HAVING delivered his little formula of words, the shabby servant cast a look of furtive curiosity at Percy and withdrew. Charlotte turned to her lover, with indignation sparkling in her eyes and flushing on her cheeks at the bare idea of seeing Captain Bervie again. "Does he think I will breathe the same air," she exclaimed, "with the man who attempted to take your life!"Percy gently remonstrated with her.
"You are sadly mistaken," he said. "Captain Bervie stood to receive my fire as fairly as I stood to receive his. When Idischarged my pistol in the air, he was the first man who ran up to me, and asked if I was seriously hurt. They told him my wound was a trifle; and he fell on his knees and thanked God for preserving my life from his guilty hand. 'I am no longer the rival who hates you,' he said. 'Give me time to try if change of scene will quiet my mind; and I will be _your_ brother, and _her_brother.' Whatever his faults may be, Charlotte, Arthur Bervie has a great heart. Go in, I entreat you, and be friends with him as I am."Charlotte listened with downcast eyes and changing color. "You believe him?" she asked in low and trembling tones.
"I believe him as I believe You," Percy answered.