

It was therefore settled that Mr.Tupman should be left at home in charge of the females; and that the remainder of the guests, under the guidance of Mr.Wardle, should proceed to the spot where was to be held that trial of skill, which had roused all Muggleton from its torpor, and inoculated Dingley Dell with a fever of excitement.

As their walk, which was not above two miles long, lay through shady lanes, and sequestered footpaths, and as their conversation turned upon the delightful scenery, by which they were on every side surrounded, Mr.

Pickwick was almost inclined to regret the expedition they had used, when he found himself in the main street of the town of Muggleton.

Everybody whose genius has a topographical bent knows perfectly well that Muggleton is a corporate town, with a mayor, burgesses, and freemen;and anybody who has consulted the addresses of the mayor to the freemen, or the freemen to the mayor, or both to the corporation, or all three to Parliament, will learn from thence what they ought to have known before, that Muggleton is an ancient and loyal borough, mingling a zealous advocacy of Christian principles with a devoted attachment to commercial rights;in demonstration whereof, the mayor, corporation, and other inhabitants, have presented at divers times, no fewer than one thousand four hundred and twenty petitions against the continuance of negro slavery abroad, and an equal number against any interference with the factory system at home;sixty-eight in favour of the sale of livings in the Church, and eight-six for abolishing Sunday trading in the street.

Mr.Pickwick stood in the principal street of this illustrious town, and gazed with an air of curiosity, not unmixed with interest, on the objects around him.There was an open square for the market-place; and in the centre of it, a large inn with a sign-post in front, displaying an object very common in art, but rarely met with in nature--to wit, a blue lion, with three bow legs in the air, balancing himself on the extreme point of the centre claw of his fourth foot.There were, within sight, an auctioneer's and fire-agency office, a corn-factor's, a linen-draper's, a saddler's, a distiller's, a grocer's, and a shoe-shop--the last-mentioned warehouse being also appropriated to the diffusion of hats, bonnets, wearing apparel, cotton umbrellas, and useful knowledge.There was a red brick house with a small paved court-yard in front, which anybody might have known belonged to the attorney; and there was, moreover, another red brick house with Venetian blinds, and a large brass door-plate, with a very legible announcement that it belonged to the surgeon.A few boys were ****** their way to the cricket-field; and two or three shop-keepers who were standing at their doors, looked as if they would like to be ****** their way to the same spot, as indeed to all appearance they might have done, without losing any great amount of custom thereby.Mr.Pickwick having paused to make these observations, to be noted down at a more convenient period, hastened to rejoin his friends, who had turned out of the main street, and were already within sight of the field of battle.

The wickets were pitched, and so were a couple of marquees for the rest and refreshment of the contending parties.The game had not yet commenced.

Two or three Dingley Dellers, and All-Muggletonians, were amusing themselves with a majestic air by throwing the ball carelessly from hand to hand;and several other gentlemen dressed like them, in straw hats, flannel jackets, and white trousers--a costume in which they looked very much like ******* stone-masons--were sprinkled about the tents, towards one of which Mr.

Wardle conducted the party.

Several dozen of "How-are-you's?" hailed the old gentleman's arrival;and a general raising of the straw hats, and bending forward of the flannel jackets, followed his introduction of his guests as gentlemen from London, who were extremely anxious to witness the proceedings of the day, with which, he had no doubt, they would be greatly delighted.

"You had better step into the marquee, I think, sir," said one very stout gentleman, whose body and legs looked like half a gigantic roll of flannel, elevated on a couple of inflated pillow-cases.

"You'll find it much pleasanter, sir," urged another stout gentleman, who strongly resembled the other half of the roll of flannel aforesaid.

"You're very good," said Mr.Pickwick.

"This way," said the first speaker; "they notch in here--it's the best place in the whole field;" and the cricketer, panting on before, preceded them to the tent.

"Capital game--smart sport--fine exercise--very," were the words which fell upon Mr.Pickwick's ear as he entered the tent; and the first object that met his eyes was his green-coated friend of the Rochester coach, holding forth, to the no small delight and edification of a select circle of the chosen of All-Muggleton.His dress was slightly improved, and he wore boots;but there was no mistaking him.

The stranger recognised his friends immediately: and, darting forward and seizing Mr.Pickwick by the hand, dragged him to a seat with his usual impetuosity, talking all the while as if the whole of the arrangements were under his especial patronage and direction.

"This way--this way--capital fun--lots of beer--hogs-heads; rounds of beef--bullocks; mustard--cart loads; glorious day--down with you--make yourself at home--glad to see you--very."Mr.Pickwick sat down as he was bid, and Mr.Winkle and Mr.Snodgrass also complied with the directions of their mysterious friend.Mr.Wardle looked on, in silent wonder.

"Mr.Wardle--a friend of mine," said Mr.Pickwick.

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    推荐我的新文,《帝尊要入赘》,欢迎大家阅读,收藏,推荐,(* ̄3)(ε ̄*)的程锦再次醒来,发现自己竟然成了小农女,十里八村,美貌有名。那一定很受欢迎?错,人人唯恐避之不及!传闻此女从小喜欢胡言乱语,但每说必中,犹如衰神附体!程锦:哼,从此本小姐咸鱼翻身!没想到这个身体还有预言功能!程锦谋婚后母大喜:终于能把这个衰神嫁出去了!隔壁村牛老汉愿意用一头耕牛来换取。程锦怒气满满,本小姐竟然只值一头耕牛,是可忍熟不可忍!王婆献计:“你那继女,模样身段都极好,正好城里有位老爷多年无子,想找一个女子来生子,听说愿意给十两白银。不如灌碗哑药送了去。”程锦白眼,这些人好没眼光,十两白银?真当本姑娘是泥捏的?程锦打量着眼前男子,看了又看,一幅幅画面闪过,良久道:“你娶我,我助你。”男子:”好”
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