
第81章 A Thumb-print and What Came of It(2)

You already know how I came to go to America,and how I came to settle in that lonely region in the South.But you do not know that I had a wife.

My wife was young,beautiful,loving,and oh,so divinely good and blameless and gentle!And our little girl was her mother in miniature.

It was the happiest of happy households.

One night--it was toward the close of the war--I woke up out of a sodden lethargy,and found myself bound and gagged,and the air tainted with chloroform!I saw two men in the room,and one was saying to the other,in a hoarse whisper,'I told her I would,if she made a noise,and as for the child--'

The other man interrupted in a low,half-crying voice--'You said we'd only gag them and rob them,not hurt them;or I wouldn't have come.'

'Shut up your whining;had to change the plan when they waked up;you done all you could to protect them,now let that satisfy you;come,help rummage.'

Both men were masked,and wore coarse,ragged 'nigger'clothes;they had a bull's-eye lantern,and by its light I noticed that the gentler robber had no thumb on his right hand.

They rummaged around my poor cabin for a moment;the head bandit then said,in his stage whisper--'It's a waste of time--he shall tell where it's hid.

Undo his gag,and revive him up.'

The other said--

'All right--provided no clubbing.'

'No clubbing it is,then--provided he keeps still.'

They approached me;just then there was a sound outside;a sound of voices and trampling hoofs;the robbers held their breath and listened;the sounds came slowly nearer and nearer;then came a shout--

'HELLO,the house!Show a light,we want water.'

'The captain's voice,by G----!'said the stage-whispering ruffian,and both robbers fled by the way of the back door,shutting off their bull's-eye as they ran.

The strangers shouted several times more,then rode by--there seemed to be a dozen of the horses--and I heard nothing more.

I struggled,but could not free myself from my bonds.

I tried to speak,but the gag was effective;I could not make a sound.

I listened for my wife's voice and my child's--listened long and intently,but no sound came from the other end of the room where their bed was.

This silence became more and more awful,more and more ominous,every moment.Could you have endured an hour of it,do you think?

Pity me,then,who had to endure three.Three hours--?it was three ages!

Whenever the clock struck,it seemed as if years had gone by since Ihad heard it last.All this time I was struggling in my bonds;and at last,about dawn,I got myself free,and rose up and stretched my stiff limbs.I was able to distinguish details pretty well.

The floor was littered with things thrown there by the robbers during their search for my savings.The first object that caught my particular attention was a document of mine which I had seen the rougher of the two ruffians glance at and then cast away.

It had blood on it!I staggered to the other end of the room.

Oh,poor unoffending,helpless ones,there they lay,their troubles ended,mine begun!

Did I appeal to the law--I?Does it quench the pauper's thirst if the King drink for him?Oh,no,no,no--I wanted no impertinent interference of the law.Laws and the gallows could not pay the debt that was owing to me!

Let the laws leave the matter in my hands,and have no fears:I would find the debtor and collect the debt.How accomplish this,do you say?

How accomplish it,and feel so sure about it,when I had neither seen the robbers'faces,nor heard their natural voices,nor had any idea who they might be?Nevertheless,I WAS sure--quite sure,quite confident.

I had a clue--a clue which you would not have valued--a clue which would not have greatly helped even a detective,since he would lack the secret of how to apply it.I shall come to that,presently--you shall see.

Let us go on,now,taking things in their due order.There was one circumstance which gave me a slant in a definite direction to begin with:

Those two robbers were manifestly soldiers in tramp disguise;and not new to military service,but old in it--regulars,perhaps;they did not acquire their soldierly attitude,gestures,carriage,in a day,nor a month,nor yet in a year.So I thought,but said nothing.

And one of them had said,'the captain's voice,by G----!'--the one whose life I would have.Two miles away,several regiments were in camp,and two companies of U.S.cavalry.When I learned that Captain Blakely,of Company C had passed our way,that night,with an escort,I said nothing,but in that company I resolved to seek my man.In conversation I studiously and persistently described the robbers as tramps,camp followers;and among this class the people made useless search,none suspecting the soldiers but me.

Working patiently,by night,in my desolated home,I made a disguise for myself out of various odds and ends of clothing;in the nearest village I bought a pair of blue goggles.

By-and-bye,when the military camp broke up,and Company C was ordered a hundred miles north,to Napoleon,I secreted my small hoard of money in my belt,and took my departure in the night.

When Company C arrived in Napoleon,I was already there.

Yes,I was there,with a new trade--fortune-teller.Not to seem partial,I made friends and told fortunes among all the companies garrisoned there;but I gave Company C the great bulk of my attentions.

I made myself limitlessly obliging to these particular men;they could ask me no favor,put upon me no risk,which I would decline.

I became the willing butt of their jokes;this perfected my popularity;I became a favorite.

I early found a private who lacked a thumb--what joy it was to me!

And when I found that he alone,of all the company,had lost a thumb,my last misgiving vanished;I was SURE I was on the right track.This man's name was Kruger,a German.

There were nine Germans in the company.I watched,to see who might be his intimates;but he seemed to have no especial intimates.

But I was his intimate;and I took care to make the intimacy grow.

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