

The CloisterThe Dominicans, or preaching friars, once the most powerful order in Europe, were now on the wane; their rivals and bitter enemies, the Franciscans, were overpowering them throughout Europe; even in England, a rich and religious country, where under the name of the Black Friars, they had once been paramount.

Therefore the sagacious men, who watched and directed the interests of the order, were never so anxious to incorporate able and zealous sons and send them forth to win back the world.

The zeal and accomplishments of Clement, especially his rare mastery of language (for he spoke Latin, Italian, French, high and low Dutch), soon transpired, and he was destined to travel and preach in England, corresponding with the Roman centre.

But Jerome, who had the superior's ear, obstructed this design.

"Clement," said he, "has the milk of the world still in his veins, its feelings, its weaknesses let not his new-born zeal and his humility tempt us to forego our ancient wisdom.Try him first, and temper him, lest one day we find ourselves leaning on a reed for a staff.

"It is well advised," said the prior."Take him in hand thyself."Then Jerome, following the ancient wisdom, took Clement and tried him.

One day he brought him to a field where the young men amused themselves at the games of the day; he knew this to be a haunt of Clement's late friends.

And sure enough ere long Pietro Vanucci and Andrea passed by them, and cast a careless glance on the two friars.They did not recognize their dead friend in a shaven monk.

Clement gave a very little start, and then lowered his eyes and said a paternoster.

"Would ye not speak with them, brother?" said Jerome, trying him.

"No brother: yet was it good for me to see them.They remind me of the sins I can never repent enough.""It is well," said Jerome, and he made a cold report in Clement's favour.

Then Jerome took Clement to many death-beds.And then into noisome dungeons; places where the darkness was appalling, and the stench loathsome, pestilential; and men looking like wild beasts lay coiled in rags and filth and despair.It tried his body hard; but the soul collected all its powers to comfort such poor wretches there as were not past comfort.And Clement shone in that trial.

Jerome reported that Clement's spirit was willing, but his flesh was weak.

"Good!" said Anselm; "his flesh is weak, but his spirit is willing."But there was a greater trial in store.

I will describe it as it was seen by others.

One morning a principal street in Rome was crowded, and even the avenues blocked up with heads.It was an execution.No common crime had been done, and on no vulgar victim.

The governor of Rome had been found in his bed at daybreak, slaughtered.His hand, raised probably in self-defence, lay by his side severed at the wrist; his throat was cut, and his temples bruised with some blunt instrument.The murder had been traced to his servant, and was to be expiated in kind this very morning.

Italian executions were not cruel in general.But this murder was thought to call for exact and bloody retribution.

The criminal was brought to the house of the murdered man and fastened for half an hour to its wall.After this foretaste of legal vengeance his left hand was struck off, like his victim's.Anew-killed fowl was cut open and fastened round the bleeding stump; with what view I really don't know; but by the look of it, some mare's nest of the poor dear doctors; and the murderer, thus mutilated and bandaged, was hurried to the scaffold; and there a young friar was most earnest and affectionate in praying with him, and for him, and holding the crucifix close to his eyes.

Presently the executioner pulled the friar roughly on one side, and in a moment felled the culprit with a heavy mallet, and falling on him, cut his throat from ear to ear.

There was a cry of horror from the crowd.

The young friar swooned away.

A gigantic monk strode forward, and carried him off like a child.

Brother Clement went back to the convent sadly discouraged.He confessed to the prior, with tears of regret.

"Courage, son Clement," said the prior."A Dominican is not made in a day.Thou shalt have another trial.And I forbid thee to go to it fasting." Clement bowed his head in token of obedience.He had not long to wait.A robber was brought to the scaffold; a monster of villainy and cruelty, who had killed men in pure wantonness, after robbing them.Clement passed his last night in prison with him, accompanied him to the scaffold, and then prayed with him and for him so earnestly that the hardened ruffian shed tears and embraced him Clement embraced him too, though his flesh quivered with repugnance; and held the crucifix earnestly before his eyes.The man was garotted, and Clement lost sight of the crowd, and prayed loud and earnestly while that dark spirit was passing from earth.He was no sooner dead than the hangman raised his hatchet and quartered the body on the spot.And, oh, mysterious heart of man! the people who had seen the living body robbed of life with indifference, almost with satisfaction, uttered a piteous cry at each stroke of the axe upon his corpse that could feel nought.Clement too shuddered then, but stood firm, like one of those rocks that vibrate but cannot be thrown down.But suddenly Jerome's voice sounded in his ear.

"Brother Clement, get thee on that cart and preach to the people.

Nay, quickly! strike with all thy force on all this iron, while yet 'tis hot, and souls are to be saved."Clement's colour came and went; and he breathed hard.But he obeyed, and with ill-assured step mounted the cart, and preached his first sermon to the first crowd he had ever faced.Oh, that sea of heads! His throat seemed parched, his heart thumped, his voice trembled.



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