

He continued to watch the child furtively,while she made her arrangements for writing.Finding that no chair in the room would bring her to a proper height for the table,she looked all about,and finally skipped over to the morocco lounge and tugged from it a pillow almost too heavy for her to carry;but she arrived with it at the chair,much to the amusement of Mr.Evringham,who affected absorption in his papers,while he enjoyed the exhibition of the child's energy and independence.

"She's the kind that 'makes old shears cut,'as my mother used to say,"he mused,and turning,the better to view the situation,he found Jewel mounted on her perch and watching him fixedly.

She looked relieved."I didn't want to disturb you,grandpa,but may Iask one question?"


"Did I consult Dr.Ballard this afternoon?"

"Not that I noticed,"returned Mr.Evringham;and Jewel suspected from his expression that she had said something amusing.

"Well,it was a word that sounded like consult that Mrs.Forbes said Idid."

"Insult,perhaps,"suggested Mr.Evringham.

"Oh yes.How do you spell it,grandpa?"

Mr.Evringham told her,and added dryly,"That was rather too strong language for Mrs.Forbes to apply to the fact.""Yes,"replied the child."I knew it was a hating word."Then without further parley she squared her elbows on the table and bent over her sheet of paper.

"I wonder what version of it she'll give her mother,"thought the broker,rummaging vaguely in the pigeon holes of his desk.His labors finally sifted down to the unearthing of a late novel from a drawer at his right hand,and lowering a convenient,green-shaded electric light,he lit his cigar,and was soon lost in the pages of the story.

At last he became conscious that the pencil at the table had ceased to move,and lowering his book he looked up.His granddaughter had been watching for this happy event,and she no sooner met his eyes than,with a smile of satisfaction,she jumped from her morocco perch and brought him a sheet of paper well and laboriously covered.

"I suppose it isn't all spelled right,"she said."I didn't want to disturb you to ask;but will you please direct this to Dr.Ballard?""To Dr.Ballard!"repeated Mr.Evringham.His curiosity impelled him.

"Shall I see if it is spelled right?"

Jewel assenting,he read the following in a large and waving hand.

DEAR DOCTOR BALUD--Mrs.Forbs felt bad because I did not take your Medsin.She said it was an insult.I want to tell you I did not meen an Insult.We can't help loving God beter than any body,but I love you and if I took any medsin I would rather take yours than any boddy's.Mrs.Forbs says you will send a big Bill to Grandpa and that it was error to waist it.Please send the Bill to me because I have Plenty of munny,and I shall love to pay you.You were very kind and did not put any thing on my Tung.

Your loving JEWEL.

Mr.Evringham continued to look at the signature for a minute before he spoke.Jewel was leaning against his arm and reading with him.The last lines slanted deeply,there being barely room in the lower corner for the writer's name.

"I can't write very straight without lines,"she said.

"You do very well indeed,"he returned."About that bill,Jewel,"he added after a moment."Perhaps you would better let me pay it.Ibelieve you said you had three dollars,but even that won't last forever,you know.You've spent some of it,too.How much,now?""I've spent fifty cents."Jewel cast a furtive look around at the chicken,"And,oh yes,fifty cents more for the telegram.How much do you think Dr.Ballard's bill will be?""I think it will take every cent you have left,"returned Mr.

Evringham,gravely,curious to hear what his granddaughter would say in this dilemma.

Her reply came promptly and even eagerly."Well,that's all right,because Divine Love will send me more if I need it.""Indeed?How can you be sure?"

Jewel smiled at him affectionately."Do you mean it grandpa?""Why yes.I really want to know."

"Even after God sent you Essex Maid?"she asked incredulously.

"You think the mare is the best thing in my possession,eh?""Ye--es!Don't you?"

"I believe I do."As Mr.Evringham spoke,this kinship of taste induced him to turn his face toward the one beside him.Instantly he found himself kissed full on the lips,and while he was recovering from the shock,Jewel proceeded:--"God has given you so many things,grandpa,that's why it surprised me to have you look so sorry when I first came."The child examined his countenance critically."I don't think you look so sorry as you used to.I know you must have lots of error to meet,and perhaps,"lowering her voice to an extra gentleness,"perhaps you don't know how to remember every minute that God is a very present help in trouble.

Mother says that even grown-up people are just finding out about it."As she paused Mr.Evringham hesitated,somewhat embarrassed under the blue eyes."We all have plenty to learn,I dare say,"he returned vaguely.

He had more than once wished that he had taken more notice of Harry's wife during his opportunity at the hotel.He had looked upon the interview as a distasteful necessity to be disposed of as cursorily as possible.

His son had married beneath him,some working girl probably,whose ability to support herself had turned out to be a deliverance for her father-in-law when the ne'er-do-well husband shirked his responsibilities;and Mr.Evringham had gone to the hotel that evening intending to make it clear that although he performed a favor for his son,there were no results to follow.

His granddaughter's fearlessness,courtesy,and affection had forced him to wonder as to the mother who had fostered these qualities.He remembered the eloquence of his son's face when Harry expressed the wish that he might know Julia,and a vague admiration and respect were being born in the broker's heart for the deserted woman who had worked with hand and brain for her child--his grandchild was the way he put it--with such results as he saw.

  • 夺面之乱皇权


  • 星辰战记


  • 亚特兰蒂斯霸道王子


  • 狼羊恋曲,王的唯一皇后


  • 光明诸天


  • 女儿无罪


  • 最好的你在我眼中


  • 橘之野望


  • 闪婚萌妻你别逃!


  • 天命九霄

