

In early youth, Mr.Vere of Ellieslaw had been remarkable for a career of dissipation, which, in advanced life, he had exchanged for the no less destructive career of dark and turbulent ambition.In both cases, he had gratified the predominant passion without respect to the diminution of his private fortune, although, where such inducements were wanting, he was deemed close, avaricious, and grasping.His affairs being much embarrassed by his earlier extravagance, he went to England, where he was understood to have formed a very advantageous matrimonial connexion.He was many years absent from his family estate.Suddenly and unexpectedly he returned a widower, bringing with him his daughter, then a girl of about ten years old.From this moment his expense seemed unbounded, in the eyes of the ****** inhabitants of his native mountains.It was supposed he must necessarily have plunged himself deeply in debt.Yet he continued to live in the same lavish expense, until some months before the commencement of our narrative, when the public opinion of his embarrassed circumstances was confirmed, by the residence of Mr.Ratcliffe at Ellieslaw Castle, who, by the tacit consent, though obviously to the great displeasure, of the lord of the mansion, seemed, from the moment of his arrival, to assume and exercise a predominant and unaccountable influence in the management of his private affairs.

Mr.Ratcliffe was a grave, steady, reserved man, in an advanced period of life.To those with whom he had occasion to speak upon business, he appeared uncommonly well versed in all its forms.With others he held little communication; but in any casual intercourse, or conversation, displayed the powers of an active and well-informed mind.For some time before taking up his final residence at the castle, he had been an occasional visitor there, and was at such times treated by Mr.Vere (contrary to his general practice towards those who were inferior to him in rank) with marked attention, and even deference.Yet his arrival always appeared to be an embarrassment to his host, and his departure a relief; so that, when he became a constant inmate of the family, it was impossible not to observe indications of the displeasure with which Mr.Vere regarded his presence.Indeed, their intercourse formed a singular mixture ofconfidence and constraint.Mr.Vere's most important affairs were regulated by Mr.Ratcliffe; and although he was none of those indulgent men of fortune, who, too indolent to manage their own business, are glad to devolve it upon another, yet, in many instances, he was observed to give up his own judgment, and submit to the contrary opinions which Mr.Ratcliffe did not hesitate distinctly to express.

Nothing seemed to vex Mr.Vere more than when strangers indicated any observation of the state of tutelage under which he appeared to labour.When it was noticed by Sir Frederick, or any of his intimates, he sometimes repelled their remarks haughtily and indignantly, and sometimes endeavoured to evade them, by saying, with a forced laugh, "That Ratcliffe knew his own importance, but that he was the most honest and skilful fellow in the world; and that it would be impossible for him to manage his English affairs without his advice and assistance." Such was the person who entered the room at the moment Mr.Vere was summoning him to his presence, and who now heard with surprise, mingled with obvious incredulity, the hasty narrative of what had befallen Isabella.

Her father concluded, addressing Sir Frederick and the other gentlemen, who stood around in astonishment, "And now, my friends, you see the most unhappy father in Scotland.Lend me your assistance, gentlemen--give me your advice, Mr.Ratcliffe.I am incapable of acting, or thinking, under the unexpected violence of such a blow.""Let us take our horses, call our attendants, and scour the country in pursuit of the villains," said Sir Frederick.

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