

Garnier-Pages second consul.In every thing the deputy must give way to the journalist.I do not speak of M.Arago, whom Ibelieve to be, in spite of calumny, too learned for the consulship.Be it so.Though we have consuls, our position is not much altered.I am ready to yield my share of sovereignty to MM.Armand Marrast and Garnier-Pages, the appointed consuls, provided they will swear on entering upon the duties of their office, to abolish property and not be haughty.

Forever promises! Forever oaths! Why should the people trust in tribunes, when kings perjure themselves? Alas! truth and honesty are no longer, as in the days of King John, in the mouth of princes.A whole senate has been convicted of felony, and, the interest of the governors always being, for some mysterious reason, opposed to the interest of the governed, parliaments follow each other while the nation dies of hunger.No, no! No more protectors, no more emperors, no more consuls.Better manage our affairs ourselves than through agents.Better associate our industries than beg from monopolies; and, since the republic cannot dispense with virtues, we should labor for our reform.

This, therefore, is my line of conduct.I preach emancipation to the proletaires; association to the laborers; equality to the wealthy.I push forward the revolution by all means in my power,--the tongue, the pen, the press, by action, and example.

My life is a continual apostleship.

Yes, I am a reformer; I say it as I think it, in good faith, and that I may be no longer reproached for my vanity.I wish to convert the world.Very likely this fancy springs from an enthusiastic pride which may have turned to delirium; but it will be admitted at least that I have plenty of company, and that my madness is not monomania.At the present day, everybody wishes to be reckoned among the lunatics of Beranger.To say nothing of the Babeufs, the Marats, and the Robespierres, who swarm in our streets and workshops, all the great reformers of antiquity live again in the most illustrious personages of our time.One is Jesus Christ, another Moses, a third Mahomet; this is Orpheus, that Plato, or Pythagoras.Gregory VII., himself, has risen from the grave together with the evangelists and the apostles; and it may turn out that even I am that slave who, having escaped from his master's house, was forthwith made a bishop and a reformer by St.Paul.As for the virgins and holy women, they are expected daily; at present, we have only Aspasias and courtesans.

Now, as in all diseases, the diagnostic varies according to the temperament, so my madness has its peculiar aspects and distinguishing characteristic.

Reformers, as a general thing, are jealous of their role; they suffer no rivals, they want no partners; they have disciples, but no co-laborers.It is my desire, on the contrary, to communicate my enthusiasm, and to make it, as far as I can, epidemic.I wish that all were, like myself, reformers, in order that there might be no more sects; and that Christs, Anti-Christs, and false Christs might be forced to understand and agree with each other.

Again, every reformer is a magician, or at least desires to become one.Thus Moses, Jesus Christ, and the apostles, proved their mission by miracles.Mahomet ridiculed miracles after having endeavored to perform them.Fourier, more cunning, promises us wonders when the globe shall be covered with phalansteries.For myself, I have as great a horror of miracles as of authorities, and aim only at logic.That is why Icontinually search after the criterion of certainty.I work for the reformation of ideas.Little matters it that they find me dry and austere.I mean to conquer by a bold struggle, or die in the attempt; and whoever shall come to the defence of property, I swear that I will force him to argue like M.

Considerant, or philosophize like M.Troplong.

Finally,--and it is here that I differ most from my compeers,--Ido not believe it necessary, in order to reach equality, to turn every thing topsy-turvy.To maintain that nothing but an overturn can lead to reform is, in my judgment, to construct a syllogism, and to look for the truth in the regions of the unknown.Now, I am for generalization, induction, and progress.

I regard general disappropriation as impossible: attacked from that point, the problem of universal association seems to me insolvable.Property is like the dragon which Hercules killed:

to destroy it, it must be taken, not by the head, but by the tail,--that is, by profit and interest.



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