

And Cul de Jatte said, 'Yon is the "vopper,"' and I looked incredulous and looked again, and it was so, and at her feet sat he that had so late lashed her; but I ween he had wist where to strike, or woe betide him; and she did now oppress him sore, and made him thread her very needle, the which he did with all humility; so was their comedy turned seamy side without; and Cul de Jatte told me 'twas still so with 'voppers' and their men in camp; they would don their bravery though but for an hour, and with their tinsel, empire, and the man durst not the least gainsay the 'vopper,' or she would turn him off at these times, as I my master, and take another tyrant more submissive.And my master chuckled over me.Natheless we soon espied a wife set with her back against the tree, and her hair down, and her face white, and by her side a wench held up to her eye a newborn babe, with words of cheer, and the rough fellow, her husband, did bring her hot wine in a cup, and bade her take courage.And just o'er the place she sat, they had pinned from bough to bough of those neighbouring trees two shawls, and blankets two, together, to keep the drizzle off her.And so had another poor little rogue come into the world;and by her own particular folk tended gipsywise, but of the roasters, and boilers, and voppers, and gamblers, no more noticed, no, not for a single moment, than sheep which droppeth her lamb in a field, by travellers upon the way.Then said I, 'What of thy foul suspicions, master? over-knavery blinds the eye as well as over-simplicity.' And he laughed and said, 'Triumph, Bon Bec, triumph.The chances were nine in ten against thee.' Then I did pity her, to be in a crowd at such a time; but he rebuked me.'Ishould pity rather your queens and royal duchesses, which by law are condemned to groan in a crowd of nobles and courtiers, and do writhe with shame as, well as sorrow, being come of decent mothers, whereas these gipsy women have no more shame under their skins than a wolf ruth, or a hare valour.And, Bon Bec,' quoth he, 'I espy in thee a lamentable fault.Wastest thy bowels.wilt have none left for thy poor good master which doeth thy will by night and day.' Then we came forward; and he talked with the men in some strange Hebrew cant whereof no word knew I; and the poor knaves bade us welcome and denied us nought.With them, and all they had, 'twas lightly come and lightly go; and when we left them, my master said to me 'This is thy first lesson, but to-night we shall lie at Hansburgh.Come with me to the "rotboss" there, and I'll show thee all our folk and their lays, and especially "the lossners," "the dutzers," "the schleppers," "the gickisses," "the schwanfelders, whom in England we call "shivering Jemmies," "the suntvegers," "the schwiegers," "the joners," "the sesseldegers,""the gensscherers," in France "marcandiers or rifodes," "the veranerins," "the stabulers," with a few foreigners like ourselves, such as "pietres," "francmitoux," "polissons""malingreux," "traters," "rufflers," "whipjalks," "dommerars,""glymmerars," "jarkmen," "patricos," "swadders," "autem morts,""walking morts" 'Enow,' cried I, stopping him, 'art as gleesome as the Evil One a counting of his imps.I'll jot down in my tablet all these caitiffs and their accursed names: for knowledge is knowledge.But go among them, alive or dead, that will I not with my good will.Moreover,' said I, 'what need? since I have a companion in thee who is all the knaves on earth in one?' and thought to abash him but his face shone with pride, and hand on breast he did bow low to me.'If thy wit be scant, good Bon Bec, thy manners are a charm.I have made a good bargain.' So he to the 'rotboss,' and I to a decent inn, and sketched the landlord's daughter by candle-light, and started at morn batzen three the richer, but could not find my master, so loitered slowly on, and presently met him coming west for me, and cursing the quiens.Why so? Because he could blind the culls but not the quiens.At last Iprevailed on him to leave cursing and canting, and tell me his adventure.Said he, 'I sat outside the gate of yon monastery, full of sores, which I sho'ed the passers-by.Oh, Bon Bec, beautifuller sores you never saw; and it rained coppers in my hat.Presently the monks came home from some procession, and the convent dogs ran out to meet them, curse the quiens!' 'What, did they fall on thee and bite thee, poor soul?' 'Worse, worse, dear Bon Bec.Had they bitten me I had earned silver.But the great idiots, being, as Ithink, puppies, or little better, fell on me where I sat, downed me, and fell a licking my sores among them.As thou, false knave, didst swear the whelps in heaven licked the sores of Lazybones, a beggar of old.' 'Nay, nay,' said I, 'I said no such thing.But tell me, since they bit thee not, but sportfully licked thee, what harm?' 'What harm, noodle; why, the sores came off.' 'How could that be?' 'How could aught else be? and them just fresh put on.

Did I think he was so weak as bite holes in his flesh with ratsbane? Nay, he was an artist, a painter, like his servant, and had put on sores made of pig's blood, rye meal, and glue.So when the folk saw my sores go on tongues of puppies, they laughed, and I saw cord or sack before me.So up I jumped, and shouted, "Amiracle a miracle! The very dogs of this holy convent be holy, and have cured me.Good fathers," cried I, "whose day is this?" "St.

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    她是男装大佬,帅出全宇宙的Lin神!黑客,特工,电竞,样样拿手。离奇身亡,灵气复苏的时代来临,她被系统绑架,摇身一变成了死肥宅的初中生?改头换面,重回电竞圈,成为女学霸,她的的人生像是开挂。谁知,一不小心惹上了大人物。穆希延将她堵在房间,“你以为换了一个身体,我就认不出你了吗?”当晚,时泠揍得穆少捶地求饶:“老婆,求求你别再黑化了!”时泠:“你、妈、逼、的。”『纵使换一身皮囊,我也要紧紧拥抱你。』 PS:灵气复苏!虐渣!脑洞!爽文!女强男强,1V1绝对身心干净