
第25章 Summer Days(3)

With Joe's assistance,she entered the vehicle and took her place proudly on the back seat,even while he pleaded for her to sit beside him.

"You know yourself that I can't drive nothin'from the back seat,"he complained.

"Nobody's askin'you to drive nothin'from nowhere,"returned Hepsey,scornfully."If you can't take me out like a lady,Iain't a-goin'."

Ruth was dazzled by the magnificence of the spectacle and was unable to take her eyes away from it,even after Joe had turned around and started down hill.She thought Winfield would see them pass his door and time his arrival accordingly,so she was startled when he came up behind her and said,cheerfully:

"They look like a policeman's,don't they?"


"Hepsey's hands--did you think I meant yours?""How long have you been here?"

"Nearly thirty years."

"That wasn't what I meant,"said Ruth,colouring."How long have you been at Aunt Jane's?""Oh,that's different.When Joe went out to harness his fiery steeds to his imposing chariot,I went around through the woods,across the beach,climbed a vertical precipice,and came up this side of the hill.I had to wait some little time,but I had a front seat during the show."He brought out her favourite chair,placing it under the maple tree,then sat down near her."I should think you'd get some clothes like Hepsey's,"he began."I'll wager,now,that you haven't a gown like that in your entire wardrobe.""You're right--I haven't.The nearest approach to it is a tailored gown,lined with silk,which Hepsey thinks I should wear wrong side out.""How long will the coast be clear?"

"Until nine o'clock,I think.They go to church in the evening.""It's half past three now,"he observed,glancing at his watch.

"I had fried salt pork,fried eggs,and fried potatoes for breakfast.I've renounced coffee,for I can't seem to get used to theirs.For dinner,we had round steak,fried,more fried potatoes,and boiled onions.Dried apple pie for dessert--I think I'd rather have had the mince I refused this morning.""I'll feed you at five o'clock,"she said,smiling.

"That seems like a long time,"he complained.

"It won't,after you begin to entertain me."

It was after five before either realised it."Come on,"she said,"you can sit in the kitchen and watch me."He professed great admiration while she put on one of Hepsey's white aprons,and when she appeared with the chafing-dish,his emotion was beyond speech.He was allowed to open the box and to cut up some button mushrooms,while she shredded cold chicken.

"I'm getting hungry every minute,"he said,"and if there is undue postponement,I fear I shall assimilate all the raw material in sight--including the cook."Ruth laughed happily.She was ****** a sauce with real cream,seasoned delicately with paprika and celery salt."Now I'll put in the chicken and mushrooms,"she said,"and you can stir it while I make toast."They were seated at the table in the dining-room and the fun was at its height,when they became aware of a presence.Hepsey stood in the door,apparently transfixed with surprise,and with disapproval evident in every line of her face.Before either could speak,she was gone.

Though Ruth was very much annoyed,the incident seemingly served to accentuate Winfield's enjoyment.The sound of wheels on the gravel outside told them that she was continuing her excursion.

"I'm going to discharge her to-morrow,"Ruth said.

"You can't--she is in Miss Hathaway's service,not yours.

Besides,what has she done?She came back,probably,after something she had forgotten.You have no reasonable ground for discharging her,and I think you'd be more uncomfortable if she went than if she stayed.""Perhaps you're right,"she admitted.

"I know how you feel about it,"he went on,"but I hope you won't let her distress you.It doesn't make a bit of difference to me;she's only amusing.Please don't bother about it.""I won't,"said Ruth,"that is,I'll try not to."They piled the dishes in the sink,"as a pleasant surprise for Hepsey,"he said,and the hours passed as if on wings.It was almost ten o'clock before it occurred to Winfield that his permanent abode was not Miss Hathaway's parlour.

As they stood at the door,talking,the last train came in."Do you know,"said Winfield,"that every night,just as that train comes in,your friend down there puts a candle in her front window?""Well,"rejoined Ruth,sharply,"what of it?It's a free country,isn't it?""Very.Untrammelled press and highly independent women.Good night,Miss Thorne.I'll be up the first thing in the morning."She was about to speak,but slammed the door instead,and was displeased when she heard a smothered laugh from outside.

  • 阔别晚柠天


  • 天行


  • 血族奇才


    一个退休程序员穿越到魔法世界里。 这是一个骑士、魔法师、狼人、巨人、精灵、灵兽共存的世界。 星福带着拥有大量书籍和训练场地的梦空间来到该世界。 来到这个世界他想做什么?人工智能战斗机器人必须开发出来!其它的再说吧。 他有一个小小的愿望:当这个世界的主宰者。----------------------关键词:骑士、魔法师、计算机、人工智能、机械军队、高新科技、肌肉男主、男主只有一个爱人
  • 异世重生战神


  • 九转惊雷决


  • 迷乱星空


  • 烟香茉莉


  • 天行


  • 窃梦


  • 半生向暖

