

Nothing, however, can be more absurd than this whole doctrine of the balance of trade, upon which, not only these restraints, but almost all the other regulations of commerce are founded.When two places trade with one another, this doctrine supposes that, if the balance be even, neither of them either loses or gains; but if it leans in any degree to one side, that one of them loses and the other gains in proportion to its declension from the exact equilibrium.Both suppositions are false.A trade which is forced by means of bounties and monopolies may be and commonly is disadvantageous to the country in whose favour it is meant to be established, as I shall endeavour to show hereafter.But that trade which, without force or constraint, is naturally and regularly carried on between any two places is always advantageous, though not always equally so, to both.

By advantage or gain, I understand not the increase of the quantity of gold and silver, but that of the exchangeable value of the annual produce of the land and labour of the country, or the increase of the annual revenue of its inhabitants.

If the balance be even, and if the trade between the two places consist altogether in the exchange of their native commodities, they will, upon most occasions, not only both gain, but they will gain equally, or very near equally; each will in this case afford a market for a part of the surplus produce of the other; each will replace a capital which had been employed in raising and preparing for the market this part of the surplus produce of the other, and which had been distributed among, and given revenue and maintenance to a certain number of its inhabitants.Some part of the inhabitants of each, therefore, will indirectly derive their revenue and maintenance from the other.As the commodities exchanged, too, are supposed to be of equal value, so the two capitals employed in the trade will, upon most occasions, be equal, or very nearly equal; and both being employed in raising the native commodities of the two countries, the revenue and maintenance which their distribution will afford to the inhabitants of each will be equal, or very nearly equal.

This revenue and maintenance, thus mutually afforded, will be greater or smaller in proportion to the extent of their dealings.

If these should annually amount to an hundred thousand pounds, for example, or to a million on each side, each of them would afford an annual revenue in the one case of an hundred thousand pounds, in the other of a million, to the inhabitants of the other.

If their trade should be of such a nature that one of them exported to the other nothing but native commodities, while the returns of that other consisted altogether in foreign goods; the balance, in this case, would still be supposed even, commodities being paid for with commodities.They would, in this case too, both gain, but they would not gain equally; and the inhabitants of the country which exported nothing but native commodities would derive the greatest revenue from the trade.If England, for example, should import from France nothing but the native commodities of that country, and, not having such commodities of its own as were in demand there, should annually repay them by sending thither a large quantity of foreign goods, tobacco, we shall suppose, and East India goods; this trade, though it would give some revenue to the inhabitants of both countries, would give more to those of France than to those of England.The whole French capital annually employed in it would annually be distributed among the people of France.But that part of the English capital only which was employed in producing the English commodities with which those foreign goods were purchased would be annually distributed among the people of England.The greater part of it would replace the capitals which had been employed in Virginia, Indostan, and China, and which had given revenue and maintenance to the of those distant countries.If the capitals were equal, or nearly equal, therefore this employment of the French capital would augment much more the revenue of the people of France than that of the English capital would the revenue of the people of England.France would in this case carry on a direct foreign trade of consumption with England; whereas England would carry on a round-about trade of the same kind with France.

The different effects of a capital employed in the direct and of one employed in the round-about foreign trade of consumption have already been fully explained.

There is not, probably, between any two countries a trade which consists altogether in the exchange either of native commodities on both sides, or of native commodities on one side and of foreign goods on the other.Almost all countries exchange with one another partly native and partly foreign goods.That country, however, in whose cargoes there is the greatest proportion of native, and the least of foreign goods, will always be the principal gainer.

  • Misc Writings and Speeches

    Misc Writings and Speeches

  • 优婆夷志


  • 先哲医话


  • 建文皇帝遗迹


  • 上清众经诸真圣秘


  • 窥心


  • 宅瑜伽:随时随地恋瑜伽


  • 银河归银河


  • 人文主义地理学:对于意义的个体追寻(译文经典)


    “对一个地方生动或逼真的描述,也许就是人文主义地理学的最高成就。”1930年,段义孚(Yi-fu Tuan)出生于中国天津,先后在中国、澳大利亚和菲律宾就读小学和中学,在牛津大学和加州大学伯克利分校分别获得地理学学士和硕士学位。他在明尼苏达大学执教多年。自1984年至1998年正式退休期间,他曾在威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校分别以约翰·K.赖特地理学教授和维拉斯地理研究教授的身份担任讲座教授。段教授是英国皇家科学院院士和美国艺术与科学院院士,是美国地方中心的创始董事会成员,并于2012年获得著名的瓦特琳·路德国际地理学奖,该奖是地理学界的最高奖项。段义孚认为:“对一个地方生动或逼真的描述,也许就是人文主义地理学的最高成就。”段义孚的人文主义地理学并不研究客观的地形、地貌等自然现象,而是以人之生存为核心,研究人与地理环境的关系,把研究重点置于人直接经验的生活世界和环境的社会建构,强调人性、人情、意义、价值和目的,关注人的终极命运,进而发现人类在生态整体中的定位以及人类与环境的本质关系。《人文主义地理学》是他作为地理学家所认识和经历的一切的见证,书中他反思了之前所有作品的内容,并将其重新呈现。
  • 天行


  • 守护甜心之冷馨公主


  • 重生之狂医冥后


  • 偏执大佬只想谈恋爱


    【超甜宠】他在巷子里与人约架,结果被她意外撞见,察觉后将人堵在角落,眉眼间尽是邪肆痞气,节骨分明的手捏住她的下巴,嫌弃道:“真娇。”然而心里却在说,想要。 他半夜翻墙爬窗进入她的房间,在未经允许的情况下强吻了她,看着少女满脸红晕的样子,他低声笑了,嗓音磁性:“抱歉,没忍住。” 而每当看见她对其他人笑,穿暴露的衣服的时候,他心底烦躁暴戾的情绪便会失控:“把她关起来……藏起来……” 他说,黎呦是他阴暗不堪的前半生中唯一的温暖,是光,是神明的恩赐,哪怕神明戏耍了他,也毫无怨言。当满腔爱意彻底压抑不住之时,他绝望又疯狂道:“我挚爱的小公主,我要将你拉下神坛,在地狱爱你……”这是一个黑切更黑大佬处心积虑套路小绵羊的凄美故事!
  • 双生星球流浪记


  • 庭院夕阳,不孤单

