
第529章 VOLUME VII(58)

Important movements have also occurred during the year to the effect of molding society for durability in the Union. Although short of complete success, it is much in the right direction that twelve thousand citizens in each of the States of Arkansas and Louisiana have organized loyal State governments, with free constitutions, and are earnestly struggling to maintain and administer them. The movements in the same direction more extensive though less definite in Missouri, Kentucky, and Tennessee, should not be overlooked. But Maryland presents the example of complete success. Maryland is secure to liberty and union for all the future. The genius of rebellion will no more claim Maryland. Like another foul spirit being driven out, it may seek to tear her, but it will woo her no more.

At the last session of Congress a proposed amendment of the Constitution abolishing slavery throughout the United States passed the Senate, but failed for lack of the requisite two-thirds vote in the House of Representatives. Although the present is the same Congress and nearly the same members, and without questioning the wisdom or patriotism of those who stood in opposition, I venture to recommend the reconsideration and passage of the measure at the present session. Of course the abstract question is not changed; but an intervening election shows almost certainly that the next Congress will pass the measure if this does not. Hence there is only a question of time as to when the proposed amendment will go to the States for their action. And as it is to so go at all events, may we not agree that the sooner the better? It is not claimed that the election has imposed a duty on members to change their views or their votes any further than, as an additional element to be considered, their judgment may be affected by it. It is the voice of the people now for the first time heard upon the question. In a great national crisis like ours, unanimity of action among those seeking a common end is very desirable, almost indispensable. And yet no approach to such unanimity is attainable unless some deference shall be paid to the will of the majority simply because it is the will of the majority. In this case the common end is the maintenance of the Union, and among the means to secure that end such will, through the election, is most clearly declared in favor of such Constitutional amendment.

The most reliable indication of public purpose in this country is derived through our popular elections. Judging by the recent canvass and its result, the purpose of the people within the loyal States to maintain the integrity of the Union was never more firm nor more nearly unanimous than now. The extraordinary calmness and good order with which the millions of voters met and mingled at the polls give strong assurance of this. Not only all those who supported the Union ticket, so called, but a great majority of the opposing party also may be fairly claimed to entertain and to be actuated by the same purpose. It is an unanswerable argument to this effect that no candidate for any office whatever, high or low, has ventured to seek votes on the avowal that he was for giving up the Union. There have been much impugning of motives and much heated controversy as to the proper means and best mode of advancing the Union cause, but on the distinct issue of Union or no Union the politicians have shown their instinctive knowledge that there is no diversity among the people.

In affording the people the fair opportunity of showing one to another and to the world this firmness and unanimity of purpose, the election has been of vast value to the national cause.

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    (推荐新书:甜心遇见你是我的幸运)原来的她美丽动人,现在的她,脸上已经有了明显的疤痕,她不再美丽,原因就是2年前一个狠毒的男人,将她心爱的人堆到山下,坠落而死,两年后,他回到这里。祝她分手快乐,在这件事发生之前也发生了很多事让她没办法接受,她讨厌听见分手。别人分手了她总觉得是自己的错,她一气之下不顾大风大雨的跑了出去,李韬把他找了回来,她到底会和谁在一起?当她踮起脚尖,亲吻的有是谁?她又为何一气之下拿水果刀架在自己的脖子上?在树下对她甜言蜜语的有是谁?她去逛街,挽的是谁的手?她的情绪稍稍好了,她刚刚出院了,要回到那个打击她太多的校园时,脑袋的一个决定,半年后,她脱颖而出,脸上的疤没了,样貌惊人,她要在这个校园闯出一片属于她的历史,这个过程,顺便耍了耍帅,卖了卖萌,顺路带回来一个男朋友,正是奇葩!(*^3^)(本文有作者萌樱樱xun和她的朋友一起制作。本文讲述的是青春少女的烦恼和失落,有付出必定会有回复的。(づ ̄3 ̄)づ么么哒,大家赞起来吧!!!。樱樱的书友群已经建了:491817756加群有预告福利哦!微博:萌樱樱xun