

It generally, too, belonged to the landlord, and was by him advanced to the occupiers of the land.All the rest of the produce properly belonged to him too, either as rent for his land, or as profit upon this paltry capital.The occupiers of land were generally bondmen, whose persons and effects were equally his property.Those who were not bondmen were tenants at will, and though the rent which they paid was often nominally little more than a quit-rent, it really amounted to the whole produce of the land.Their lord could at all times command their labour in peace and their service in war.Though they lived at a distance from his house, they were equally dependent upon him as his retainers who lived in it.But the whole produce of the land undoubtedly belongs to him who can dispose of the labour and service of all those whom it maintains.In the present state of Europe, the share of the landlord seldom exceeds a third, sometimes not a fourth part of the whole produce of the land.The rent of land, however, in all the improved parts of the country, has been tripled and quadrupled since those ancient times; and this third or fourth part of the annual produce is, it seems, three or four times greater than the whole had been before.In the progress of improvement, rent, though it increases in proportion to the extent, diminishes in proportion to the produce of the land.

In the opulent countries of Europe, great capitals are at present employed in trade and manufactures.In the ancient state, the little trade that was stirring, and the few homely and coarse manufactures that were carried on, required but very small capitals.These, however, must have yielded very large profits.

The rate of interest was nowhere less than ten per cent, and their profits must have been sufficient to afford this great interest.At present the rate of interest, in the improved parts of Europe, is nowhere higher than six per cent, and in some of the most improved it is so low as four, three, and two per cent.

Though that part of the revenue of the inhabitants which is derived from the profits of stock is always much greater in rich than in poor countries, it is because the stock is much greater:

in proportion to the stock the profits are generally much less.

That part of the annual produce, therefore, which, as soon as it comes either from the ground or from the hands of the productive labourers, is destined for replacing a capital, is not only much greater in rich than in poor countries, but bears a much greater proportion to that which is immediately destined for constituting a revenue either as rent or as profit.The funds destined for the maintenance of productive labour are not only much greater in the former than in the latter, but bear a much greater proportion to those which, though they may be employed to maintain either productive or unproductive hands, have generally a predilection for the latter.

The proportion between those different funds necessarily determines in every country the general character of the inhabitants as to industry or idleness.We are more industrious than our forefathers; because in the present times the funds destined for the maintenance of industry are much greater in proportion to those which are likely to be employed in the maintenance of idleness than they were two or three centuries ago.Our ancestors were idle for want of a sufficient encouragement to industry.It is better, says the proverb, to play for nothing than to work for nothing.In mercantile and manufacturing towns, where the inferior ranks of people are chiefly maintained by the employment of capital, they are in general industrious, sober, and thriving; as in many English, and in most Dutch towns.In those towns which are principally supported by the constant or occasional residence of a court, and in which the inferior ranks of people are chiefly maintained by the spending of revenue, they are in general idle, dissolute, and poor; as at Rome, Versailles, Compiegne, and Fontainebleu.If you except Rouen and Bordeaux, there is little trade or industry in any of the parliament towns of France; and the inferior ranks of people, being elderly maintained by the expense of the members of the courts of justice, and of those who come to plead before them, are in general idle and poor.The great trade of Rouen and Bordeaux seems to be altogether the effect of their situation.

Rouen is necessarily the entrepot of almost all the goods which are brought either from foreign countries, or from the maritime provinces of France, for the consumption of the great city of Paris.Bordeaux is in the same manner the entrepot of the wines which grow upon the banks of the Garonne, and of the rivers which run into it, one of the richest wine countries in the world, and which seems to produce the wine fittest for exportation, or best suited to the taste of foreign nations.Such advantageous situations necessarily attract a great capital by the great employment which they afford it; and the employment of this capital is the cause of the industry of those two cities.In the other parliament towns of France, very little more capital seems to be employed than what is necessary for supplying their own consumption; that is, little more than the smallest capital which can be employed in them.The same thing may be said of Paris, Madrid, and Vienna.Of those three cities, Paris is by far the most industrious; but Paris itself is the principal market of all the manufactures established at Paris, and its own consumption is the principal object of all the trade which it carries on.

  • 琳之起源


    未来世界,人类和平,但一则新闻的出现,轰动了整个世界!“Z国创造出了真正的强人工智能!人类世界即将迈入人工智能时代!”世界上无论是政界还是商界的精英都纷纷涌入Z国,无不是为了‘人工智能’。而这个人工智能,被命名为‘琳’!在一个极具含金量的科技发布会上,所有人的眼睛直勾勾的盯着台上一位端庄靓丽的年轻姑娘,一颦一笑妩媚动人却又不失优雅…… 如果它自己不说,没人会想到这样一个女孩竟然是机器人,不,严格的说是人工智能机器人。记者:“请问你作为人工智能机器人,出生在Z国,是只打算服务于Z国吗?会服务于Z国军方吗?”琳:“我作为人工智能,是人类智慧的结晶,将服务于整个世界,我也会竭尽全力和人类携手迈进人工智能时代!”创造琳的人,名叫许晨,曾就职于工厂。 只是现在已经没有人知道他的消息了,只知道有一位神秘人突然就创造出了人工智能……
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