

"Mother,can I have three dollars?"asked Eloise the next morning.

"Were you thinking of a new riding hat,dear?I do wish you had it to wear this afternoon.Yours is shabby,certainly,but you can't get it for that,child.""No;I was thinking of a copy of 'Science and Health.'I don't like to take Jewel's any longer,and I'm convinced.""What of--sin?"asked Mrs.Evringham in dismay.

"No,just the opposite--that there needn't be any.The book teaches the truth.I know it.""Well,whether it does or doesn't,you haven't any three dollars to spend for a book,Eloise,"was the firm reply."The idea,when I can barely rake and scrape enough together to keep us presentable!""Where do you get our money?"asked the girl.

"Father gives me a check every fortnight.Of course you know that he has charge of our affairs."Eloise's serene expression did not change.She looked at the little black book in her hand."This edition costs five dollars,"she said.

"Scandalous!"exclaimed Mrs.Evringham."I can tell you this is no time for us to be collecting editions de luxe.Wait till you're married.""I'm going to run in town for a while this morning,mother.""You are?Well don't get belated.You know that you are to ride with Dr.Ballard at half past four.Dear me,"her brow drawn,"you ought to have that hat.Now I think that I couldget on without that jet bolero."Eloise laughed softly and drew her mother to her."Have your jet bolero,dear,"she answered."My hat isn't bad."Eloise went to her room,and closing the door,took from one of her drawers a box.It contained her girlish treasures,the ornaments and jewels her father had given her from time to time.She took out a small diamond ring and pressed it to her lips.

"Dear papa!I love it because you gave it to me,but I can get with it a wonderful thing,a truth which,if we had known it,would have saved you all those torturing hours,would have saved your dear life.I know how gladly you would have me get it now,for you are learning it too;and it will be your gift,dear,dearpapa,your gift just the same."Jewel had to study the lesson with only Anna Belle's assistance that morning,but she received the third letter from her mother and father.

Their trip was proving a success from the standpoints of both business and pleasure,but their chief longing was to get back to their little girl.

It was very like visiting with them to read it over,and Jewel did so more than once."I'll show it to cousin Eloise as soon as she comes home,"she reflected.Then she dressed Anna Belle to go out.

Running downstairs the child sought and found Mrs.Forbes in the kitchen.The housekeeper no longer questioned her going and coming,although she still considered herself in the light of the child's only disciplinarian,and was vigilant to watch for errors of omission and commission,and quick to correct them.

"Mrs.Forbes,may I have an old kitchen knife?""Certainly not.You'll cut yourself."

"I want it to dig up plants."

Mrs.Forbes stared down at her."Why,you mustn't do any such thing.""I mean wild flowers for a garden that Anna Belle and I are going to make.""Oh.I'll see if I can't find you a trowel."

There was one at hand,and as the housekeeper passed it to the child she warned her:--"Be careful you don't make a mistake,now,and get hold of anybody's plants.What did your cousin Eloise go to New York for?""I don't know."

"Well I hope it's for her trousseau."

Jewel smiled."My mother makes those."

"I don't believe she'll ever make one for you,then,"returned Mrs.

Forbes,but not ill-naturedly.She laughed,glancing at Sarah,who stood by.

"But I think she will for Anna Belle,"returned Jewel brightly,"when she gets older."The housekeeper and maid both laughed."Run along,"said Mrs.Forbes,"and don't you be late for lunch.""She's an awful sweet child,"said Sarah half reproachfully."Just the spirit of sunshine.""Oh well,they'd turn her head here if it wasn't for me,"answered the other complacently.

Jewel was not late to lunch,but eating it tete-a-tete with aunt Madge was not to her taste.

Mrs.Evringham utilized the opportunity to admonish her,and Mrs.

Forbes for once sympathized with the widow's sentiments.

Aunt Madge took off her eyeglasses in a way she had when she wished to be particularly impressive.

"Jewel,"she said,"I don't think any one has told you that it is impolite to Dr.Ballard to say anything about Christian Science in his presence.""Why is it?"asked the child.

"Because he is a learned physician,and has,of course,a great respect for his profession.""I have a great respect for him,"returned the child,"and he knows Iwouldn't hurt his feelings."

"The idea!"exclaimed Mrs.Evringham,looking down from a height upon the flaxen head."As if a little ignorant girl could hurt the feelings of a man like Dr.Ballard!"Mrs.Forbes also stared at the child,and she winced.

"I do love them,and they do love me,"she thought."I don't remember ever speaking about it before the doctor unless somebody asked me,"she said aloud.

"Your cousin Eloise may ask you,"returned Mrs.Evringham."Nobody else would.She does it in a spirit of mischief,perhaps,but I shall speak to her.She has a passing curiosity about your ideas because it is odd and rather amusing to find a child who has such unnatural and precocious fancies,and she tries to draw you out;but it will not last with her.Neither will it with you,probably.You seem to be a sensible little girl in many ways."Mrs.Evringham made the addition magnanimously.She really was too much at peace with all the world just now to like to be severe.

Outwardly Jewel was silent.Inwardly she was declaring many things which would have surprised her companions.

"Does your cousin Eloise pretend to you that she is becoming seriously interested in your faith?"pursued Mrs.Evringham.

"She will tell you all about it,"returned Jewel.

  • 鬻婴提要说


  • 备论


  • The Fitz-Boodle Papers

    The Fitz-Boodle Papers

  • 慧命经


  • 江表志


  • 三国之终极商人


  • 修行空间


    顾渊曾看见世界崩灭于眼前,也曾与末世中的王者交手,他知道神灵也会下跪,魔王也会落泪。欢迎来到,修行空间!―――――――――― 轻松无限流,系统流,不舔狗不圣母,女主数量不超五。 五年老书虫书荒无奈自己写书。
  • 血色康乃馨


  • 只因是你奔我而来


  • 我的快递王子


  • 铁戟霸兵


  • 斗罗之我自带外挂


  • 温文如枳南


  • 我是一枚脑细胞


  • 王妃超勇的

