
第74章 Chapter 6(5)

"It's just what I want to be. I don't see," she added, "why you're not right, I don't see why you're not happy, as you are. I can't not ask myself, I can't not ask YOU," she went on, "if you're really as much at liberty as your universal generosity leads you to assume. Ought n't we," she said, "to think a little of others? Ought n't I at least in loyalty--at any rate in delicacy--to think of Maggie?" With which, intensely gentle, so as not to appear too much to teach him his duty, she explained. "She's everything to you--she has always been. Are you so certain that there's room in your life--?"

"For another daughter?--is that what you mean?" She had n't hung upon it long, but he had quickly taken her up.

He had n't, however, disconcerted her. "For another young woman--very much of her age, and whose relation to her has always been so different from what our marrying would make it. For another companion," said Charlotte Stant.

"Can't a man be, all his life then," he almost (223) fiercely asked, "anything but a father?" But he went on before she could answer. "You talk about differences, but they've been already made--as no one knows better than Maggie. She feels the one she made herself by her own marriage--made I mean for me. She constantly thinks of it--it allows her no rest. To put her at peace is therefore," he explained, "what I'm trying, with you, to do. I can't do it alone, but I can do it with your help. You can make her," he said, "positively happy about me."

"About you?" she thoughtfully echoed. "But what can I make her about herself?"

"Oh if she's at ease about me the rest will take care of itself. The case," he declared, "is in your hands. You'll effectually put out of her mind that I feel she has abandoned me."

Interest certainly now was what he had kindled in her face, but it was all the more honourable to her, as he had just called it, that she should want to see each of the steps of his conviction. "If you've been driven to the 'likes' of me may n't it show that you've truly felt forsaken?"

"Well, I'm willing to suggest that, if I can show at the same time that I feel consoled."

"But HAVE you," she demanded, "really felt so?"

He thought. "Consoled?"


"No--I have n't. But if it's her idea--!" If it was her idea, in short, that was enough. This enunciation of motive the next moment however sounded to him perhaps slightly thin, so that he gave it another touch. "That is if it's my idea. I happen, you see, to like my idea.

(224) "Well, it's beautiful and wonderful. But is n't it possibly,"

Charlotte asked, "not quite enough to marry me for?"

"Why so, my dear child? Is n't a man's idea usually what he does marry for?"

Charlotte, considering, looked as if this might perhaps be a large question, or at all events something of an extension of the one they were immediately concerned with. "Does n't that a good deal depend on the sort of thing it may be?" She suggested that about marriage ideas, as he called them, might differ; with which however, giving no more time to it, she sounded another question. "Don't you appear rather to put it to me that I may accept your offer for Maggie's sake? Somehow"--she turned it over--"I don't so clearly SEE her quite so much finding reassurance, or even quite so much needing it."

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    洪荒背景、原创诸天。太上:大道无边,太上太一。一念即道,念动则亿万时空重组。元始:执天之道,以知古始,御今之有,是谓道纪。而大道终不可得,其可得者言德不言道。鲲鹏:乘天地之正,御六气之辩,以游无穷,令得天地与我并生,使万物与我为一,吾心亦是道。伏羲:吾观象于天,观法于地,见有太极生两仪,两仪生四象,四象生八卦......其可容万物。女娲:恩哼~ー( ̄~ ̄)ξ鸿钧:“......”在另一边梦醒玄黄大陆,叶天面对身处浩瀚无边的异世时空,还有往昔神圣的踪迹不断显现。仰望星空之无穷,言此生不为称尊作祖,只求:“有一天,可以自由自在地遨游于宇宙之间,得以穿梭在古今未来,行走于六合八荒,拥抱明月而长存。”然而大陆上头异世天庭里,诸神们却早陷入牢狱,天帝尚且成为阶下囚,那里有着一根根冰冷刺骨的锁神链正无情地戳入了天神们的脊椎......不想混乱低语逐渐逼近,周身却亦还是制衡不断,门派世家、皇城恩怨、亲情爱恋,何解?一切从宫廷选婚中的对峙开始,叶天也得以踏出脱身第一步,首开伪《画壁》世界......(猪脚不逆天、不杀亲、不跪舔、不圣母,看似憨厚,心有正气,于关键之刻极为果决,毫不手软,又有底线。)
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