

In the excitement of the early morning start,Jewel had eaten little breakfast,but the soft resonance of the Japanese gong,when it sounded in the hall below,found her unready for food.

However,she judged the mellow sound to be her summons and obediently left her seat by the window.As she went down she looked askance at the tall dark clock which,even as she passed,chimed the half hour melodiously.Certainly her important grandfather lived in a wonderful house.She paused to hear the last notes of the bells,but catching sight of the figure of Mrs.Forbes waiting below,she started and moved on.

"That's right.Come along,"said the housekeeper."Mr.Evringham likes everybody to be punctual in his house.""Oh,has grandpa come home?"inquired Jewel eagerly.

"No,he won't be home for hours yet.Come this way."The little girl followed to the dining-room,which she thought quite as wonderful as the clock;but her admiration of all she saw was no longer unmixed.Mrs.Forbes seemed to cast a shadow.

One place was laid at the table,one handsome chair was drawn up to it.Jewel longed to call Anna Belle's attention to the glittering array on the sideboard and behind the crystal doors of cabinets,but something withheld her.

She looked questioningly at the housekeeper."I think I'll draw up another chair for Anna Belle,"she said.

Mrs.Forbes had already decided,from small signs of assurance,that this Western child was bold."Give her an inch,and she'll take an ell,"she had said to herself."I know her sort.""Do you mean the doll?"she returned."Put it down anywhere.You must never bring it to the table.Mr.Evringham wouldn't like it."In silence Jewel seated the doll in the nearest chair against the wall,and as she slid up into her own,a neat maid appeared with a puffy and appetizing omelet.

Mrs.Forbes filled the child's glass with water,and the maid set down the omelet and departed.

Jewel's heart sank while Mrs.Forbes presented the souffle.

"I'm sorry,"she began hesitatingly,"I never--I can't"--then she swallowed hard in her desperate plight."Isn't it pretty?"she said rather breathlessly.

"It's very good,"returned the housekeeper briefly,misconstruing the child's hesitation."Shall I help you?""I--could I have a drink of milk?I don't--I don't eat eggs.""Don't eat eggs?"repeated the housekeeper severely."I'm sorry you have been allowed to be notional.Children should eat what is set before them.Taste of it.""I--I couldn't,please."Jewel's face was averted.

Mrs.Forbes touched an electric bell.The maid reappeared."Remove the omelet,Sarah,and bring Miss Julia a glass of milk."That was the order,but oh,the tone of it!Jewel's heart beat a little faster as she took some bread and butter and drank the milk,Mrs.Forbes standing by,a portentous,solemn,black-robed figure,awful in its silence.

When the child set down the glass empty,she started to push back her chair.

"Wait,"said Mrs.Forbes laconically.She again touched an electric bell.The maid reappeared,removed the bread and milk and served a dainty dessert of preserved peaches,cream,and cake.

"I've really had enough,"said Jewel politely.

"Don't you eat peaches and cream,or cake either?"asked Mrs.Forbes accusingly.

"Yes'm,"returned the child,and ate them without further ado.

"Your trunk has come,"said Mrs.Forbes when at last Jewel slipped down from the table."I will come up and help you unpack it.""If only she wouldn't!"thought the child as she lifted Anna Belle,but the housekeeper preceded her up the stairs,breathing rather heavily.

Sure enough,when they reached the white room,there stood the new trunk that had been packed with so much anticipation.The bright black letters on the side,J.E.had power even now to send a little glow of pride through its possessor.She stole a glance at Mrs.Forbes,but,strange as it may appear,the housekeeper gave no evidence of admiration.

"I don't need to trouble you,Mrs.Forbes.I can unpack it,"said the child.

"I'm up here now,and anyway,I'd better show you where to keep your things.Where's your key?"Jewel laid down the doll and opened her leather side-bag,producing the key tied with a little ribbon.

Mrs.Forbes unlocked the trunk,lifted out the tray,and began in a business-like manner to dispose of the small belongings that had last been handled so tenderly.

"Mrs.Harry certainly knows how to pack,"ran her thoughts,"and she'd naturally know how to sew.These things are as neat as wax,and the child's well fixed."In the tray,among other things,were a number of doll's clothes,some writing materials,a box of different colored hair ribbons,and a few books.

"Glad to see a Bible,"thought Mrs.Forbes."Shows Mrs.Harry is respectable."She glanced at the three other books.One was a copy of "Heidi,"one was "Alice in Wonderland,"and the third a small black book with the design of a cross and crown in gilt on the cover.Mrs.

Forbes looked from this up at the child.

"What's this?Some kind of a daily book,Julia?""I--yes,I read it every day."

"Well,I hope you'll be faithful now your mother's gone.She's taken the trouble to put it in."Jewel's eyes had caught a glimpse of green color.Eagerly she reached down into the trunk and drew out carefully a dress in tiny checks of green and white.

"That's my silk dress,"she said,regarding it fondly.

"It is very neatly made,"returned Mrs.Forbes repressively."It doesn't matter at all what little girls have on if they are clean and neat.It only matters that they shall be obedient and good."Jewel regarded her with the patience which children exercise toward the inevitable."I'd like to fix Anna Belle's drawer myself,"she said modestly.

"Very well,you may.Now here are your shoes and slippers,but I don't find any rubbers.""No,I never wear rubbers."

"What?Doesn't it rain in Chicago?"

"Oh yes indeed,it rains."

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  • 福建通志列传选


  • 三洞修道仪


  • 诸星母陀罗尼经


  • 兰谱


  • 末世之你有枪吗


  • 妻子背后的故事


  • 守护甜心之圣雪羽翼


  • 天行


  • 网游之执法天地间


  • 符侠


  • 恶零


  • 予道仙途


  • 傲神九天


  • 致时间里姗姗来迟的你

