

Zoeth nodded. "I wan't at first," he said. "At first the whole thing, comin' on me out of a clear sky as you might say, knocked me flat. The doctor, when he came, said he thought I must have had a sudden shock. I did; that was it, that letter. But later on, when I was gettin' better and could think again, and when I was alone and had the chance and could read the letter again, I began to--to--well, not forgive him for what he done--I don't suppose I can ever do that"

"I should say not! Damn him!"

"Hush, Shadrach; he's dead."

"So he is. I forgot. Then he's damned, I guess, without any orders from me."

"He was damned here on earth, Shadrach. All his life--the last part of it, anyhow--must have been a torment. He must have idolized that boy of his. He says so in the letter, but it's plain on every line of the writin' without his sayin' it. And can't you just imagine him as the boy grew up and they loved each other more and more, tremblin' and scared every minute for fear that somehow or other his son'll learn that the father he loves and respects is a--a thief--and--and worse? Seems to me I can imagine it. And then all at once the boy comes to him and says he wants to marry--Oh, my soul!

Shadrach, think of it!--he wants to marry your girl and mine--

Marcellus's stepdaughter. Why, it must have driven him nigh crazy.

And then they quarrel, and the boy, the only bein' on earth he's livin' for, goes off and leaves him. And he knows he's comin' here--to us--and that some time or other he's sartin to learn everything.

No wonder he wrote that letter. No wonder--"

The Captain interrupted.

"Writin' you, of all people!" he said. "Writin' you and beggin' you not to let Mary-'Gusta marry his son: and for what? To save the boy from somethin' bad? No! For all he knew, Mary-'Gusta might be what she is, the best and finest girl on earth. What he was beggin' for was himself--that his son shouldn't know what HE was, that's all.

No, Zoeth, I can't pity him much. He's dead, and that's a good thing, too. The wonder of it is that he's been alive all this time and we didn't know. And to think--but there; it's all wonderful."

Both were silent for a moment. Then Zoeth said:

"The one thing that's troubled me most in all this, Shadrach, is about Mary-'Gusta herself. How does she really feel towards Crawford? She sent him away, you told me that, but are you sure she did it because she didn't care enough for him to marry him? Are you sure there wan't any other reason?"

"She gave me to understand there wan't. What other reason could there be?"

"Well--well, Shadrach, it all depends, seems to me. You know Mary-

'Gusta; the last person she thinks about on earth is herself. If she did think a sight of Crawford, if she thought ENOUGH of him, she wouldn't let him suffer on account of her, would she? She knew, probably, that he loved and respected his father and a father's good name must mean a lot to a son. Then, there is us--you and me, Shadrach. She wouldn't let us suffer, if she could help it. Do you see what I mean?"

"Humph!" mused the Captain, thinking aloud, "I cal'late I do, Zoeth.

You mean if Mary-'Gusta had found out the facts about Ed Farmer, who he was and what he done, and if she knew Crawford Smith's dad WAS Ed Farmer and that Crawford didn't know it and we didn't know it--you mean that, BEIN' Mary-'Gusta, rather than bring sorrow and trouble on Crawford and on us, she'd sacrifice her own feelin's and--and would pretend she didn't care for him so as to get him to go away and save him and us. That's what you mean, I presume likely."

"That's it, Shadrach."

"Um--yes. Well, there's just one thing that makes that notion seem consider'ble more than unlikely. How in the world could she have found out that there ever was an Edgar Farmer--"

"Good many folks in South Harniss could have told her that if they'd had a mind to."

"Maybe so; but they couldn't have told her that Edwin Smith, of Carson City, Nevada, was ever Edgar Farmer. No, sir, they couldn't!

Nobody knew it--but Ed Farmer himself. How could our Mary-'Gusta know it?"

"I don't know, Shadrach, unless--she's awful smart, you know--somethin' might have put her on the track and she puzzled it out. I know that ain't likely; but, Shadrach, if she does care for Crawford and he cares for her, I--I want 'em to have each other. I do. They must."

Shadrach stared at him.

"Zoeth Hamilton," he exclaimed, "do you know what you're sayin'?

You want our girl to marry the son of the man that--that--"



  • 佛说阿罗汉具德经


  • Eugene Pickering

    Eugene Pickering

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  • 最后:如旧一人


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    当一个超等文明仅存的火种,奴役了地球上的一个屌丝,并要求他帮助自己掠夺宇宙间的能源时,奇妙的事情发生了…… —— 站立在真正的外星球上,一个神屌丝对他身边的一群屌丝说——这,只是一个游戏世界~ —— 这一天,整个地球的屌丝沸腾了~ 因为网游的新时代来了!他们将真正进入游戏世界里,体验刀刀烈火刀刀爆的快感! …… 这一天,整个外星文明懵逼了~ 因为,一群拥有着不死之身、猥琐、阴险、邪恶、残暴的自称‘玩家’的生物踏上了他们的国土,抢夺他们的资源,残杀他们的同胞,还要。。。。 这一天, 路非听着眼前丑陋绿矮人的哭诉,惊呼道, “卧槽,这群屌丝好重的口味啊~ 智脑,快,把生物装甲上‘多余’的器官给我卸咯!” ——这是一个神屌丝带着一群屌丝,征服宇宙的故事。你们好,我是已知宇宙中,最神的屌丝……
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