

and being now under no shadow of restraint, led the life of a complete sot; until one afternoon, in a drunken frolic, he climbed on the roof of the stable at the inn he was carousing in, and proceeded to walk along it, a feat he had performed many times when sober.But now his unsteady brain made his legs unsteady, and he rolled down the roof and fell with a loud thwack on to an horizontal paling, where he hung a moment in a semicircle; then toppled over and lay silent on the ground, amidst roars of laughter from his boon companions.When they came to pick him up he could not stand; but fell down giggling at each attempt.

On this they went staggering and roaring down the street with him, and carried him at great risk of another fall to the shop in the Hoog Straet.For he had babbled his own shame all over the place.

As soon as he saw Margaret he hiccupped out, "Here is the doctor that cures all hurts, a bonny lass." He also bade her observe he bore her no malice, for he was paying her a visit sore against his will."Wherefore, prithee send away these drunkards, and let you and me have t'other glass, to drown all unkindness."All this time Margaret was pale and red by turns at sight of her enemy and at his insolence; but one of the men whispered what had happened, and a streaky something in Sybrandt's face arrested her attention.

"And he cannot stand up, say you?"

"A couldn't just now.Try, comrade! Be a man now!""I am a better man than thou," roared Sybrandt."I'll stand up and fight ye all for a crown."He started to his feet, and instantly rolled into his attendant's arms with a piteous groan.He then began to curse his boon companions, and declare they had stolen away his legs."He could feel nothing below the waist.""Alas, poor wretch," said Margaret.She turned very gravely to the men, and said, "Leave him here.And if you have brought him to this, go on your knees, for you have spoiled him for life.He will never walk again; his back is broken."The drunken man caught these words, and the foolish look of intoxication fled, and a glare of anguish took its place."The curse," he groaned; "the curse!"Margaret and Reicht Heynes carried him carefully, and laid him on the softest bed.

"I must do as he would do," whispered Margaret."He was kind to Ghysbrecht."Her opinion was verified, Sybrandt's spine was fatally injured;and he lay groaning and helpless, fed and tended by her he had so deeply injured.

The news was sent to Tergou, and Catherine came over.

It was a terrible blow to her.Moreover, she accused herself as the cause."Oh, false wife; oh, weak mother," she cried, "I am rightly punished for my treason to my poor Eli,"She sat for hours at a time by his bedside rocking herself in silence, and was never quite herself again; and the first grey hairs began to come in her poor head from that hour.

As for Sybrandt, all his cry was now for Gerard, He used to whine to Margaret like a suffering hound, "Oh, sweet Margaret, oh, bonny Margaret, for our Lady's sake find Gerard, and bid him take his curse off me.Thou art gentle, thou art good; thou wilt entreat for me, and he will refuse thee nought."Catherine shared his belief that Gerard could cure him, and joined her entreaties to his, Margaret hardly needed this.The burgomaster and his agents having failed, she employed her own, and spent money like water.And among these agents poor Luke enrolled himself.She met him one day looking very thin, and spoke to him compassionately.On this he began to blubber, and say he was more miserable than ever; he would like to be good friends again upon almost any terms.

"Dear heart," said Margaret sorrowfully, why can you not say to yourself, now I am her little brother, and she is my old, married sister, worn down with care? Say so, and I will indulge thee, and pet thee, and make thee happier than a prince.""Well, I will," said Luke savagely, "sooner than keep away from you altogether.But above all give me something to do.Perchance Imay have better luck this time."

"Get me my marriage lines," said Margaret, turning sad and gloomy in a moment.

"That is as much as to say, get me him! for where they are, he is.""Not so.He may refuse to come nigh me; but certes he will not deny a poor woman, who loved him once, her lines of betrothal.How can she go without them into any honest man's house?""I'll get them you if they are in Holland," said Luke.

"They are as like to be in Rome," replied Margaret.

"Let us begin with Holland," observed Luke prudently.

The slave of love was furnished with money by his soft tyrant, and wandered hither and thither, Coopering, and carpentering, and looking for Gerard."I can't be worse if I find the vagabone,"said he, "and I may be a hantle better."

The months rolled on, and Sybrandt improved in spirit, but not in body; he was Margaret's pensioner for life; and a long-expected sorrow fell upon poor Catherine, and left her still more bowed down; and she lost her fine hearty bustling way, and never went about the house singing now; and her nerves were shaken, and she lived in dread of some terrible misfortune falling on Cornelis.

The curse was laid on him as well as Sybrandt.She prayed Eli, if she had been a faithful partner all these years, to take Cornelis into his house again, and let her live awhile at Rotterdam.

"I have good daughters here," said she; "but Margaret is so tender, and thoughtful, and the little Gerard, he is my joy; he grows liker his father every day, and his prattle cheers my heavy heart; and I do love children."And Eli, sturdy but kindly, consented sorrowfully.

And the people of Gouda petitioned the duke for a vicar, a real vicar."Ours cometh never nigh us," said they, "this six months past; our children they die unchristened, and our folk unburied, except by some chance comer." Giles' influence baffled this just complaint once; but a second petition was prepared, and he gave Margaret little hope that the present position could be maintained a single day.

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