I went to the wood--on foot, fearing that I might be traced if Ihired a carriage. The country round was as solitary as usual. Not a creature was near when I entered the wood; not a creature was near when I looked into the clearing.
There was nothing on the ground. The body was gone.
No. 4.--The Reverend Alfred Loring, Rector of Nettlegrove, testifies and says:--I.
EARLY in the month of October, 1817, I was informed that Miss Bertha Laroche had called at my house, and wished to see me in private.
I had first been presented to Miss Laroche on her arrival, with her aunt, to take possession of her property at Nettlegrove Hall.
My opportunities of improving my acquaintance with her had not been so numerous as I could have desired, and I sincerely regretted it. She had produced a very favorable impression on me.