

'I fancy,' he gasped, 'that Mr.Van Tromp has many generous friends.'

'I'll warrant!' she sneered; and before **** could find more to say, she was gone from the room.

Esther returned with the tea-things, and sat down.

'Now,' she said cosily, 'tell me all about my father.'

'He' - stammered ****, 'he is a very agreeable companion.'

'I shall begin to think it is more than you are, Mr.Naseby,'

she said, with a laugh.'I am his daughter, you forget.

Begin at the beginning, and tell me all you have seen of him, all he said and all you answered.You must have met somewhere; begin with that.'

So with that he began: how he had found the Admiral painting in a cafe; how his art so possessed him that he could not wait till he got home to - well, to dash off his idea; how (this in reply to a question) his idea consisted of a cock crowing and two hens eating corn; how he was fond of cocks and hens; how this did not lead him to neglect more ambitious forms of art; how he had a picture in his studio of a Greek subject which was said to be remarkable from several points of view; how no one had seen it nor knew the precise site of the studio in which it was being vigorously though secretly confected; how (in answer to a suggestion) this shyness was common to the Admiral, Michelangelo, and others; how they (**** and Van Tromp) had struck up an acquaintance at once, and dined together that same night; how he (the Admiral) had once given money to a beggar; how he spoke with effusion of his little daughter; how he had once borrowed money to send her a doll - a trait worthy of Newton, she being then in her nineteenth year at least; how, if the doll never arrived (which it appeared it never did), the trait was only more characteristic of the highest order of creative intellect;how he was - no, not beautiful - striking, yes, **** would go so far, decidedly striking in appearance; how his boots were made to lace and his coat was black, not cut-away, a frock;and so on, and so on by the yard.It was astonishing how few lies were necessary.After all, people exaggerated the difficulty of life.A little steering, just a touch of the rudder now and then, and with a willing listener there is no limit to the domain of equivocal speech.Sometimes Miss M'Glashan made a freezing sojourn in the parlour; and then the task seemed unaccountably more difficult; but to Esther, who was all eyes and ears, her face alight with interest, his stream of language flowed without break or stumble, and his mind was ever fertile in ingenious evasions and -What an afternoon it was for Esther!

'Ah!' she said at last, 'it's good to hear all this! My aunt, you should know, is narrow and too religious; she cannot understand an artist's life.It does not frighten me,' she added grandly; 'I am an artist's daughter.'

With that speech, **** consoled himself for his imposture;she was not deceived so grossly after all; and then if a fraud, was not the fraud piety itself? - and what could be more obligatory than to keep alive in the heart of a daughter that filial trust and honour which, even although misplaced, became her like a jewel of the mind? There might be another thought, a shade of cowardice, a selfish desire to please;poor **** was merely human; and what would you have had him do?

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