

"I really think it is all right,Mr.Evringham,"said Mrs.Forbes,distressed by her employer's uneasiness."Dr.Ballard expected she'd sleep a great deal.He told me not to disturb her.""Oh,very well then,perhaps it is not to be regretted.Kindly put those roses in the deep vase,Mrs.Forbes.""Yes,sir."She took up the box."Besides,Mr.Evringham,if she does get worse,you know the hospital here is one of the very best,and you"--Mr.Evringham wheeled and frowned upon the speaker fiercely.

"Hospital!"he ejaculated."An extraordinary suggestion,Mrs.Forbes!

Most extraordinary!My granddaughter remains in my house."Mrs.Forbes,crimson with surprise and mortification,retreated."Very well,sir,"she faltered."Will you have the roses on the dinner table,Mr.Evringham?""No.Set them here on my desk if you please."With this Mr.Evringham began walking up and down the floor,pausing once to take up the yellow chicken.During the day the soft moan,"I wanted you so all night,grandpa,"had been ringing in his ears.

"Mrs.Forbes has no understanding of the child,"he muttered,"and of course I cannot expect anything from the cat and her kitten."With this he began again his promenade.Mrs.Forbes returned with the roses,and simultaneously Mr.Evringham saw Essex Maid arching her neck as she picked her steps past the window.

"By the way,"he said curtly,"let Zeke take the Maid back to the barn."I'll not ride to-day.""It's very fine weather,sir,"protested Mrs.Forbes.

"I'll not ride.I'll wait here for Dr.Ballard."The housekeeper went forth to give the order.

"I never saw Mr.Evringham so upset in my life,"she said in an awestruck tone.

"I saw the governor wasn't real comfortable,"returned the boy."Guess he's afraid he's goin'to catch the mumps or something.It would be real harrowin'if he got any worse case of big head than he's got already."Mr.Evringham was little accustomed to waiting,and by the time Dr.

Ballard appeared,his nervousness had become painful."The child's slept too much,I'm sure of it,Ballard,"was his greeting."I don't know what we're going to find up there,I declare I don't.""It depends on whether it's a good sleep,"returned the doctor,and his composed face and manner acted at once beneficially upon Mr.


"Well,you'll know,Guy,you'll know,my boy.Mrs.Forbes saw you coming,and she has gone upstairs to prepare the little girl.She'll be glad to see you this time,I'll wager."The broker,roses in hand,ascended the staircase after the physician.

Mrs.Forbes was standing at the foot of the bed,and the room was pleasantly light as they entered.Jewel,the flush of sleep on her cheeks,was looking expectantly toward the door.Dr.Ballard came in first and she smiled in welcome,then Mr.Evringham appeared,heavy roses nodding in all directions before him.

"Grandpa!"exclaimed the child."Why,grandpa,did youcome?"There was no mistaking the joy in her tone.Dr.Ballard paused in surprise,while the stockbroker approached the bed.

"I brought you a few flowers,Jewel,"he said,while she pressed his disengaged hand against her cheek.

"They're the most lovely ones I ever saw,"she returned with conviction."They make me happy just to look at them.""Well,Jewel,"said the doctor,"I hear you've been ****** up for lost sleep in great shape."His eyes,as he spoke,were taking in with concentrated interest the signs in her face.He came and sat beside the bed,while Mr.Evringham fell back and Mrs.Forbes regarded the child critically.

"Well,now,you're a good little patient,"went on the doctor,as he noted the clear eyes.

"Yes,Dr.Ballard,I feel just as nice as can be,"she answered.

"No thickness in the voice.I fancy that sore throat is better."The young doctor could not repress his smile of satisfaction."I was certain that was the right attenuation,"he thought."Now let us see."He took out the little thermometer,and Jewel submitted to having it slipped beneath her tongue.

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