
第48章 The Adventures of the Younger Son of the Jackal

Now that the father and elder brother were both dead, all that was left of the jackal family was one son, who was no less cunning than the others had been.He did not like staying in the same place any better than they, and nobody ever knew in what part of the country he might be found next.

One day, when we was wandering about he beheld a nice fat sheep, which was cropping the grass and seemed quite contented with her lot.

'Good morning,' said the jackal, 'I am so glad to see you.I have been looking for you everywhere.'

'For ME?' answered the sheep, in an astonished voice; 'but we have never met before!'

'No; but I have heard of you.Oh! You don't know what fine things Ihave heard! Ah, well, some people have all the luck!'

'You are very kind, I am sure,' answered the sheep, not knowing which way to look.'Is there any way in which I can help you?'

'There is something that I had set my heart on, though I hardly like to propose it on so short an acquaintance; but from what people have told me, I thought that you and I might keep house together comfortably, if you would only agree to try.I have several fields belonging to me, and if they are kept well watered they bear wonderful crops.'

'Perhaps I might come for a short time,' said the sheep, with a little hesitation; 'and if we do not get on, we can part company.'

'Oh, thank you, thank you,' cried the jackal; 'do not let us lose a moment.' And he held out his paw in such an inviting manner that the sheep got up and trotted beside him till they reached home.

'Now,' said the jackal, 'you go to the well and fetch the water, and Iwill pour it into the trenches that run between the patches of corn.'

And as he did so he sang lustily.The work was very hard, but the sheep did not grumble, and by-and-by was rewarded at seeing the little green heads poking themselves through earth.After that the hot sun ripened them quickly, and soon harvest time was come.Then the grain was cut and ground and ready for sale.

When everything was complete, the jackal said to the sheep:

'Now let us divide it, so that we can each do what we like with his share.'

'You do it,' answered the sheep; 'here are the scales.You must weigh it carefully.'

So the jackal began to weigh it, and when he had finished, he counted out loud:

'One, two, three, four, five, six, seven parts for the jackal, and one part for the sheep.If she likes it she can take it, if not, she can leave it.'

The sheep looked at the two heaps in silence- -one so large, the other so small; and then she answered:

'Wait for a minute, while I fetch some sacks to carry away my share.'

But it was not sacks that the sheep wanted; for as soon as the jackal could no longer see her she set forth at her best pace to the home of the greyhound, where she arrived panting with the haste she had made.

'Oh, good uncle, help me, I pray you!' she cried, as soon as she could speak.

'Why, what is the matter?' asked the greyhound, looking up with astonishment.

'I beg you to return with me, and frighten the jackal into paying me what he owes me,' answered the sheep.'For months we have lived together, and I have twice every day drawn the water, while he only poured it into the trenches.Together we have reaped our harvest; and now, when the moment to divide our crop has come, he has taken seven parts for himself, and only left one for me.'

She finished, and giving herself a twist, passed her woolly tail across her eyes; while the greyhound watched her, but held his peace.Then he said:

'Bring me a sack.' And the sheep hastened away to fetch one.Very soon she returned, and laid the sack down before him.

'Open it wide, that I may get in,' cried he; and when he was comfortably rolled up inside he bade the sheep take him on her back, and hasten to the place where she had left the jackal.

She found him waiting for her, and pretending to be asleep, though she clearly saw him wink one of his eyes.However, she took no notice, but throwing the sack roughly on the ground, she exclaimed:

'Now measure!'

At this the jackal got up, and going to the heap of grain which lay close by, he divided it as before into eight portions--seven for himself and one for the sheep.

'What are you doing that for?' asked she indignantly.'You know quite well that it was I who drew the water, and you who only poured it into the trenches.'

'You are mistaken,' answered the jackal.'It was I who drew the water, and you who poured it into the trenches.Anybody will tell you that!

If you like, I will ask those people who are digging there!'

'Very well,' replied the sheep.And the jackal called out:

'Ho! You diggers, tell me: Who was it you heard singing over the work?'

'Why, it was you, of course, jackal! You sang so loud that the whole world might have heard you!'

'And who it is that sings--he who draws the water, or he who empties it?'

'Why, certainly he who draws the water!'

'You hear?' said the jackal, turning to the sheep.'Now come and carry away your own portion, or else I shall take it for myself.'

'You have got the better of me,' answered the sheep; 'and I suppose Imust confess myself beaten! But as I bear no malice, go and eat some of the dates that I have brought in that sack.' And the jackal, who loved dates, ran instantly back, and tore open the mouth of the sack.

But just as he was about to plunge his nose in he saw two brown eyes calmly looking at him.In an instant he had let fall the flap of the sack and bounded back to where the sheep was standing.

'I was only in fun; and you have brought my uncle the greyhound.Take away the sack, we will make the division over again.' And he began rearranging the heaps.

'One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, for my mother the sheep, and one for the jackal,' counted he; casting timid glances all the while at the sack.

'Now you can take your share and go,' said the sheep.And the jackal did not need twice telling! Whenever the sheep looked up, she still saw him flying, flying across the plain; and, for all I know, he may be flying across it still.

[Contes Berberes, par Rene Basset.]

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  • 山海关(千种豆瓣高分原创作品·世间态)


    作品梳理了作者记忆深处的东北故乡。在清朝,作者的先辈从山东省登州府海阳县逃荒到了山海关外,参与了人类迁徙史上那场规模最大的“闯关东”。而清廷为防止汉人出关,还在辽河和松花江流域沿壕沟栽植柳树,形成了一条“柳条边”。作者从方方面面详述了自己家乡——一个名叫祥顺号的村落,构建起一部个人视角的“东北史”。游子漂泊他乡,站到与时光对峙的彼岸,发出思乡之情,才能发现故乡的存在。漂泊的作者渴望能像《呼兰河传》里的萧红那样,灵魂通过文字可以重返故乡。离家已久,所谓未老莫还乡。然而读了吕明光的《东北书》,觉得不回也罢,他的文字已经满足了我的思乡之情。在《东北书》里,作者用饱含深情的笔墨写出了东北的故土风物,让我们触摸到那片神奇的土地的音容笑貌。一切栩栩如生,一切绚烂而至平淡。(原天涯社区文学主编、作家、评论家 朴素)不要因为看过赵本山的演出就自以为了解了东北。吕明光的《东北书》虽未彻底颠覆赵氏概念,但绝对是一种健康有益的梳理和完善。东北人和东北风情,比你想象中的内容要丰富得多。(著名专栏作家、杂文家 王国华)从小处说起,却是为东北做一大好事。文化的事,本就是点滴做起,凡搞花架子大排场的,多是别有用心。这书胜过耗巨资造什么所谓的“文化城”。(著名作家、网络评论家 孟庆德)吕明光,男,1978年生,吉林榆树人,现居天津。职业为中学语文教师。作品散见于《北方文学》、《读者》等多种报刊。入选多种选本。2011年出版《田园将芜胡不归:陶渊明诗传》(天津人民出版社)一书。
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  • 蕴想


    始于江运,忠于江运。 〔1〕苏梦想对江运是一见钟情,她记得那天阳光很刺眼,少年拿着一束向日葵从她旁边经过,但是等她反应过来时,少年已经走远了,苏梦想以为他这辈子都见不到她的向日葵男孩了,没想到转学第一天就惹到了学校的刺头江运,等苏梦想揉眼一看,这不是她的向日葵男孩嘛,于是,能屈能伸的苏梦想决定开启她的漫漫倒追路。〔2〕江运的心是封闭着的谁都闯不进去,谁都怕他恨他,而有一个小姑娘误打误撞闯进了他的心,他开始逃避,害怕,不敢接受小姑娘的爱,但是小姑娘丝毫不介意,江运开始释怀,开始接受,江运后来看着怀里的小姑娘,偷偷的笑了。〔3〕苏梦想的倒追路上给江运的印象一直是学习好,乖孩子,就是倒追的有点猛,江运一直认为苏梦想的就是这样,直到有一天,他亲眼看见苏梦想一个人干到倒了十几个人,还在那里骂脏话,从此,江运看苏梦想的眼神都变了。女主不是软柿子,从小就学跆拳道,是跆拳道黑带。男主心里封闭是因为家庭原因,不是心里有病。双初/校园文/甜/无虐
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