

Billy was disappointed at this cordial seconding of his mood.He did not make a direct rejoinder."I guess I'll go outside now,"said he,with a threat in his tone.

She continued mending his stockings.Finished ones lay rolled at one side of her chair,and upon the other were more waiting her attention.

"And I'm going to turn back hand-springs on top of all the freight-cars,"he stated,more loudly.

She indulged again in merriment,laughing sweetly at him,and without restraint.

"And I'm sick of what you all keep a-saying to me!"he shouted."Just as if I was a baby.""Why,Billy,who ever said you were a baby?"

"All of you do.Honey,and Lin,and you,now,and everybody.What makes you say 'that's nine times,Billy;oh,Billy,that's ten times,'if you don't mean I'm a baby?And you laugh me off,just like they do,and just like I was a regular baby.You won't tell me--""Billy,listen.Did nobody ever ask you something you did not want to tell them?""That's not a bit the same,because--because--because I treat 'em square and because it's not their business.But every time I ask anybody 'most anything,they say I'm not old enough to understand;and I'll be ten soon.And it is my business when it's about the kind of a mother I'm agoing to have.Suppose I quit acting square,an'told 'em,when they bothered me,they weren't young enough to understand!Wish I had.Guess Iwill,too,and watch 'em step around."For a moment his mind dwelt upon this,and he whistled a revengeful strain.

"Goodness,Billy!"said Jessamine,at the sight of the next stocking.

"The whole heel is scorched off."

He eyed the ruin with indifference."Ah,that was last month when I and Lin shot the bear in the swamp willows.He made me dry off my legs.Chuck it away.""And spoil the pair?No,indeed!"

"Mother always chucked 'em,an'father'd buy new ones till I skipped from home.Lin kind o'mends 'em.""Does he?"said Jessamine,softly.And she looked at the photograph.

"Yes.What made you write him for to let me come and bring my stockin's and things?""Don't you see,Billy,there is so little work at this station that I'd be looking out of the window all day just the pitiful way you do?""Oh!"Billy pondered."And so I said to Lin,"he continued,"why didn't he send down his own clothes,too,an'let you fix 'em all.And Honey Wiggin laughed right in his coffee-cup so it all sploshed out.And the cook he asked me if mother used to mend Lin's clothes.But I guess she chucked 'em like she always did father's and mine.I was with father,you know,when mother was married to Lin that time."He paused again,while his thoughts and fears struggled."But Lin says I needn't ever go back,"he went on,reasoning and confiding to her."Lin don't like mother any more,I guess."His pondering grew still deeper,and he looked at Jessamine for some while.Then his face wakened with a new theory."Don't Lin like you any more?"he inquired.

"Oh,"cried Jessamine,crimsoning,"yes!Why,he sent you to me!""Well,he got hot in camp when I said that about sending his clothes to you.He quit supper pretty soon,and went away off a walking.And that's another time they said I was too young.But Lin don't come to see you any more.""Why,I hope he loves me,"murmured Jessamine."Always.""Well,I hope so too,"said Billy,earnestly."For I like you.When Iseen him show you our cabin on Box Elder,and the room he had fixed for you,I was glad you were coming to be my mother.Mother used to be awful.

I wouldn't 'a'minded her licking me if she'd done other things.Ah,pshaw!I wasn't going to stand that."Billy now came close to Jessamine.

"I do wish you would come and live with me and Lin,"said he."Lin's awful nice.""Don't I know it?"said Jessamine,tenderly.

"Cause I heard you say you were going to marry him,"went on Billy."And I seen him kiss you and you let him that time we went away when you found out about mother.And you're not mad,and he's not,and nothing happens at all,all the same!Won't you tell me,please?"Jessamine's eyes were glistening,and she took him in her lap.She was not going to tell him that he was too young this time.But whatever things she had shaped to say to the boy were never said.

Through the noise of the gale came the steadier sound of the train,and the girl rose quickly to preside over her ticket-office and duties behind the railing in the front room of the station.The boy ran to the window to watch the great event of Separ's day.The locomotive loomed out from the yellow clots of drift,paused at the water-tank,and then with steam and humming came slowly on by the platform.Slowly its long dust-choked train emerged trundling behind it,and ponderously halted.There was no one to go.No one came to buy a ticket of Jessamine.The conductor looked in on business,but she had no telegraphic orders for him.The express agent jumped off and looked in for pleasure.He received his daily smile and nod of friendly discouragement.Then the light bundle of mail was flung inside the door.Separ had no mail to go out.As she was picking up the letters young Billy passed her like a shadow,and fled out.Two passengers had descended from the train,a man and a large woman.His clothes were loose and careless upon him.He held valises,and stood uncertainly looking about him in the storm.Her firm,heavy body was closely dressed.In her hat was a large,handsome feather.Along between the several cars brakemen leaned out,watched her,and grinned to each other.But her big,hard-shining blue eyes were fixed curiously upon the station where Jessamine was.

"It's all night we may be here,is it?"she said to the man,harshly.

"How am I to help that?"he retorted.

"I'll help it.If this hotel's the sty it used to be,I'll walk to Tommy's.I've not saw him since I left Bear Creek."She stalked into the hotel,while the man went slowly to the station.He entered,and found Jessamine behind her railing,sorting the slim mail.

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