

'Twas passing strange to him that a damsel with eyes in her head should pass by a man, and bestow her affections on a boy.Still he could not but recognize in this the bounty of Nature.Boys were human beings after all, and but for this occasional caprice of women, their lot would be too terrible; they would be out of the sun altogether, blighted, and never come to anything; since only the fair could make a man out of such unpromising materials as a boy.Gerard interrupted this flattering discourse to beg the warrior-philosopher's acceptance of the lady's ring.He refused it flatly, and insisted on Gerard going back to the "Tete d'Or" at once, ring and all, like a man, and not letting a poor girl hold out her arms to him in vain.

"Her hands, you mean."

"Her hand, with the 'Tete d'Or' in it."

Failing in this, he was for putting the ring on his friend's finger.Gerard declined."I wear a ring already.""What, that sorry gimcrack? why, 'tis pewter, or tin at best: and this virgin gold, forbye the jewel.""Ay, but 'twas Margaret gave me this one; and I value it above rubies.I'll neither part with it nor give it a rival," and he kissed the base metal, and bade it fear nought.

"I see the owl hath sent her ring to a goose," said Denys sorrowfully.However, he prevailed on Gerard to fasten it inside his bonnet.To this, indeed, the lad consented very readily.For sovereign qualities were universally ascribed to certain jewels;and the amethyst ranked high among these precious talismans.

When this was disposed of, Gerard earnestly requested his friend to let the matter drop, since speaking of the other *** to him made him pine so for Margaret, and almost unmanned him with the thought that each step was taking him farther from her."I am no general lover, Denys.There is room in my heart for one sweetheart, and for one friend.I am far from my dear mistress;and my friend, a few leagues more, and I must lose him too.Oh, let me drink thy friendship pure while I may, and not dilute with any of these stupid females.""And shalt, honey-pot, and shalt," said Denys kindly'."But as to my leaving thee at Remiremont, reckon thou not on that! For"(three consecutive oaths) "if I do.Nay, I shall propose to thee to stay forty-eight hours there, while I kiss my mother and sisters, and the females generally, and on go you and I together to the sea.""Denys! Denys!"

"Denys nor me! 'Tis settled.Gainsay me not! or I'll go with thee to Rome.Why not? his Holiness the Pope hath ever some little merry pleasant war toward, and a Burgundian soldier is still welcome in his ranks."On this Gerard opened his heart."Denys, ere I fell in with thee, I used often to halt on the road, unable to go farther: my puny heart so pulled me back: and then, after a short prayer to the saints for aid, would I rise and drag my most unwilling body onward.But since I joined company with thee, great is my courage.

I have found the saying of the ancients true, that better is a bright comrade on the weary road than a horse-litter; and, dear brother, when I do think of what we have done and suffered together! Savedst my life from the bear, and from yet more savage thieves; and even poor I did make shift to draw thee out of Rhine, and somehow loved thee double from that hour.How many ties tender and strong between us! Had I my will, I'd never, never, never, never part with my Denys on this side the grave.Well-a-day! God His will be done.

"No, my will shall be done this time," shouted Denys."Le bon Dieu has bigger fish to fry than you or me.I'll go with thee to Rome.

There is my hand on it."

"Think what, you say! 'Tis impossible.'Tis too selfish of me.""I tell thee, 'tis settled.No power can change me.At Remiremont I borrow ten pieces of my uncle, and on we go; 'tis fixed;They shook hands over it.Then Gerard said nothing, for his heart was too full; but he ran twice round his companion as he walked, then danced backwards in front of him, and finally took his hand, and so on they went hand in hand like sweethearts, till a company of mounted soldiers, about fifty in number, rose to sight on the brow of a hill.

"See the banner of Burgundy," said Denys joyfully; "I shall look out for a comrade among these.""How gorgeous is the standard in the sun," said Gerard "and how brave are the leaders with velvet and feathers, and steel breastplates like glassy mirrors!"When they came near enough to distinguish faces, Denys uttered an exclamation: "Why, 'tis the Bastard of Burgundy, as I live.Nay, then; there is fighting a-foot since he is out; a gallant leader, Gerard, rates his life no higher than a private soldier's, and a soldier's no higher than a tomtit's; and that is the captain for me.""And see, Denys, the very mules with their great brass frontlets and trappings seem proud to carry them; no wonder men itch to be soldiers;" and in the midst of this innocent admiration the troop came up with them.

"Halt!" cried a stentorian voice.The troop halted.The Bastard of Burgundy bent his brow gloomily on Denys: "How now, arbalestrier, how comes it thy face is turned southward, when every good hand and heart is hurrying northward?"Denys replied respectfully that he was going on leave, after some years of service, to see his kindred at Remiremont.

"Good.But this is not the time for't; the duchy is disturbed.Ho!

bring that dead soldier's mule to the front; and thou mount her and forward with us to Flanders.""So please your highness," said Denys firmly, "that may not be.My home is close at hand.I have not seen it these three years; and above all, I have this poor youth in charge, whom I may not, cannot leave, till I see him shipped for Rome.

"Dost bandy words with me?" said the chief, with amazement, turning fast to wrath."Art weary o' thy life? Let go the youth's hand, and into the saddle without more idle words."Denys made no reply; but he held Gerard's hand the tighter, and looked defiance.

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