

So Sara Lee bandaged, and in the little room across the way, where no longer Harvey's photograph sat on the mantel, Henri told his story to the officers - of his imprisonment in the German prison at Crefeld; of his finding Jean there, weeks later when he was convalescing from typhoid; of their escape and long wandering; of Jean's getting into Holland, whence he would return by way of England.Of his own business, of what he had done behind the lines after Jean had gone, he said nothing.But his listeners knew and understood.

But his dispatches off, his story briefly told, Henri wandered out among the men again.He was very happy.He had never thought to be so happy.He felt the touch on his sleeves of hard brown, not overclean hands, infinitely tender and caressing; and over there, as though she had never gone, was Sara Lee, slightly flushed and very radiant.

And as though he also had never gone away, Henri pushed into the salle a manger and stood before her smiling.

"You bandage well, mademoiselle," he said gayly."But I? I bandage better! See now, a turn here, and it is done! Does it hurt, Paul?"The man in the dressing chair squirmed and grinned sheepishly."The iodine," he explained."It is painful.""Then I shall ask you a question, and you will forget the iodine.Why is a dead German like the tail of a pig?"Paul failed.The room failed.Even Colonel Lilias confessed himself at fault.

"Because it is the end of the swine," explained Henri, and looked about him triumphantly.A gust of laughter spread through the room and even to the kitchen.A door banged.Henri upset a chair.There was noise again, and gayety in the little house of mercy.And much happiness.

And there I think we may leave them all - Henri and Sara Lee; and Jean of the one eye and the faithful heart; and Marie, with her kettles; and even Rene, who still in some strange way belonged to the little house, as though it were something too precious to abandon.

The amazing interlude had become the play itself.Never again for Sara Lee would the lights go up in front, and Henri with his adoring eyes and open arms fade into the shadows.

The drama of the war plays on.The Great Playwright sees fit, now and then, to take away some well-beloved players.New faces appear and disappear.The music is the thunder of many guns.Henri still plays his big part, Sara Lee her little one.Yet who shall say, in the end, which one has done the better? There are new and ever new standards, but love remains the chief.And love is Sara Lee's one quality - love of her kind, of tired men and weary, the love that shall one day knit this broken world together.

And love of one man.

On weary nights, when Henri is again lost in the shadows, Sara Lee, her work done, the men gone, sits in her little house of mercy and waits.The stars on clear evenings shine down on the roofless buildings, on the rubbish that was once the mill, on the ruined poplar trees, and on the small acre of peace where tiny crosses mark the long sleep of weary soldiers.

And sometimes, though she knows it now by heart, she reads aloud that letter of Henri's to her.It comforts her.It is a promise.

"If that is to be, then think of me, somewhere, perhaps with Rene by my side, since he, too, loved you.And I shall still be calling you, and waiting.Perhaps, even beyond the stars, they have need of a little house of mercy.And God knows, wherever I am, I shall have need of you."

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    每一次的相遇,都是时间的精心安排。至少都是需要前世五百次的回眸。前世相欠,才会换来今生的相遇。夜星辰:因为你的出现,我的黑白世界因而有了一道绚丽的色彩。 桃馨乐:你是夜空中闪耀的小星星,照耀着在黑暗世界的我。 他在K国的星空的写下:你是我唯一星辰。 她在小镇星空写下:而你却是我整片星空。 谁,触我心弦,弥漫成一地红尘,点亮静夜的星空。
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    别人超度:阿弥陀佛!设坛、设供!上清三尊!斋醮、请神!安良超度:三尖指虎!青虫偃月刀!野猪佩奇手炮!82式单兵手雷!汤姆逊冲锋枪!火焰喷射器!AK47!马克沁轻机枪!冒蓝火还会嗒嗒嗒的加特林!毒蝎火箭筒!反器材NTW!。。。。。。安良:“南无加特林菩萨,?六根清净贫铀弹,?一息三千六百转,?大慈大悲度世间!握咪脱服,无量天尊,看我超度尔等入极乐天地!!”鬼物看着铺天盖地轰过来的微型红外制导导弹:??? 猪仔书友群:978240567
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