: we are your enemies. Second Outlaw Peace! we'll hear him. Third Outlaw Ay, by my beard, will we, for he's a proper man. VALENTINE Then know that I have little wealth to lose:

A man I am cross'd with adversity;

My riches are these poor habiliments, Of which if you should here disfurnish me, You take the sum and substance that I have. Second Outlaw Whither travel you? VALENTINE To Verona. First Outlaw Whence came you? VALENTINE From Milan. Third Outlaw Have you long sojourned there? VALENTINE Some sixteen months, and longer might have stay'd, If crooked fortune had not thwarted me. First Outlaw What, were you banish'd thence? VALENTINE I was. Second Outlaw For what offence? VALENTINE For that which now torments me to rehearse:

I kill'd a man, whose death I much repent;

Bu t yet I slew him manfully in fight, Without false vantage or base treachery. First Outlaw Why, ne'er repent it, if it were done so.

But were you banish'd for so small a fault? VALENTINE I was, and held me glad of such a doom. Second Outlaw Have you the tongues? VALENTINE My youthful travel therein made me happy, Or else I often had been miserable. Third Outlaw By the bare scalp of Robin Hood's fat friar, This fellow were a king for our wild faction! First Outlaw We'll have him. Sirs, a word. SPEED Master, be one of them; it's an honourable kind of thievery. VALENTINE Peace, villain! Second Outlaw Tell us this: have you any thing to take to? VALENTINE Nothing but my fortune. Third Outlaw Know, then, that some of us are gentlemen, Such as the fury of ungovern'd youth Thrust from the company of awful men:

Myself was from Verona banished For practising to steal away a lady, An heir, and near allied unto the duke. Second Outlaw And I from Mantua, for a gentleman, Who, in my mood, I stabb'd unto the heart. First Outlaw And I for such like petty crimes as these, But to the purpose--for we cite our faults, That they may hold excus'd our lawless lives;

And partly, seeing you are beautified With goodly shape and by your own report A linguist and a man of such perfection As we do in our quality much want-- Second Outlaw Indeed, because you are a banish'd man, Therefore, above the rest, we parley to you:

Are you content to be our general?

To make a virtue of necessity And live, as we do, in this wilderness? Third Outlaw What say'st thou? wilt thou be of our consort?

Say ay, and be the captain of us all:

We'll do thee homage and be ruled by thee, Love thee as our commander and our king. First Outlaw But if thou scorn our courtesy, thou diest. Second Outlaw Thou shalt not live to brag what we have offer'd. VALENTINE I take your offer and will live with you, Provided that you do no outrages On silly women or poor passengers. Third Outlaw No, we detest such vile base practises.

Come, go with us, we'll bring thee to our crews, And show thee all the treasure we have got, Which, with ourselves, all rest at thy dispose.

  • 驭界封道


  • 炼废通神


  • “打黑除恶”审判参考


  • 海贼王之伙伴


  • 穿越神医之逆天三小姐


  • 不抱怨的世界


  • 掘取第一桶金


  • 天行


  • 忧伤动物


    1.马龙的小说使人领略到了她作为随笔作家的睿智和激扬……她是个心思缜密却又热情率性的女作家,从不吝于表达悲喜交加的情绪。2. “忧伤动物”(Animal triste) 这个词组可以追溯到亚里士多德时代的拉丁语名言,即“欢爱后,每个动物都忧伤不已”。无疑,这部被冠以如此标题的小说让人有不祥的预感,并暗示着宿命的思想。3.作者把回忆与联想相结合使小说的多条线索在不同层次上展开,让小说具有丰满的立体效果;同时,这种创作手法也颠覆了读者素来只喜欢大致跟踪情节的传统阅读方式。
  • 邪王的懒妃

