Was it the figure of a living man? or was it the creation of my own excited fancy? Before I could ask myself the question, the man advanced a step nearer to us. A last gleam of the dying light fell on his face through an opening in the trees. At the same instant Miss Laroche started back from Captain Stanwick with a scream of terror. She would have fallen if I had not been near enough to support her. The Captain was instantly at her side again. "Speak!" he cried. "Do _you_ see it, too?"She was just able to say "Yes" before she fainted in my arms.
He stooped over her, and touched her cold cheek with his lips.
"Goodby!" he said, in tones suddenly and strangely changed to the most exquisite tenderness. "Good-by, forever!"He leaped the rivulet; he crossed the open ground; he was lost to sight in the valley beyond.
As he disappeared, the visionary man among the fir-trees advanced; passed in silence; crossed the rivulet at a bound; and vanished as the figure of the Captain had vanished before him.
I was left alone with the swooning woman. Not a sound, far or near, broke the stillness of the coming night.