

"Glenara, Glenara, now read me my dream." Campbell.

Father, I have dreamed a dream,When the rosy morning hour Poured its light on field and stream,Kindling nature with its pow'r;--O'er the meadow's dewy breast,I had chased a butterfly, Tempted by its gaudy vest,Still my vain pursuit to ply,--Till my limbs were weary grown,With the distance I had strayed, Then to rest I laid me down,Where a beech tree cast its shade,Soon a heaviness came o'er me,And a deep sleep sealed my eyes; And a vision past before me,Full of changing phantasies.

First I stood beside a bower,Green as summer bow'r could be; Vine and fruit, and leaf and flower,Mixed to weave its canopy.

And within reclined a form,As embodied moonlight fair, With a soft cheek, fresh and warm,Deep blue eye and sunny hair.

By her side a goblet stood,Such as bacchanalians brim; High the rich grape's crimson blood,Sparkled o'er its gilded rim.

As I gazed, she bowed her head,With a gay and graceful move, And in words of music said,"Drink, and learn the lore of love!"Next I stood beside a mountain,Of majestic form and height; Cliff and crag, and glen and fountain,Mingled to make up its might.

On its lofty brow were growingFlowers never chilled by gloom, For the sky above them glowing,Dyed them with a deathless bloom.

And I saw the crystal dome,Wondrous in its majesty, Where earth's great ones find a home,When their spirits are set free.

By its portals, I espiedOne who kept the courts within; High he waved a wreath and cried,"Come up hither,--strive and win!"Then my vision changed again:In a fairy-coloured shell, O'er the wide sea's pathless plain,I was speeding, fast and well.

Suddenly, beneath its prow,Parted were the azure waves, And I saw where, far below,Yawn the vast deep's secret caves.

Where the Syren sings her song, To old Ocean's sons and daughters; And the mermaids dance along, To the music of the waters.

Where the coral forest o'er, Storm or tempest ne'er is driven And the gems that strew its floor, Sparkle like the stars in heaven.

Treasures, such as never eye Of the earth has looked upon, Gold and pearls of many a dye, There in rich profusion shone.

And a voice came to my ear, Saying, in a stern, cold tone, Such as chills the heart with fear, "Seize and make the prize thine own."Then across a clouded wild, Lone and drear and desolate, Where no cheerful cottage smiled, I pursued the steps of fate.

Ever bearing in my breast, Thoughts almost to madness wrought; Ever, ever seeking rest, Never finding what I Sought--Till I gave my wanderings o'er, By a black and icy stream,-- Deep I plunged and knew no more:-- Father, read me now my dream.

The old man bowed his head, And pressed his thin hand to his withered brow, As if he struggled with some rising thought Which should have kept its place in memory's urn Till he had cast the shadow from his soul, Which for a while had bound it in a spell Born of the bygone years,-- then thus he spoke:

Now listen, boy, and I will show to thee The import of thy vision,--I will tell Thee what its scenes and shapes of mystery Foreshadow of the future,--for full well I know the wizard lore, whose witchery Binds e'en the time to come in its wild spell! And from approaching years a knowledge wrings Of what they bear upon their viewless wings.

Along life's weary way of pain and care, From earliest infancy to eldest age, Forms, viewless as the soft-breathed summer air, Attend man's footsteps in his pilgrimage; And if his destiny be dark or fair, If Pleasure gilds, or Sorrow blots the page Whereon is traced his history, still his ear Will ever catch their warning voices near.

And they--those guardian ones, who, while thy sleep Hung o'er thee like a curtain, came around And fanned thee till thy slumber grew more deep,-- Flung o'er thy rest, so perfect and profound, A dream whose mem'ry thou sbouldst ever keep Bound to thy spirit, for altho' it wound,Thy young heart now, perchance, in after years,'Twill save thee much of toil, and many tears.

It was a dream of life: of boyhood's strong And soul-consuming yearnings after love! His eager search to find, amid the throng, Some heart to give him thought for thought--to move And mingle with his own, as twines the song From Beauty's lyre and lips! to know and prove The dearest joy to care-cursed mortals given, The one with least of earth, and most of heavenOf manhood's ceaseless strivings after fame,--The veriest phantom of all phantasies-- For which he wields the sword, or lights the flame Whose red glare mocks a nation's agonies,-- Or by his star-outwatching taper, pliesHis pen or pencil, to gain--what? a name, A passing sound-- an echo--a mere breath, Which he, vain fool, dreams mightier than death!

And of a later period, when the soul Forsakes its high resolves and wild desires, When stern Ambition can no more control, And Love has shrouded o'er its smothered fires; When Expectation ceases to console, And Hope, the last kind comforter, expires; And Avarice, monster of the gilded vest, Creeps in and occupies the vacant breast.

And then the last sad scene: The sick heart, sore And fainting from its wounds--the palsied limb-- The brow whose death-sweat peeps from every pore-- The eye with its long, weary watch grown dim-- The withered, wan cheek, that shall bloom no more-- The last dregs dripping slowly from the brim Of life's drained cup,--behind all gloom, before A deep, dark gulf--we plunge, and all is o'er!

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  • 薰衣草下的月光之狐媚众生


  • 余生星光赋予你


  • 快穿反派大佬要黑化


  • 相思不解相思意


  • 洪荒第一圣


  • 天行


  • 乱世末途


    一个国家就如同人会逐渐腐朽,终有走向毁灭的一天,只有不断开拓创新,勤奋进取,才能永远保持其生命力。 那么这个乱世的末途,又会成为一个怎样新世界的起点呢?(PS:本书取名极为随便,所有的一切全为虚构,有胡乱套用历史名称之嫌,但这只是一个纯虚构的世界与故事。)