

What has come to you,my dear?After a silence of two years,surely Renee has a right to feel anxious about Louise.So this is love!It brushes aside and scatters to the winds a friendship such as ours!You must admit that,devoted as I am to my children--more even perhaps than you to your Gaston--a mother's love has something expansive about it which does not allow it to steal from other affections,or interfere with the claims of friendship.I miss your letters,I long for a sight of your dear,sweet face.Oh!Louise,my heart has only conjecture to feed upon!

As regards ourselves,I will try and tell you everything as briefly as possible.

On reading your last letter but one,I find some stinging comments on our political situation.You mocked at us for keeping the post in the Audit Department,which,as well as the title of Count,Louis owed to the favor of Charles X.But I should like to know,please,how it would be possible out of an income of forty thousand livres,thirty thousand of which go with the entail,to give a suitable start in life to Athenais and my poor little beggar Rene.Was it not a duty to live on our salary and prudently allow the income of the estate to accumulate?In this way we shall,in twenty years,have put together about six hundred thousand francs,which will provide portions for my daughter and for Rene,whom I destine for the navy.The poor little chap will have an income of ten thousand livres,and perhaps we may contrive to leave him in cash enough to bring his portion up to the amount of his sister's.

When he is Captain,my beggar will be able to make a wealthy marriage,and take a position in society as good as his elder brother's.

These considerations of prudence determined the acceptance in our family of the new order of things.The new dynasty,as was natural,raised Louis to the Peerage and made him a grand officer of the Legion of Honor.The oath once taken,l'Estorade could not be half-hearted in his services,and he has since then made himself very useful in the Chamber.The position he has now attained is one in which he can rest upon his oars till the end of his days.He has a good deal of adroitness in business matters;and though he can hardly be called an orator,speaks pleasantly and fluently,which is all that is necessary in politics.His shrewdness and the extent of his information in all matters of government and administration are fully appreciated,and all parties consider him indispensable.I may tell you that he was recently offered an embassy,but I would not let him accept it.I am tied to Paris by the education of Armand and Athenais--who are now respectively thirteen and nearly eleven--and I don't intend leaving till little Rene has completed his,which is just beginning.

We could not have remained faithful to the elder branch of the dynasty and returned to our country life without allowing the education and prospects of the three children to suffer.A mother,my sweet,is hardly called on to be a Decius,especially at a time when the type is rare.In fifteen years from now,l'Estorade will be able to retire to La Crampade on a good pension,having found a place as referendary for Armand in the Audit Department.

As for Rene,the navy will doubtless make a diplomatist of him.The little rogue,at seven years old,has all the cunning of an old Cardinal.

Oh!Louise,I am indeed a happy mother.My children are an endless source of joy to me.

Senza brama sicura ricchezza.

Armand is a day scholar at Henry IV.'s school.I made up my mind he should have a public-school training,yet could not reconcile myself to the thought of parting with him;so I compromised,as the Duc d'Orleans did before he became--or in order that he might become--Louis Philippe.Every morning Lucas,the old servant whom you will remember,takes Armand to school in time for the first lesson,and brings him home again at half-past four.In the house we have a private tutor,an admirable scholar,who helps Armand with his work in the evenings,and calls him in the morning at the school hour.Lucas takes him some lunch during the play hour at midday.In this way I am with my boy at dinner and until he goes to bed at night,and I see him off in the morning.

Armand is the same charming little fellow,full of feeling and unselfish impulse,whom you loved;and his tutor is quite pleased with him.I still have Nais and the baby--two restless little mortals--but I am quite as much a child as they are.I could not bring myself to lose the darlings'sweet caresses.I could not live without the feeling that at any moment I can fly to Armand's bedside and watch his slumbers or snatch a kiss.

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