At six o'clock Mary, who had reasons of her own for wishing to be left alone in the store, suggested that she remain there while her uncles went home for supper. Neither Mr. Hamilton nor the Captain would consent, so she was obliged to go to the house herself and send Isaiah up once more to act as shopkeeper. But at eleven that night, after unmistakable sounds from their rooms were furnishing proofs that both partners of Hamilton and Company were asleep, she tiptoed downstairs, put on her coat and hat, took the store keys from the nail where Zoeth always hung them, and went out. She did not return until almost three.
The next day she spent, for the most part, at the store. She wrote several letters and, in spite of her uncles' protests, waited upon several customers. That evening, as she sat behind the counter thinking, a boy whom Captain Shadrach identified as Zenas Atkins' young-one rushed breathlessly into the store to announce between gasps that "Mary-'Gusta Lathrop's wanted on the phone. It's long distance, too, and--and--you've got to scrabble 'cause they're holdin' the wire." Mary hurried out and to the telephone office.
She had not answered Shadrach's question as to who she thought was calling. She did not know, of course, but she suspected, and for a cool-headed young business woman, a girl who had ruthlessly driven all thoughts except those of business from her mind, her heart beat surprisingly fast as she entered the closet which acted as a substitute for a telephone booth, and took down the receiver. Yet her tone was calm enough as she uttered the stereotyped "Hello."
The wire hummed and sang, fragments of distant conversation became audible and were lost, and then a voice, the voice which she was expecting but, in a way, dreading to hear, asked: "Hello! Is this Miss Lathrop?"
"Yes, Crawford."
"Mary, is that you?"
"I have just called at Mrs. Wyeth's and learned that you had gone.
I am awfully disappointed. I leave for home tomorrow and I had counted on seeing you before I went. Why did you go without a word to me?"
"Didn't Mrs. Wyeth tell you?"
"She told me a good deal, but I want to know more. Is it true--that about your uncles?"
"I am afraid it is."
"Great Scott, that's too bad! I am mighty sorry to hear it. Look here, isn't there something I can do? Do they need--"
"Sshh! we mustn't talk about it over the phone. No, there is nothing you can do. I have some plans partially worked out; something may come of them. Please don't ask more particulars now."
"All right, I understand; I won't. But mayn't I come down and see you? I can start West the day after tomorrow just as well and that would give me time--"
"No, Crawford, no. You mustn't come."
"I've a good mind to, whether or no."
"If you do I shall not see you--then or at any other time. But you won't, will you?"
"No, Mary, I won't. It's mighty hard, though."
Perhaps it was quite as hard for her, but she did not reply.
"Will you write me--every day?" he went on. . . . "Why don't you answer?"
"I was thinking what would be best for me to do," she said; "best for us both, I mean. I shall write you one letter surely."
"One surely. I want you to understand just what my coming here means and what effect it may have upon my future. You should know that. Afterward, whether I write you or not will depend."
"Depend! Of course you'll write me! Depend on what?"
"On what seems right to me after I have had time to think, and after you have seen your father. I must go, Crawford. Thank you for calling me. I am glad you did. Good-by."
"Wait! Mary, don't go! Let me say this--"
"Please, Crawford! I'd rather you wouldn't say any more. You understand why, I'm sure. I hope you will have a pleasant trip home and find your father's health much improved. Good-by."
She hung up the receiver and hastened back to the store. Shadrach and Zoeth looked at her questioningly. Finally the former said:
"Anything important, was it?"
"No, Uncle Shad, not very important."
A short interval of silence, then--
"Mrs. Wyeth callin', I presume likely, eh?"
"No, Uncle Shad."
Shadrach asked no more questions, and Zoeth asked none. Neither of them again mentioned Mary's call to the phone, either to her or to each other. And she did not refer to it. She had promised her Uncle Shadrach, when he questioned her the year before concerning Crawford, to tell him "when there was anything to tell." But was there anything to tell now? With the task which she had set herself and the uncertainty before her she felt that there was not. Yet to keep silence troubled her. Until recently there had never been a secret between her uncles and herself; now there were secrets on both sides.