
第28章 By Humble Means(3)

"It's only for a week--I've got to go to the oculist and see about some other things.I'll be back before long.""I shall miss you,"she said,conventionally.Then she saw that he was going away to relieve her from the embarrassment of his presence,and blessed him accordingly.

"When are you going?"she asked.

"This afternoon.I don't want to go,but it's just as well to have it over with.Can I do anything for you in the city?""No,thank you.My wants are few and,at present,well supplied.""Don't you want me to match something for you?I thought women always had pieces of stuff that had to be matched immediately.""They made you edit the funny column,didn't they?"she asked,irrelevantly.

"They did,Miss Thorne,and,moreover,I expect I'll have to do it again."After a little,they were back on the old footing,yet everything was different,for there was an obtruding self consciousness on either side."What time do you go?"she asked,with assumed indifference.

"Three-fifteen,I think,and it's after one now."He walked back to the house with her,and,for the second time that day,Hepsey came out to sweep the piazza.

"Good bye,Miss Thorne,"he said.

"Good bye,Mr.Winfield."

That was all,but Ruth looked up with an unspoken question and his eyes met hers clearly,with no turning aside.She knew he would come back very soon and she understood his answer--that he had the right.

As she entered the house,Hepsey said,pleasantly:"Has he gone away,Miss Thorne?""Yes,"she answered,without emotion.She was about to say that she did not care for luncheon,then decided that she must seem to care.

Still,it was impossible to escape that keen-eyed observer."You ain't eatin'much,"she suggested.

"I'm not very hungry."

"Be you sick,Miss Thorne?"

"No--not exactly.I've been out in the sun and my head aches,"she replied,clutching at the straw.

"Do you want a wet rag?"

Ruth laughed,remembering an earlier suggestion of Winfield's.

"No,I don't want any wet rag,Hepsey,but I'll go up to my room for a little while,I think.Please don't disturb me."She locked her door,shutting out all the world from the nameless joy that surged in her heart.The mirror disclosed flushed,feverish cheeks and dark eyes that shone like stars."Ruth Thorne,"she said to herself,"I'm ashamed of you!First you act like a fool and then like a girl of sixteen!"Then her senses became confused and the objects in the room circled around her unsteadily."I'm tired,"she murmured.Her head sank drowsily into the lavender scented pillow and she slept too soundly to take note of the three o'clock train leaving the station.It was almost sunset when she was aroused by voices under her window.

"That feller's gone home,"said Joe.

"Do tell!"exclaimed Hepsey."Did he pay his board?""Yep,every cent.He's a-comin'back."


"D'know.Don't she know?"The emphasis indicated Miss Thorne.

"I guess not,"answered Hepsey."They said good bye right in front of me,and there wa'n't nothin'said about it.""They ain't courtin',then,"said Joe,after a few moments of painful thought,and Ruth,in her chamber above,laughed happily to herself.

"Mebbe not,"rejoined Hepsey."It ain't fer sech as me to say when there's courtin'and when there ain't,after havin'gone well nigh onto five year with a country loafer what ain't never said nothin'."She stalked into the house,closed the door,and noisily bolted it.Joe stood there for a moment,as one struck dumb,then gave a long,low whistle of astonishment and walked slowly down the hill.

  • 你和我的距离从来都不远


  • 一剑惊天


  • 天恒助


  • 尊上有命,小媳妇俘获记


  • 重生系统聘为当镇长


  • 属于我们的曾经


  • 冥皇魔道


  • 极品风流保镖


  • 小女孩是大佬


  • 虐心爱恋

