

It was the afternoon of the next day.Gerard was no longer lightheaded, but very irritable and full of fancies; and in one of these he begged Denys to get him a lemon to suck.Denys, who from a rough soldier had been turned by tender friendship into a kind of grandfather, got up hastily, and bidding him set his mind at ease, "lemons he should have in the twinkling of a quart pot,"went and ransacked the shops for them.

They were not so common in the North as they are now, and he was absent a long while, and Gerard getting very impatient, when at last the door opened.But it was not Denys.Entered softly an imposing figure; an old gentleman in a long sober gown trimmed with rich fur, cherry-coloured hose, and pointed shoes, with a sword by his side in a morocco scabbard, a ruff round his neck not only starched severely, but treacherously stiffened in furrows by rebatoes, or a little hidden framework of wood; and on his head a four-cornered cap with a fur border; on his chin and bosom a majestic white beard.Gerard was in no doubt as to the vocation of his visitor, for, the sword excepted, this was familiar to him as the full dress of a physician.Moreover, a boy followed at his heels with a basket, where phials, lint, and surgical tools rather courted than shunned observation.The old gentleman came softly to the bedside, and said mildly and sotto voce, "How is't with thee, my son?"Gerard answered gratefully that his wound gave him little pain now; but his throat was parched, and his head heavy.

"A wound! they told me not of that.Let me see it.Ay, ay, a good clean bite.The mastiff had sound teeth that took this out, Iwarrant me;" and the good doctor's sympathy seemed to run off to the quadruped he had conjured, his jackal.

"This must be cauterized forthwith, or we shall have you starting back from water, and turning somersaults in bed under our hands.

'Tis the year for raving curs, and one hath done your business;but we will baffle him yet.Urchin, go heat thine iron.""But, sir," edged in Gerard, "'twas no dog, but a bear.""A bear! Young man," remonstrated the senior severely, "think what you say; 'tis ill jesting with the man of art who brings his grey hairs and long study to heal you.A bear, quotha! Had you dissected as many bears as I, or the tithe, and drawn their teeth to keep your hand in, you would know that no bear's jaw ever made this foolish trifling wound.I tell you 'twas a dog, and since you put me to it, I even deny that it was a dog of magnitude, but neither more nor less than one of these little furious curs that are so rife, and run devious, biting each manly leg, and laying its wearer low, but for me and my learned brethren, who still stay the mischief with knife and cautery.""Alas, sir! when said I 'twas a bear's jaw? I said, 'A bear:' it was his paw, now.""And why didst not tell me that at once?""Because you kept telling me instead."

"Never conceal aught from your leech, young man," continued the senior, who was a good talker, but one of the worst listeners in Europe."Well, it is an ill business.All the horny excrescences of animals, to wit, claws of tigers, panthers, badgers, cats, bears, and the like, and horn of deer, and nails of humans, especially children, are imbued with direst poison.Y'had better have been bitten by a cur, whatever you may say, than gored by bull or stag, or scratched by bear.However, shalt have a good biting catapla** for thy leg; meantime keep we the body cool: put out thy tongue!-good!-fever.Let me feel thy pulse: good! - fever.

I ordain flebotomy, and on the instant."

"Flebotomy! that is bloodletting: humph! Well, no matter, if 'tis sure to cure me, for I will not lie idle here." The doctor let him know that flebotomy was infallible, especially in this case.

"Hans, go fetch the things needful, and I will entertain the patient meantime with reasons."The man of art then explained to Gerard that in disease the blood becomes hot and distempered and more or less poisonous; but a portion of this unhealthy liquid removed, Nature is fain to create a purer fluid to fill its place.Bleeding, therefore, being both a cooler and a purifier, was a specific in all diseases, for all diseases were febrile, whatever empirics might say.

"But think not," said he warmly, "that it suffices to bleed; any paltry barber can open a vein (though not all can close it again).

The art is to know what vein to empty for what disease.T'other day they brought me one tormented with earache.I let him blood in the right thigh, and away flew his earache.By-the-by, he has died since then.Another came with the toothache.I bled him behind the ear, and relieved him in a jiffy.He is also since dead as it happens.I bled our bailiff between the thumb and forefinger for rheumatism.Presently he comes to me with a headache and drumming in the ears, and holds out his hand over the basin; but I smiled at his folly, and bled him in the left ankle sore against his will, and made his head as light as a nut."Diverging then from the immediate theme after the manner of enthusiasts, the reverend teacher proceeded thus:

  • 恶女当道:邪妻要休夫


  • 天行


  • 桑榆非晚黎波荡漾


  • 冷血六公主的复仇计划


  • 穿越之原始建设


  • 无毁的星光


  • 天行


  • 末日之强者生存守则


  • 血色不归路


  • 法师之旅

